コード例 #1
  public void introduceType(SpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) {

    DBCollection m = getConnection().getCollection(METADATA_COLLECTION_NAME);

    BasicDBObjectBuilder builder =
        BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add(Constants.ID_PROPERTY, typeDescriptor.getTypeName());
    try {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
          out, SpaceTypeDescriptorVersionedSerializationUtils.toSerializableForm(typeDescriptor));

      builder.add(TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELD_NAME, bos.toByteArray());

      WriteResult wr = m.save(builder.get());

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(wr);


    } catch (IOException e) {

      throw new SpaceMongoException(
          "error occurs while serialize and save type descriptor: " + typeDescriptor, e);
コード例 #2
 public DBObject asDBObject() {
   final BasicDBObjectBuilder entryBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();
   return entryBuilder
       .add(SERIALIZED_PAYLOAD_PROPERTY, serializedPayload)
       .add(PAYLOAD_TYPE_PROPERTY, payloadType)
       .add(PAYLOAD_REVISION_PROPERTY, payloadRevision)
       .add(EVENT_TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY, timestamp)
       .add(EVENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, sequenceNumber)
       .add(META_DATA_PROPERTY, serializedMetaData)
       .add(EVENT_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, eventIdentifier)
コード例 #3
  public void testExplain() {
    DBCollection c = _db.getCollection("explain1");

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) c.save(new BasicDBObject("x", i));

    DBObject q = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("x").add("$gt", 50).get();

    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).count());
    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).itcount());
    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).toArray().size());
    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).itcount());
    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(20).itcount());
    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(-20).itcount());

    c.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("x", 1));

    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).count());
    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).toArray().size());
    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).itcount());
    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(20).itcount());
    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(-20).itcount());

    assertEquals(49, c.find(q).explain().get("n"));

    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(20).explain().get("n"));
    assertEquals(20, c.find(q).limit(-20).explain().get("n"));
コード例 #4
     * Returns the current CommitEntry as a mongo DBObject.
     * @return DBObject representing the CommitEntry
    public DBObject asDBObject() {
      final BasicDBList events = new BasicDBList();
      BasicDBObjectBuilder commitBuilder =
              .add(AGGREGATE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, aggregateIdentifier)
              .add(SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, firstSequenceNumber)
              .add(LAST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, lastSequenceNumber)
              .add(FIRST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, firstSequenceNumber)
              .add(TIME_STAMP_PROPERTY, firstTimestamp)
              .add(FIRST_TIME_STAMP_PROPERTY, firstTimestamp)
              .add(LAST_TIME_STAMP_PROPERTY, lastTimestamp)
              .add(EVENTS_PROPERTY, events);

      for (EventEntry eventEntry : eventEntries) {
      return commitBuilder.get();
コード例 #5
 public DBCursor findEvents(DBCollection collection, MongoCriteria criteria) {
   DBObject filter = criteria == null ? null : criteria.asMongoObject();
   DBObject sort =
           .add(CommitEntry.TIME_STAMP_PROPERTY, ORDER_ASC)
           .add(CommitEntry.SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, ORDER_ASC)
   return collection.find(filter).sort(sort);
コード例 #6
 public DBCursor findLastSnapshot(DBCollection collection, String aggregateIdentifier) {
   DBObject mongoEntry =
           .add(CommitEntry.AGGREGATE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, aggregateIdentifier)
   return collection
       .sort(new BasicDBObject(CommitEntry.SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, ORDER_DESC))
コード例 #7
  private static DBObject normalize(DBObject obj) {
    BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();

    Iterator<String> iterator = obj.keySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

      String key = iterator.next();

      if (Constants.ID_PROPERTY.equals(key)) continue;

      Object value = obj.get(key);

      if (value == null) continue;

      builder.add(key, value);

    return builder.get();
コード例 #8
  public void performBatch(List<BatchUnit> rows) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("MongoClientWrapper.performBatch(" + rows + ")");
      logger.trace("Batch size to be performed is " + rows.size());
    // List<Future<? extends Number>> pending = new ArrayList<Future<? extends Number>>();

    for (BatchUnit row : rows) {
      SpaceDocument spaceDoc = row.getSpaceDocument();
      SpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = types.get(row.getTypeName()).getTypeDescriptor();
      SpaceDocumentMapper<DBObject> mapper = getMapper(typeDescriptor);

      DBObject obj = mapper.toDBObject(spaceDoc);

