コード例 #1
  * Writes a length.
  * @param a the data array.
  * @param length the length to be written.
  * @param pos the starting position.
  * @return the number of elements coding <code>length</code>.
 private static int writeInt(final char a[][], int length, long pos) {
   if (length < (1 << 15)) {
     CharBigArrays.set(a, pos, (char) length);
     return 1;
   CharBigArrays.set(a, pos++, (char) (length >>> 16 | 0x8000));
   CharBigArrays.set(a, pos, (char) (length & 0xFFFF));
   return 2;
コード例 #2
  * Creates a new front-coded list containing the arrays returned by the given iterator.
  * @param arrays an iterator returning arrays.
  * @param ratio the desired ratio.
 public CharArrayFrontCodedList(final Iterator<char[]> arrays, final int ratio) {
   if (ratio < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal ratio (" + ratio + ")");
   char[][] array = CharBigArrays.EMPTY_BIG_ARRAY;
   long[] p = LongArrays.EMPTY_ARRAY;
   char[][] a = new char[2][];
   long curSize = 0;
   int n = 0, b = 0, common, length, minLength;
   while (arrays.hasNext()) {
     a[b] = arrays.next();
     length = a[b].length;
     if (n % ratio == 0) {
       p = LongArrays.grow(p, n / ratio + 1);
       p[n / ratio] = curSize;
       array = CharBigArrays.grow(array, curSize + count(length) + length, curSize);
       curSize += writeInt(array, length, curSize);
       CharBigArrays.copyToBig(a[b], 0, array, curSize, length);
       curSize += length;
     } else {
       minLength = a[1 - b].length;
       if (length < minLength) minLength = length;
       for (common = 0; common < minLength; common++) if (a[0][common] != a[1][common]) break;
       length -= common;
       array =
           CharBigArrays.grow(array, curSize + count(length) + count(common) + length, curSize);
       curSize += writeInt(array, length, curSize);
       curSize += writeInt(array, common, curSize);
       CharBigArrays.copyToBig(a[b], common, array, curSize, length);
       curSize += length;
     b = 1 - b;
   this.n = n;
   this.ratio = ratio;
   this.array = CharBigArrays.trim(array, curSize);
   this.p = LongArrays.trim(p, (n + ratio - 1) / ratio);
コード例 #3
  * Extracts the array at the given index.
  * @param index an index.
  * @param a the array that will store the result (we assume that it can hold the result).
  * @param offset an offset into <code>a</code> where elements will be store.
  * @param length a maximum number of elements to store in <code>a</code>.
  * @return the length of the extracted array.
 private int extract(final int index, final char a[], final int offset, final int length) {
   final int delta = index % ratio; // The delta inside the block.
   final long startPos =
               / ratio]; // The position into the array of the first entire word before the
                         // index-th.
   long pos, prevArrayPos;
   int arrayLength = readInt(array, pos = startPos), currLen = 0, actualCommon;
   if (delta == 0) {
     pos = p[index / ratio] + count(arrayLength);
     CharBigArrays.copyFromBig(array, pos, a, offset, Math.min(length, arrayLength));
     return arrayLength;
   int common = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
     prevArrayPos = pos + count(arrayLength) + (i != 0 ? count(common) : 0);
     pos = prevArrayPos + arrayLength;
     arrayLength = readInt(array, pos);
     common = readInt(array, pos + count(arrayLength));
     actualCommon = Math.min(common, length);
     if (actualCommon <= currLen) currLen = actualCommon;
     else {
       CharBigArrays.copyFromBig(array, prevArrayPos, a, currLen + offset, actualCommon - currLen);
       currLen = actualCommon;
   if (currLen < length)
         pos + count(arrayLength) + count(common),
         currLen + offset,
         Math.min(arrayLength, length - currLen));
   return arrayLength + common;
コード例 #4
   * Reads a coded length.
   * @param a the data big array.
   * @param pos the starting position.
   * @return the length coded at <code>pos</code>.
  private static int readInt(final char a[][], long pos) {

    final char c0 = CharBigArrays.get(a, pos);
    return c0 < 0x8000 ? c0 : (c0 & 0x7FFF) << 16 | CharBigArrays.get(a, pos + 1);