コード例 #1
  public TaxonMappingOptions() {

    beginAlignHorizontally(null, false);
    mapFileOption = addFileSelectionOption("taxonMap", "Mapping File:", "");
        "This file should contain the mapping from your barcode sequence names as they appear in "
            + "your FASTA files to the genus and species of the barcode.  You may choose your own separator and where "
            + "the taxons fall in each line.\n\n<strong>Note</strong>: The name must always be the first element.");

    useInputFiles =
        addBooleanOption("useFasta", "Map using the sequence names in my input files", false);
        "This option causes the names of sequences contained in your FASTA file to be used "
            + "to obtain the mapping instead of a separate mapping file");

    separatorOption =
        addCustomOption(new NameSeparatorOption("separatorOption", "Separate each line with: "));
    genusPartOption = addCustomOption(new NamePartOption("genusPartOption", "Genus is ", 1));
    speciesPartOption = addCustomOption(new NamePartOption("speciesPartOption", "Species is ", 2));

    useInputFiles.addDependent(mapFileOption, false);