public void requestSubSystem(Channel c, String subSystemName) throws IOException { PacketSessionSubsystemRequest ssr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException( "Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); ssr = new PacketSessionSubsystemRequest(c.remoteID, true, subSystemName); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException( "Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(ssr.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The subsystem request failed.").initCause(e); } }
/** * @param charsetName The charset used to convert between Java Unicode Strings and byte encodings */ public void requestExecCommand(Channel c, String cmd, String charsetName) throws IOException { PacketSessionExecCommand sm; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException( "Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); sm = new PacketSessionExecCommand(c.remoteID, true, cmd); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException( "Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload(charsetName)); } log.debug("Executing command (channel " + c.localID + ", '" + cmd + "')"); try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The execute request failed.").initCause(e); } }
private void waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(Channel c) throws IOException { boolean wasInterrupted = false; try { synchronized (c) { while ((c.successCounter == 0) && (c.failedCounter == 0)) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) { String detail = c.getReasonClosed(); if (detail == null) detail = "state: " + c.state; throw new IOException("This SSH2 channel is not open (" + detail + ")"); } try { c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { wasInterrupted = true; } } if (c.failedCounter != 0) { throw new IOException("The server denied the request."); } } } finally { if (wasInterrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
private void waitUntilChannelOpen(Channel c) throws IOException { boolean wasInterrupted = false; synchronized (c) { while (c.state == Channel.STATE_OPENING) { try { c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { wasInterrupted = true; } } if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) { removeChannel(c.localID); String detail = c.getReasonClosed(); if (detail == null) detail = "state: " + c.state; throw new IOException("Could not open channel (" + detail + ")"); } } if (wasInterrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); }
public void requestPTY( Channel c, String term, int term_width_characters, int term_height_characters, int term_width_pixels, int term_height_pixels, byte[] terminal_modes) throws IOException { PacketSessionPtyRequest spr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); spr = new PacketSessionPtyRequest( c.remoteID, true, term, term_width_characters, term_height_characters, term_width_pixels, term_height_pixels, terminal_modes); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(spr.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("PTY request failed").initCause(e); } }
public void requestX11( Channel c, boolean singleConnection, String x11AuthenticationProtocol, String x11AuthenticationCookie, int x11ScreenNumber) throws IOException { PacketSessionX11Request psr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); psr = new PacketSessionX11Request( c.remoteID, true, singleConnection, x11AuthenticationProtocol, x11AuthenticationCookie, x11ScreenNumber); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(psr.getPayload()); } log.debug("Requesting X11 forwarding (Channel " + c.localID + "/" + c.remoteID + ")"); try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The X11 request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void requestShell(Channel c) throws IOException { PacketSessionStartShell sm; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); sm = new PacketSessionStartShell(c.remoteID, true); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The shell request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void sendData(Channel c, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len) throws IOException { boolean wasInterrupted = false; try { while (len > 0) { int thislen = 0; byte[] msg; synchronized (c) { while (true) { if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED) throw new ChannelClosedException( "SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new ChannelClosedException("SSH channel in strange state. (" + c.state + ")"); if (c.remoteWindow != 0) break; try { c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { wasInterrupted = true; } } /* len > 0, no sign extension can happen when comparing */ thislen = (c.remoteWindow >= len) ? len : (int) c.remoteWindow; int estimatedMaxDataLen = c.remoteMaxPacketSize - (tm.getPacketOverheadEstimate() + 9); /* The worst case scenario =) a true bottleneck */ if (estimatedMaxDataLen <= 0) { estimatedMaxDataLen = 1; } if (thislen > estimatedMaxDataLen) thislen = estimatedMaxDataLen; c.remoteWindow -= thislen; msg = new byte[1 + 8 + thislen]; msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24); msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16); msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8); msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID); msg[5] = (byte) (thislen >> 24); msg[6] = (byte) (thislen >> 16); msg[7] = (byte) (thislen >> 8); msg[8] = (byte) (thislen); System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, msg, 9, thislen); } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent == true) throw new ChannelClosedException( "SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(msg); } pos += thislen; len -= thislen; } } finally { if (wasInterrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }