private Iterable<Artifact> getAllProtoSources() { NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> protos = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); if (experimentalAutoUnion() && targetType == TargetType.LINKING_TARGET) { Iterable<ObjcProtoProvider> objcProtoProviders = ruleContext.getPrerequisites("deps", Mode.TARGET, ObjcProtoProvider.class); for (ObjcProtoProvider objcProtoProvider : objcProtoProviders) { protos.addTransitive(objcProtoProvider.getProtoSources()); } } protos.addTransitive(attributes.getProtoFiles()); return; }
/** * Validates proto support. * * <ul> * <li>Validates that there are protos specified to be compiled. * <li>Validates that, when enabling the open source protobuf library, the options for the PB2 * are not specified also. * <li>Validates that, when enabling the open source protobuf library, the rule specifies at * least one portable proto filter file. * </ul> * * @return this proto support */ public ProtoSupport validate() { if (attributes.getProtoFiles().isEmpty()) { ruleContext.ruleError(NO_PROTOS_ERROR); } if (usesProtobufLibrary()) { if (attributes.getPortableProtoFilters().isEmpty()) { ruleContext.ruleError(PORTABLE_PROTO_FILTERS_EMPTY_ERROR); } if (attributes.outputsCpp() || attributes.usesObjcHeaderNames() || attributes.needsPerProtoIncludes() || attributes.getOptionsFile() != null) { ruleContext.ruleError(PORTABLE_PROTO_FILTERS_NOT_EXCLUSIVE_ERROR); } } return this; }