コード例 #1
     value = {"copy_between" /* , "copy" */},
     can_be_const = true,
     content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_CONTENT_TYPE,
     category = {IOperatorCategory.LIST})
 @doc(deprecated = "Deprecated. Use copy_between(list, int, int) instead")
 public static IList copy_between(final IScope scope, final IList l1, final GamaPoint p) {
   return Containers.copy_between(scope, l1, (int) nullCheck(scope, p).x, (int) p.y);
 public void should_Place_Container_In_JFrame_Without_Showing() {
   FrameFixture frameFixture = null;
   try {
     frameFixture = Containers.frameFixtureFor(robot, panel);
   } finally {
コード例 #3
     value = {"collate"},
     content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_ELEMENT_CONTENT_TYPE)
     deprecated =
         "The idiom 'collate' is considered as deprecated. Please use 'interleave' instead.",
     value =
         "a new list containing the interleaved elements of the containers contained in the operand",
     comment =
         "the operand should be a list of lists of elements. The result is a list of elements. ",
     examples = {
       @example("interleave([1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8]) 	--: 	[1,2,3,4,5,7,6,8]"),
           "interleave([['e11','e12','e13'],['e21','e22','e23'],['e31','e32','e33']])  --:  [e11,e21,e31,e12,e22,e32,e13,e23,e33]")
 public static IList collate(final IScope scope, final IContainer cc) {
   return Containers.interleave(scope, cc);
   // final Iterator it = new Guava.InterleavingIterator(toArray(nullCheck(scope,
   // cc).iterable(scope), Object.class));
   // return GamaListFactory.create(Iterators.toArray(it, Object.class), Types.NO_TYPE);
コード例 #4
/** @author Jiri Rechtacek, Radek Matous */
public class UpdateTableModel extends UnitCategoryTableModel {
  // just prevents from gc, do not delete
  private OperationContainer<InstallSupport> container = Containers.forUpdate();
  private OperationContainer<OperationSupport> containerCustom = Containers.forCustomInstall();

  private static String col0, col1, col2;

   * Creates a new instance of UpdateTableModel
   * @param units
  public UpdateTableModel(List<UpdateUnit> units) {

  public final void setUnits(List<UpdateUnit> units) {
    setData(Utilities.makeUpdateCategories(units, false));

  public void setValueAt(Object anValue, int row, int col) {
    if (isExpansionControlAtRow(row)) return; // NOI18N
    // second column is editable but doesn't want to edit its value
    if (col == 1) {
    super.setValueAt(anValue, row, col);
    Unit u = getUnitAtRow(row);
    assert anValue instanceof Boolean : anValue + " must be instanceof Boolean.";
    boolean beforeMarked = u.isMarked();
    if ((Boolean) anValue != beforeMarked) {
      if (u.isMarked() != beforeMarked) {
      } else {
        // TODO: message should contain spec.version
        String message =
                u.getDisplayName()); // NOI18N
        DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(message));

  public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    Object res = null;
    if (isExpansionControlAtRow(row)) return ""; // NOI18N
    Unit u = getUnitAtRow(row);
    switch (col) {
      case 0:
        res = u.isMarked() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
      case 1:
        res = u.getDisplayName();
      case 2:
        res = u.getCategoryName();

    return res;

  public int getColumnCount() {
    return 3;

  public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
    Class res = null;

    switch (c) {
      case 0:
        res = Boolean.class;
      case 1:
        res = DisplayName.class;
      case 2:
        res = String.class;

    return res;

  public String getColumnName(int column) {
    switch (column) {
      case 0:
        if (col0 == null) {
          col0 = getBundle("UpdateTableModel_Columns_Update");
        return col0;
      case 1:
        if (col1 == null) {
          col1 = getBundle("UpdateTableModel_Columns_Name");
        return col1;
      case 2:
        if (col2 == null) {
          col2 = getBundle("UpdateTableModel_Columns_Category");
        return col2;

    assert false;
    return super.getColumnName(column);

  public int getPreferredWidth(JTableHeader header, int col) {
    final int minWidth = super.getMinWidth(header, col);
    switch (col) {
      case 1:
        return minWidth * 4;
      case 2:
        return minWidth * 2;
    return minWidth;

  public Type getType() {
    return UnitCategoryTableModel.Type.UPDATE;

  public class DisplayName {
    public DisplayName(String name) {}

  public boolean isSortAllowed(Object columnIdentifier) {
    boolean isUpdate = getColumnName(0).equals(columnIdentifier);
    return isUpdate ? false : true;

  protected Comparator<Unit> getComparator(
      final Object columnIdentifier, final boolean sortAscending) {
    return new Comparator<Unit>() {
      public int compare(Unit o1, Unit o2) {
        Unit unit1 = sortAscending ? o1 : o2;
        Unit unit2 = sortAscending ? o2 : o1;
        if (getColumnName(0).equals(columnIdentifier)) {
          assert false : columnIdentifier.toString();
        } else if (getColumnName(1).equals(columnIdentifier)) {
          return Unit.compareDisplayNames(unit1, unit2);
        } else if (getColumnName(2).equals(columnIdentifier)) {
          return Unit.compareCategories(unit1, unit2);
        return 0;

  public int getDownloadSize() {
    int res = 0;
    assert container != null || containerCustom != null
        : "OperationContainer found when asking for download size.";
    Set<OperationInfo> infos = new HashSet<OperationInfo>();
    Set<UpdateElement> elements = new HashSet<UpdateElement>();
    for (OperationInfo info : infos) {
    for (UpdateElement el : elements) {
      res += el.getDownloadSize();
    return res;

  private String getBundle(String key) {
    return NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), key);

  public String getTabTitle() {
    return NbBundle.getMessage(
        PluginManagerUI.class, "PluginManagerUI_UnitTab_Update_Title"); // NOI18N

  public String getTabTooltipText() {
    if (isTabEnabled()) {
      return super.getTabTooltipText();
    return NbBundle.getMessage(PluginManagerUI.class, "PluginManagerUI_UnitTab_Update_ToolTip");

  public int getTabIndex() {
    return PluginManagerUI.INDEX_OF_UPDATES_TAB;

  public boolean isTabEnabled() {
    return true; // getRawItemCount() > 0;

  public boolean needsRestart() {
    return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: KTypeHashSet.java プロジェクト: vsonnier/hppcrt
/*! ${TemplateOptions.generatedAnnotation} !*/
public class KTypeHashSet<KType> extends AbstractKTypeCollection<KType>
    implements KTypeLookupContainer<KType>, KTypeSet<KType>, Cloneable {
   * Hash-indexed array holding all set entries.
   * <p>Direct set iteration: iterate {keys[i]} for i in [0; keys.length[ where keys[i] != 0/null,
   * then also {0/null} is in the set if {@link #allocatedDefaultKey} = true.
  public /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.KTypePrimitive)
         KType []
         #else !*/ Object[]
      /*! #end !*/

  /*! #if ($RH) !*/
   * #if ($RH) Caches the hash value = hash(keys[i]) & mask, if keys[i] != 0/null, for every index
   * i. #end
   * @see #assigned
  /*! #end !*/
  /*! #if ($RH) !*/
  protected int[] hash_cache;
  /*! #end !*/

  /** True if key = 0/null is in the map. */
  public boolean allocatedDefaultKey = false;

  /** Cached number of assigned slots in {@link #keys}. */
  protected int assigned;

   * The load factor for this map (fraction of allocated slots before the buffers must be rehashed
   * or reallocated).
  protected final double loadFactor;

  /** Resize buffers when {@link #keys} hits this value. */
  private int resizeAt;

  /** Per-instance perturbation introduced in rehashing to create a unique key distribution. */
  private final int perturbation = Containers.randomSeed32();

  /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.KTypeGeneric) !*/

   * Override this method, together with {@link #equalKeys(Object, Object)} to customize the hashing
   * strategy. Note that this method is guaranteed to be called with a non-null key argument. By
   * default, this method calls key.{@link #hashCode()}.
   * @param key KType to be hashed.
   * @return the hashed value of key, following the same semantic as {@link #hashCode()};
   * @see #hashCode()
   * @see #equalKeys(Object, Object)
  protected int hashKey(final KType key) {