      DBCollection col = getCollection(row.getTypeName());
      switch (row.getDataSyncOperationType()) {
        case WRITE:
        case UPDATE:
        case PARTIAL_UPDATE:
          DBObject query =
                  .add(Constants.ID_PROPERTY, obj.get(Constants.ID_PROPERTY))

          DBObject update = normalize(obj);
          col.update(query, update);
          // case REMOVE_BY_UID: // Not supported by this implementation
        case REMOVE:
          throw new IllegalStateException(
              "Unsupported data sync operation type: " + row.getDataSyncOperationType());

    /*long totalCount = waitFor(pending);

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    	logger.trace("total accepted replies is: " + totalCount);
コード例 #9
  public void testBig() {
    DBCollection c = _db.getCollection("big1");

    String bigString;
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16000);
      for (int i = 0; i < 16000; i++) buf.append("x");
      bigString = buf.toString();

    int numToInsert = (15 * 1024 * 1024) / bigString.length();

    for (int i = 0; i < numToInsert; i++)
      c.save(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("x", i).add("s", bigString).get());

    assert (800 < numToInsert);

    assertEquals(numToInsert, c.find().count());
    assertEquals(numToInsert, c.find().toArray().size());
    assertEquals(numToInsert, c.find().limit(800).count());
    assertEquals(800, c.find().limit(800).toArray().size());

    // negative limit works like negative batchsize, for legacy reason
    int x = c.find().limit(-800).toArray().size();
    assertLess(x, 800);

    DBCursor a = c.find();
    assertEquals(numToInsert, a.itcount());

    DBCursor b = c.find().batchSize(10);
    assertEquals(numToInsert, b.itcount());
    assertEquals(10, b.getSizes().get(0).intValue());

    assertLess(a.numGetMores(), b.numGetMores());

    assertEquals(numToInsert, c.find().batchSize(2).itcount());
    assertEquals(numToInsert, c.find().batchSize(1).itcount());

    assertEquals(numToInsert, _count(c.find(null, null).skip(0).batchSize(5)));
    assertEquals(5, _count(c.find(null, null).skip(0).batchSize(-5)));
コード例 #10
  public void testLimitAndBatchSize() {
    DBCollection c = _db.getCollection("LimitAndBatchSize");

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) c.save(new BasicDBObject("x", i));

    DBObject q = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("x").add("$lt", 200).get();

    DBCursor cur = c.find(q);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(200, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).limit(50);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(50, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).batchSize(50);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(200, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).batchSize(100).limit(50);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(50, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).batchSize(-40);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(40, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).limit(-100);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(100, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).batchSize(-40).limit(20);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(20, cur.itcount());

    cur = c.find(q).batchSize(-20).limit(100);
    assertEquals(0, cur.getCursorId());
    assertEquals(20, cur.itcount());
コード例 #11
  public void indexTweet(Tweet tweet) {


    DBObject dbObject =
            // .add("_id", status.getId())
            .add("id", tweet.getId())
            .add("text", tweet.getText())
            .add("created_at", tweet.getCreatedAt())
            .add("hashtags", tweet.getHashTags())
            .add("userId", tweet.getUserId())
            .add("userName", tweet.getUserName())
            .add("userScreenName", tweet.getUserScreenName())
            .add("coordinates", tweet.getCoordinates())

    // WriteConcern wc = WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED;
    WriteConcern wc = WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED;
    wc = wc.continueOnError(true);

    WriteResult writeResult = this.dbCollection.insert(dbObject, wc);
コード例 #12
 private static BasicDBObjectBuilder baseNotificationBuilder(String login, String messageType) {
   return BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("date", new Date())
       .add("login", login)
       .add("type", messageType);
コード例 #13
  * Returns the mongo DBObject used to query mongo for events for specified aggregate identifier.
  * @param aggregateIdentifier Identifier of the aggregate to obtain the mongo DBObject for
  * @param firstSequenceNumber number representing the first event to obtain
  * @return Created DBObject based on the provided parameters to be used for a query
 public static DBObject forAggregate(String aggregateIdentifier, long firstSequenceNumber) {
   return BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
       .add(CommitEntry.AGGREGATE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, aggregateIdentifier)
       .add(CommitEntry.SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PROPERTY, new BasicDBObject("$gte", firstSequenceNumber))
コード例 #14
ファイル: DB.java プロジェクト: rstam/mongo-java-driver
   * Evaluates JavaScript functions on the database server. This is useful if you need to touch a
   * lot of data lightly, in which case network transfer could be a bottleneck.
   * @param code @{code String} representation of JavaScript function
   * @param args arguments to pass to the JavaScript function
   * @return result of the command execution
   * @throws MongoException
  public CommandResult doEval(String code, Object... args) {

