コード例 #1
  public void testAddRemoveComment() {
    Map vars = fillVariables(users, groups);

    String str =
        "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { createdOn = now, activationTime = now}), ";
    str += "deadlines = new Deadlines(),";
    str += "delegation = new Delegation(),";
    str += "peopleAssignments = new PeopleAssignments(),";
    str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";

    Task task = (Task) eval(new StringReader(str), vars);
    client.addTask(task, null);

    long taskId = task.getId();

    Comment comment = new Comment();
    Date addedAt = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    comment.setText("This is my comment1!!!!!");

    client.addComment(taskId, comment);

    long commentId = comment.getId();

    Task task1 = client.getTask(taskId);
    // We are reusing this for local clients where the object is the same
    // assertNotSame(task, task1);
    // assertFalse(task.equals(task1));

    List<Comment> comments1 = task1.getTaskData().getComments();
    assertEquals(1, comments1.size());
    Comment returnedComment = comments1.get(0);
    assertEquals("This is my comment1!!!!!", returnedComment.getText());
    assertEquals(addedAt, returnedComment.getAddedAt());
    assertEquals(users.get("luke"), returnedComment.getAddedBy());

    assertEquals(commentId, (long) returnedComment.getId());

    // Make the same as the returned tasks, so we can test equals
    assertEquals(task, task1);

    // test we can have multiple comments
    comment = new Comment();
    addedAt = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    comment.setText("This is my comment2!!!!!");

    client.addComment(taskId, comment);
    long commentId2 = comment.getId();

    task1 = client.getTask(taskId);
    List<Comment> comments2 = task1.getTaskData().getComments();
    assertEquals(2, comments2.size());

    // make two collections the same and compare
    assertTrue(CollectionUtils.equals(comments1, comments2));

    client.deleteComment(taskId, commentId2);

    task1 = client.getTask(taskId);
    comments2 = task1.getTaskData().getComments();
    assertEquals(1, comments2.size());

    assertEquals("This is my comment1!!!!!", comments2.get(0).getText());