    // default maps on Object.hashCode()
    return key.hashCode();

   * Override this method together with {@link #hashKey(Object)} to customize the hashing strategy.
   * Note that this method is guaranteed to be called with both non-null arguments. By default, this
   * method calls a.{@link #equals(b)}.
   * @param a not-null KType to be compared
   * @param b not-null KType to be compared
   * @return true if a and b are considered equal, following the same semantic as {@link
   *     #equals(Object)}.
   * @see #equals(Object)
   * @see #hashKey(Object)
  protected boolean equalKeys(final KType a, final KType b) {

    // default maps on Object.equals()
    return Intrinsics.<KType>equalsNotNull(a, b);

  /*! #end !*/

   * Default constructor: Creates a hash set with the default capacity of {@link
   * Containers#DEFAULT_EXPECTED_ELEMENTS}, load factor of {@link
   * HashContainers#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR}.
  public KTypeHashSet() {

   * Creates a hash set with the given capacity, load factor of {@link
   * HashContainers#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR}.
  public KTypeHashSet(final int initialCapacity) {
    this(initialCapacity, HashContainers.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);

  /** Creates a hash set with the given capacity and load factor. */
  public KTypeHashSet(final int initialCapacity, final double loadFactor) {
    this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
    // take into account of the load factor to guarantee no reallocations before reaching
    // initialCapacity.
    allocateBuffers(HashContainers.minBufferSize(initialCapacity, loadFactor));

  /** Creates a hash set from elements of another container. Default load factor is used. */
  public KTypeHashSet(final KTypeContainer<KType> container) {

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean add(KType key) {

    if (Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(key)) {

      if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

        return false;

      this.allocatedDefaultKey = true;

      return true;

    final int mask = this.keys.length - 1;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    int slot = REHASH(key) & mask;
    KType existing;

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    final int[] cached = this.hash_cache;
    KType tmpKey;
    int tmpAllocated;
    int initial_slot = slot;
    int dist = 0;
    int existing_distance = 0;

    /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
    final KType originalKey = key;
    /*! #end !*/

    /*! #end !*/

    while (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[slot])) {

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      existing_distance = probe_distance(slot, cached);

      // When first entering the while loop, then key == original key to search.
      // So either:
      // 1) key is immediately found and the routine bail out,
      // or
      // 2) If the Robin-hood criteria of distance is not met, we search the next slot, (usual
      // linear probing)
      // or
      // 3) else the criteria of distance is met, then (key) is swapped with the ones in
      // slot position which becomes the new (key) to consider. This is OK because keys are swapped
      // only if dist > existing_distance,
      // i.e only if the key to add is NOT in the set, see contains(). So we steal the rich (a
      // previously entered key, favored because having being inserted
      // in a less crowed array) to give to the poor, the now inserted key. Then, we start searching
      // again in the next slot.

      /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
      // if the original key been swapped by the Robin-hood process, we actually never enter the
      // following if, so we are fine.
      if (!KEYEQUALS(key, originalKey)) {

        assert !KEYEQUALS(key, existing);
      /*! #end !*/
      /*! #end !*/

      /*! #if($RH) !*/
      // Robin-hood shortcut: if key exists, it can only be found in dist <= existing_distance
      // range.
      // indeed we should expect to never see an existing element with a shorter probe count
      // (existing_distance)
      // than our current count (dist): if that had happened, there would’ve been a swap during
      // insertion, see below.
      // also see contains() and remove() for the same trick.
      /*! #end !*/
      if (
      /*! #if ($RH) !*/ dist <= existing_distance && /*! #end !*/ KEYEQUALS(key, existing)) {
        return false;

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      // re-shuffle keys to minimize variance
      if (dist > existing_distance) {

        // we actually enter here only if the key to add is NOT in the set.