    return command(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("$eval", code).add("args", args).get());
コード例 #15
class DBTCPConnector implements DBConnector {

  static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(Bytes.LOGGER.getName() + ".tcp");
  static Logger _createLogger = Logger.getLogger(_logger.getName() + ".connect");

  public DBTCPConnector(Mongo m, ServerAddress addr) throws MongoException {
    _mongo = m;
    _portHolder = new DBPortPool.Holder(m._options);


    if (addr.isPaired()) {
      _allHosts = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>(addr.explode());
      _createLogger.info("switch to paired mode : " + _allHosts + " -> " + _curAddress);
    } else {
      _allHosts = null;

  public DBTCPConnector(Mongo m, ServerAddress... all) throws MongoException {
    this(m, Arrays.asList(all));

  public DBTCPConnector(Mongo m, List<ServerAddress> all) throws MongoException {
    _mongo = m;
    _portHolder = new DBPortPool.Holder(m._options);

    _allHosts = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>(all); // make a copy so it can't be modified

    _createLogger.info(all + " -> " + _curAddress);

  private static ServerAddress _checkAddress(ServerAddress addr) {
    if (addr == null) throw new NullPointerException("address can't be null");
    return addr;

  private static ServerAddress _checkAddress(List<ServerAddress> addrs) {
    if (addrs == null) throw new NullPointerException("addresses can't be null");
    if (addrs.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("need to specify at least 1 address");
    return addrs.get(0);

   * Start a "request".
   * <p>A "request" is a group of operations in which order matters. Examples include inserting a
   * document and then performing a query which expects that document to have been inserted, or
   * performing an operation and then using com.mongodb.Mongo.getLastError to perform error-checking
   * on that operation. When a thread performs operations in a "request", all operations will be
   * performed on the same socket, so they will be correctly ordered.
  public void requestStart() {

   * End the current "request", if this thread is in one.
   * <p>By ending a request when it is safe to do so the built-in connection- pool is allowed to
   * reassign requests to different sockets in order to more effectively balance load. See
   * requestStart for more information.
  public void requestDone() {

  public void requestEnsureConnection() {

  WriteResult _checkWriteError(MyPort mp, DBPort port) throws MongoException {

    CommandResult e = _mongo.getDB("admin").getLastError();

    Object foo = e.get("err");
    if (foo == null) return new WriteResult(e);

    int code = -1;
    if (e.get("code") instanceof Number) code = ((Number) e.get("code")).intValue();
    String s = foo.toString();
    if (code == 11000 || code == 11001 || s.startsWith("E11000") || s.startsWith("E11001"))
      throw new MongoException.DuplicateKey(code, s);
    throw new MongoException(code, s);

  public WriteResult say(DB db, OutMessage m, DB.WriteConcern concern) throws MongoException {
    MyPort mp = _threadPort.get();
    DBPort port = mp.get(true);

    try {
      if (concern == DB.WriteConcern.STRICT) {
        return _checkWriteError(mp, port);
      } else {
        return new WriteResult(db, port);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (concern == DB.WriteConcern.NONE) {
        CommandResult res = new CommandResult();
        res.put("ok", false);
        res.put("$err", "NETWORK ERROR");
        return new WriteResult(res);
      throw new MongoException.Network("can't say something", ioe);
    } catch (MongoException me) {
      throw me;
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
      throw re;

  public Response call(DB db, DBCollection coll, OutMessage m) throws MongoException {
    return call(db, coll, m, 2);

  public Response call(DB db, DBCollection coll, OutMessage m, int retries) throws MongoException {

    final MyPort mp = _threadPort.get();
    final DBPort port = mp.get(false);


    Response res = null;
    try {
      res = port.call(m, coll);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (_error(ioe) && retries > 0) {
        return call(db, coll, m, retries - 1);
      throw new MongoException.Network("can't call something", ioe);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
      throw re;

    ServerError err = res.getError();

    if (err != null && err.isNotMasterError()) {
      if (retries <= 0) {
        throw new MongoException("not talking to master and retries used up");
      return call(db, coll, m, retries - 1);

    return res;

  public ServerAddress getAddress() {
    return _curAddress;

  public List<ServerAddress> getAllAddress() {
    return _allHosts;

  public String getConnectPoint() {
    return _curAddress.toString();

  boolean _error(Throwable t) throws MongoException {
    if (_allHosts != null) {
      System.out.println("paired mode, switching master b/c of: " + t);
    return true;

  class MyPort {

    DBPort get(boolean keep) {

      if (_internalStack > 1) {
        if (_last == null) {
          System.err.println("_internalStack > 1 and _last is null!");
        } else {
          return _last;

      if (_port != null) return _port;

      try {
        DBPort p = _curPortPool.get();
        if (keep && _inRequest) _port = p;

