コード例 #1
    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
      if (!(o1 instanceof BeliefUpdateTrigger) || !(o2 instanceof BeliefUpdateTrigger))
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot compare objects. Not BeliefUpdateTriggers.");

      BeliefUpdateTrigger t1 = (BeliefUpdateTrigger) o1;
      BeliefUpdateTrigger t2 = (BeliefUpdateTrigger) o2;

      if (t1.getTriggerTimestamp() < t2.getTriggerTimestamp()) return -1;

      if (t1.getTriggerTimestamp() > t2.getTriggerTimestamp()) return 1;

      // If the timestamps are the same, then we define an action to
      // preceed a diagnosis.
      if ((o1 instanceof BelievabilityAction) && (o2 instanceof DiagnosisTrigger)) return -1;

      // Equality case is zero return value.
      return 0;
    } // method compare
コード例 #2
   * Add a trigger to this current history.
   * @param trigger The new trigger to be added.
   * @return False if the trigger is not added. This happens if the timestamp of the trigger
   *     precedes the last computed belief state timestamp.
  boolean add(BeliefUpdateTrigger trigger) {
    // Method implementation comments go here ...

    // I am pretty sure having an inequality here is better.  I
    // originally had "<=", which caused some problems for
    // simultaneous actions/diagnosis.  Anyway, if you are
    // debugging a problem and happen to look here, this might be
    // useful information for you.
    if ((_last_computed_belief != null)
        && (trigger.getTriggerTimestamp() < _last_computed_belief.getTimestamp())) {
      if (_logger.isDetailEnabled()) _logger.detail("Found late arriving trigger.");

      if (!shouldAddLateArrivingTrigger(trigger)) {
        return false;

      if (_logger.isDetailEnabled()) _logger.detail("Decided to add late arriving trigger.");
    } // if late arriving trigger

    // This will simply append it, though we will sort it by
    // timestamp later.

    // BelievabilityDiagnosis objects require some special
    // handling as far as ensuring that our data structures stay
    // current.
    if (trigger instanceof BelievabilityDiagnosis) {
      BelievabilityDiagnosis diag = (BelievabilityDiagnosis) trigger;

      // Must track the last explicit diagnosis for sensors in
      // case we find that we need to add implicit diagnoses for
      // them.
      _last_explicit_diagnosis.put(diag.getSensorName(), trigger);

      // An explict diagnosis should clear out the last implict
      // diagosis if there was any.

      // Also need to track all the sensor names, so that we can
      // handle the case of having received diagnoses from all
      // sensors before the sensor latency window alarm expires.
    } // If this is a diagnosis trigger

    return true;
  } // method add
コード例 #3
   * Looks in the current set of triggers for the trigger with the latest (most recent) trigger
   * time. Assumes that the trigger collection has been sorted and are currently stored in ascending
   * trigger timestamp sorted order. Latest time will be the last one in the list.
  long getLatestCurrentTriggerTime() {
    // Method implementation comments go here ...

    BeliefUpdateTrigger last_trigger;

    try {
      last_trigger = (BeliefUpdateTrigger) _current_triggers.get(_current_triggers.size() - 1);
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) {
      if (_logger.isInfoEnabled()) _logger.info("Cannot get latest trigger time from empty list.");
      return System.currentTimeMillis();

    return last_trigger.getTriggerTimestamp();
  } // method getLatestCurrentTriggerTime