        // swap current (key, value, initial_slot) with slot places
        tmpKey = keys[slot];
        keys[slot] = key;
        key = tmpKey;

        tmpAllocated = cached[slot];
        cached[slot] = initial_slot;
        initial_slot = tmpAllocated;

        /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
        // Check invariants
        assert cached[slot] == (REHASH(keys[slot]) & mask);
        assert initial_slot == (REHASH(key) & mask);
        /*! #end !*/

        dist = existing_distance;
      /*! #end !*/

      slot = (slot + 1) & mask;
      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      /*! #end !*/

    // Check if we need to grow. If so, reallocate new data,
    // fill in the last element and rehash.
    if (this.assigned == this.resizeAt) {

      expandAndAdd(key, slot);
    } else {
      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      cached[slot] = initial_slot;
      /*!  #end !*/

      keys[slot] = key;

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
      // Check invariants
      assert cached[slot] == (REHASH(keys[slot]) & mask);
      /*! #end !*/
      /*! #end !*/
    return true;

  /** Adds two elements to the set. */
  public int add(final KType e1, final KType e2) {
    int count = 0;
    if (add(e1)) {
    if (add(e2)) {
    return count;

   * Vararg-signature method for adding elements to this set.
   * <p><b>This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous array passing)</b>
   * @return Returns the number of elements that were added to the set (were not present in the
   *     set).
  public int add(final KType... elements) {
    int count = 0;
    for (final KType e : elements) {
      if (add(e)) {
    return count;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int addAll(final KTypeContainer<? extends KType> container) {
    return addAll((Iterable<? extends KTypeCursor<? extends KType>>) container);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int addAll(final Iterable<? extends KTypeCursor<? extends KType>> iterable) {
    int count = 0;
    for (final KTypeCursor<? extends KType> cursor : iterable) {
      if (add(cursor.value)) {
    return count;

   * Expand the internal storage buffers (capacity) or rehash current keys and values if there are a
   * lot of deleted slots.
  private void expandAndAdd(final KType pendingKey, final int freeSlot) {
    assert this.assigned == this.resizeAt;

    // default sentinel value is never in the keys[] array, so never trigger reallocs
    assert (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(pendingKey));

    // Try to allocate new buffers first. If we OOM, it'll be now without
    // leaving the data structure in an inconsistent state.
    final KType[] oldKeys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

        HashContainers.nextBufferSize(this.keys.length, this.assigned, this.loadFactor));

    // We have succeeded at allocating new data so insert the pending key/value at
    // the free slot in the old arrays before rehashing.


    oldKeys[freeSlot] = pendingKey;

    // Variables for adding
    final int mask = this.keys.length - 1;

    KType key = Intrinsics.<KType>empty();
    // adding phase
    int slot = -1;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    final int[] cached = this.hash_cache;
    /*! #end !*/

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    KType tmpKey = Intrinsics.<KType>empty();
    int tmpAllocated = -1;
    int initial_slot = -1;
    int dist = -1;
    int existing_distance = -1;
    /*! #end !*/

    // iterate all the old arrays to add in the newly allocated buffers
    // It is important to iterate backwards to minimize the conflict chain length !
    final int perturb = this.perturbation;

    for (int i = oldKeys.length; --i >= 0; ) {

      // only consider non-empty slots, of course
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(key = oldKeys[i])) {

        slot = REHASH2(key, perturb) & mask;

        /*! #if ($RH) !*/
        initial_slot = slot;
        dist = 0;
        /*! #end !*/

        // similar to add(), except all inserted keys are known to be unique.
        while (is_allocated(slot, keys)) {
          /*! #if ($RH) !*/
          // re-shuffle keys to minimize variance
          existing_distance = probe_distance(slot, cached);

          if (dist > existing_distance) {
            // swap current (key, value, initial_slot) with slot places
            tmpKey = keys[slot];
            keys[slot] = key;
            key = tmpKey;

            tmpAllocated = cached[slot];
            cached[slot] = initial_slot;
            initial_slot = tmpAllocated;

            /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
            // Check invariants
            assert cached[slot] == (REHASH(keys[slot]) & mask);
            assert initial_slot == (REHASH(key) & mask);
            /*! #end !*/

            dist = existing_distance;
          } // endif
          /*! #end !*/

          slot = (slot + 1) & mask;