        _last = p;
        return p;
      } catch (DBPortPool.NoMoreConnection nmc) {
        _internalStack = 0;
        throw nmc;

    void done(DBPort p) {

      if (_internalStack <= 0) {
        int prev = _internalStack;
        throw new IllegalStateException("done called and _internalStack was: " + _internalStack);


      if (p != _port && _internalStack == 0) _curPortPool.done(p);

      if (_internalStack < 0) {
        System.err.println("_internalStack < 0 : " + _internalStack);
        _internalStack = 0;

    void error(Exception e) {

      _internalStack = 0;
      _last = null;

    void requestEnsureConnection() {
      if (!_inRequest) return;

      if (_port != null) return;

      _port = _curPortPool.get();

    void requestStart() {
      _inRequest = true;
      if (_port != null) {
        _port = null;
        System.err.println("ERROR.  somehow _port was not null at requestStart");

    void requestDone() {
      if (_port != null) _curPortPool.done(_port);
      _port = null;
      _inRequest = false;
      if (_internalStack > 0) {
        System.err.println("_internalStack in requestDone should be 0 is: " + _internalStack);
        _internalStack = 0;

    void _reset() {
      _internalStack = 0;
      _port = null;
      _last = null;

    int _internalStack = 0;

    DBPort _port;
    DBPort _last;
    boolean _inRequest;

  void _pickInitial() throws MongoException {
    if (_curAddress != null) return;

    // we need to just get a server to query for ismaster

    try {
      _logger.info("current address beginning of _pickInitial: " + _curAddress);

      DBObject im = isMasterCmd();
      if (_isMaster(im)) return;

      synchronized (_allHosts) {
        for (ServerAddress a : _allHosts) {
          if (_curAddress == a) continue;

          _logger.info("remote [" + _curAddress + "] -> [" + a + "]");

          im = isMasterCmd();
          if (_isMaster(im)) return;

          _logger.severe("switched to: " + a + " but isn't master");

        throw new MongoException("can't find master");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "can't pick initial master, using random one", e);

  private void _pickCurrent() throws MongoException {
    if (_allHosts == null)
      throw new MongoException(
          "got master/slave issue but not in master/slave mode on the client side");

    synchronized (_allHosts) {
      for (int i = 0; i < _allHosts.size(); i++) {
        ServerAddress a = _allHosts.get(i);
        if (a == _curAddress) continue;

        if (_curAddress != null) {
          _logger.info("switching from [" + _curAddress + "] to [" + a + "]");


    throw new MongoException("couldn't find a new host to swtich too");

  private boolean _set(ServerAddress addr) {
    if (_curAddress == addr) return false;
    _curAddress = addr;
    _curPortPool = _portHolder.get(addr.getSocketAddress());
    return true;

  public String debugString() {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("DBTCPConnector: ");
    if (_allHosts != null) buf.append("paired : ").append(_allHosts);
    else buf.append(_curAddress).append(" ").append(_curAddress._addr);

    return buf.toString();

  DBObject isMasterCmd() {
    DBCollection collection = _mongo.getDB("admin").getCollection("$cmd");

    Iterator<DBObject> i = collection.__find(_isMaster, null, 0, 1, 0);
    if (i == null || !i.hasNext()) throw new MongoException("no result for ismaster query?");

    DBObject res = i.next();
    if (i.hasNext()) throw new MongoException("what's going on");

    return res;

  boolean _isMaster(DBObject res) {
    Object x = res.get("ismaster");
    if (x == null) throw new IllegalStateException("ismaster shouldn't be null: " + res);

    if (x instanceof Boolean) return (Boolean) x;

    if (x instanceof Number) return ((Number) x).intValue() == 1;

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ismaster [" + x + "] : " + x.getClass().getName());

  public void close() {

  final Mongo _mongo;
  private ServerAddress _curAddress;
  private DBPortPool _curPortPool;
  private DBPortPool.Holder _portHolder;
  private final List<ServerAddress> _allHosts;

  private final ThreadLocal<MyPort> _threadPort =
      new ThreadLocal<MyPort>() {
        protected MyPort initialValue() {
          return new MyPort();

  private static final DBObject _isMaster = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("ismaster", 1).get();