          /*! #if ($RH) !*/
          /*! #end !*/
        } // end while

        // place it at that position
        /*! #if ($RH) !*/
        cached[slot] = initial_slot;
        /*! #end !*/

        keys[slot] = key;

        /*! #if ($RH) !*/
        /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
        // Check invariants
        assert cached[slot] == (REHASH(keys[slot]) & mask);
        /*! #end !*/
        /*! #end !*/

   * Allocate internal buffers for a given capacity.
   * @param capacity New capacity (must be a power of two).
  private void allocateBuffers(final int capacity) {
    try {

      final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType>newArray(capacity);

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      final int[] allocated = new int[capacity];
      /*! #end !*/

      this.keys = keys;

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      this.hash_cache = allocated;
      /*! #end !*/

      // allocate so that there is at least one slot that remains allocated = false
      // this is compulsory to guarantee proper stop in searching loops
      this.resizeAt = HashContainers.expandAtCount(capacity, this.loadFactor);
    } catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {

      throw new BufferAllocationException(
          "Not enough memory to allocate buffers to grow from %d -> %d elements",
          e, (this.keys == null) ? 0 : this.keys.length, capacity);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int removeAll(final KType key) {
    return remove(key) ? 1 : 0;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean remove(final KType key) {

    if (Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(key)) {

      if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

        this.allocatedDefaultKey = false;
        return true;

      return false;

    final int mask = this.keys.length - 1;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    int slot = REHASH(key) & mask;
    KType existing;

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    int dist = 0;
    final int[] cached = this.hash_cache;
    /*! #end !*/

    while (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[slot])
        /*! #if ($RH) !*/ && dist <= probe_distance(slot, cached) /*! #end !*/) {
      if (KEYEQUALS(key, existing)) {

        return true;
      slot = (slot + 1) & mask;

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      /*! #end !*/
    } // end while true

    return false;

  /** Shift all the slot-conflicting keys allocated to (and including) <code>slot</code>. */
  private void shiftConflictingKeys(int gapSlot) {

    final int mask = this.keys.length - 1;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    final int[] cached = this.hash_cache;
    /*!  #else
    final int perturb = this.perturbation;
    #end !*/

    // Perform shifts of conflicting keys to fill in the gap.
    int distance = 0;

    while (true) {

      final int slot = (gapSlot + (++distance)) & mask;

      final KType existing = keys[slot];

      if (Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing)) {

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      // use the cached value, no need to recompute
      final int idealSlotModMask = cached[slot];
      /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
      // Check invariants
      assert idealSlotModMask == (REHASH(existing) & mask);
      /*! #end !*/
      /*! #else
      final int idealSlotModMask = REHASH2(existing, perturb) & mask;
      #end !*/

      // original HPPC code: shift = (slot - idealSlot) & mask;
      // equivalent to shift = (slot & mask - idealSlot & mask) & mask;
      // since slot and idealSlotModMask are already folded, we have :
      final int shift = (slot - idealSlotModMask) & mask;

      if (shift >= distance) {
        // Entry at this position was originally at or before the gap slot.
        // Move the conflict-shifted entry to the gap's position and repeat the procedure
        // for any entries to the right of the current position, treating it
        // as the new gap.
        keys[gapSlot] = existing;

        /*! #if ($RH) !*/
        cached[gapSlot] = idealSlotModMask;
        /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
        assert cached[gapSlot] == (REHASH(existing) & mask);
        /*! #end !*/
        /*! #end !*/

        gapSlot = slot;
        distance = 0;
    } // end while

    // Mark the last found gap slot without a conflict as empty.
    keys[gapSlot] = Intrinsics.<KType>empty();


  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean contains(final KType key) {

    if (Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(key)) {

      return this.allocatedDefaultKey;

    final int mask = this.keys.length - 1;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    int slot = REHASH(key) & mask;
    KType existing;

    /*! #if ($RH) !*/
    final int[] cached = this.hash_cache;
    int dist = 0;
    /*! #end !*/

    while (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[slot])
        /*! #if ($RH) !*/ && dist <= probe_distance(slot, cached) /*! #end !*/) {
      if (KEYEQUALS(key, existing)) {
        return true;
      slot = (slot + 1) & mask;

      /*! #if ($RH) !*/
      /*! #end !*/
    } // end while true

    return false;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>Does not release internal buffers.
  public void clear() {
    this.assigned = 0;

    // States are always cleared.
    this.allocatedDefaultKey = false;

    // Faster than Arrays.fill(keys, null); // Help the GC.
    KTypeArrays.blankArray(this.keys, 0, this.keys.length);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int size() {
    return this.assigned + (this.allocatedDefaultKey ? 1 : 0);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int capacity() {

    return this.resizeAt;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int hashCode() {
    int h = 0;

    // allocated default key has hash = 0

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    for (int i = keys.length; --i >= 0; ) {
      KType existing;
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[i])) {
        h += BitMixer.mix(existing);

    return h;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
    if (obj != null) {
      if (obj == this) {
        return true;

      // must be of the same class, subclasses are not comparable
      if (obj.getClass() != this.getClass()) {

        return false;

      final KTypeSet<KType> other = (KTypeSet<KType>) obj;

      // must be of the same size
      if (other.size() != this.size()) {
        return false;

      final EntryIterator it = this.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {
        if (!other.contains(it.next().value)) {
          // recycle
          return false;
      return true;
    return false;

   * An iterator implementation for {@link #iterator}. Holds a KTypeCursor returning (value, index)
   * = (KType value, index the position in {@link KTypeHashSet#keys}, or keys.length for key =
   * 0/null.)
  public final class EntryIterator extends AbstractIterator<KTypeCursor<KType>> {
    public final KTypeCursor<KType> cursor;

    public EntryIterator() {
      this.cursor = new KTypeCursor<KType>();
      this.cursor.index = -2;

     * Iterate backwards w.r.t the buffer, to minimize collision chains when filling another hash
     * container (ex. with putAll())
    protected KTypeCursor<KType> fetch() {
      if (this.cursor.index == KTypeHashSet.this.keys.length + 1) {

        if (KTypeHashSet.this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

          this.cursor.index = KTypeHashSet.this.keys.length;
          this.cursor.value = Intrinsics.<KType>empty();

          return this.cursor;
        // no value associated with the default key, continue iteration...
        this.cursor.index = KTypeHashSet.this.keys.length;

      int i = this.cursor.index - 1;

      while (i >= 0 && !is_allocated(i, Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(KTypeHashSet.this.keys))) {

      if (i == -1) {
        return done();

      this.cursor.index = i;
      this.cursor.value = Intrinsics.<KType>cast(KTypeHashSet.this.keys[i]);
      return this.cursor;

  /** internal pool of EntryIterator */
  protected final IteratorPool<KTypeCursor<KType>, EntryIterator> entryIteratorPool =
      new IteratorPool<KTypeCursor<KType>, EntryIterator>(
          new ObjectFactory<EntryIterator>() {

            public EntryIterator create() {

              return new EntryIterator();

            public void initialize(final EntryIterator obj) {
              obj.cursor.index = KTypeHashSet.this.keys.length + 1;

            public void reset(final EntryIterator obj) {
              /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.KTypeGeneric) !*/
              obj.cursor.value = null;
              /*! #end !*/


  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public EntryIterator iterator() {
    // return new EntryIterator();
    return this.entryIteratorPool.borrow();

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public <T extends KTypeProcedure<? super KType>> T forEach(final T procedure) {
    if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {


    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    // Iterate in reverse for side-stepping the longest conflict chain
    // in another hash, in case apply() is actually used to fill another hash container.
    for (int i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      KType existing;
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[i])) {

    return procedure;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public KType[] toArray(final KType[] target) {
    int count = 0;

    if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

      target[count++] = Intrinsics.<KType>empty();

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      KType existing;
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[i])) {
        target[count++] = existing;

    assert count == this.size();

    return target;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public KTypeHashSet<KType> clone() {
    // clone to size() to prevent eventual exponential growth
    final KTypeHashSet<KType> cloned = new KTypeHashSet<KType>(this.size(), this.loadFactor);

    // We must NOT clone, because of the independent perturbation seeds

    return cloned;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public <T extends KTypePredicate<? super KType>> T forEach(final T predicate) {
    if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

      if (!predicate.apply(Intrinsics.<KType>empty())) {

        return predicate;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    // Iterate in reverse for side-stepping the longest conflict chain
    // in another hash, in case apply() is actually used to fill another hash container.
    for (int i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      KType existing;
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[i])) {
        if (!predicate.apply(existing)) {

    return predicate;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int removeAll(final KTypePredicate<? super KType> predicate) {
    final int before = this.size();

    if (this.allocatedDefaultKey) {

      if (predicate.apply(Intrinsics.<KType>empty())) {
        this.allocatedDefaultKey = false;

    final KType[] keys = Intrinsics.<KType[]>cast(this.keys);

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ) {
      KType existing;
      if (!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(existing = keys[i]) && predicate.apply(existing)) {

        // Shift, do not increment slot.
      } else {

    return before - this.size();

  /** Create a set from a variable number of arguments or an array of <code>KType</code>. */
  public static <KType> KTypeHashSet<KType> from(final KType... elements) {
    final KTypeHashSet<KType> set = new KTypeHashSet<KType>(elements.length);
    return set;

  /** Create a set from elements of another container. */
  public static <KType> KTypeHashSet<KType> from(final KTypeContainer<KType> container) {
    return new KTypeHashSet<KType>(container);

  /** Create a new hash set with default parameters (shortcut instead of using a constructor). */
  public static <KType> KTypeHashSet<KType> newInstance() {
    return new KTypeHashSet<KType>();

   * Returns a new object of this class with no need to declare generic type (shortcut instead of
   * using a constructor).
  public static <KType> KTypeHashSet<KType> newInstance(
      final int initialCapacity, final double loadFactor) {
    return new KTypeHashSet<KType>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

  // Test for existence in template
  /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.declareInline("is_allocated(slot, keys)",
  "<*>==>!Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(keys[slot])")) !*/
  /** template version (actual method is inlined in generated code) */
  private boolean is_allocated(final int slot, final KType[] keys) {

    return !Intrinsics.<KType>isEmpty(keys[slot]);

  /*! #end !*/

  /*! #if ($RH) !*/
  private int probe_distance(final int slot, final int[] cached) {

    final int rh = cached[slot];

    /*! #if($DEBUG) !*/
    // Check : cached hashed slot is == computed value
    final int mask = cached.length - 1;
    assert rh == (REHASH(Intrinsics.<KType>cast(this.keys[slot])) & mask);
    /*! #end !*/

    if (slot < rh) {
      // wrap around
      return slot - rh + cached.length;

    return slot - rh;
  /*! #end !*/

  /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.declareInline("REHASH(value)",
  "<Object>==>BitMixer.mix(hashKey(value) , this.perturbation)",
  "<*>==>BitMixer.mix(value , this.perturbation)")) !*/
   * REHASH method for rehashing the keys. (inlined in generated code) Thanks to single array mode,
   * no need to check for null/0 or booleans.
  private int REHASH(final KType value) {

    return BitMixer.mix(hashKey(value), this.perturbation);

  /*! #end !*/

  /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.declareInline("REHASH2(value, perturb)",
  "<Object>==>BitMixer.mix(hashKey(value) , perturb)",
  "<*>==>BitMixer.mix(value , perturb)")) !*/
   * REHASH2 method for rehashing the keys with perturbation seed as parameter (inlined in generated
   * code) Thanks to single array mode, no need to check for null/0 or booleans.
  private int REHASH2(final KType value, final int perturb) {

    return BitMixer.mix(hashKey(value), perturb);
  /*! #end !*/

  /*! #if ($TemplateOptions.declareInline("KEYEQUALS(key1, key2)",
  "<Object>==>equalKeys(key1, key2)",
  "<*>==>Intrinsics.<KType> equalsNotNull(key1, key2)")) !*/
  /** macro which hides the applied equality criteria */
  private boolean KEYEQUALS(final KType key1, final KType key2) {

    return equalKeys(key1, key2);
  /*! #end !*/