static Throwable wrapWithAddendum(Throwable ex, String addendum, boolean after) { if (ex instanceof AssertionFailedError) { AssertionFailedError ne = new AssertionFailedError(combineMessages(ex, addendum, after)); if (ex.getCause() != null) { ne.initCause(ex.getCause()); } ne.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()); return ne; } if (ex instanceof AssertionError) { // preferred in JUnit 4 AssertionError ne = new AssertionError(combineMessages(ex, addendum, after)); if (ex.getCause() != null) { ne.initCause(ex.getCause()); } ne.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()); return ne; } if (ex instanceof IOException) { // #66208 IOException ne = new IOException(combineMessages(ex, addendum, after)); if (ex.getCause() != null) { ne.initCause(ex.getCause()); } ne.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()); return ne; } if (ex instanceof Exception) { return new InvocationTargetException(ex, combineMessages(ex, addendum, after)); } return ex; }
private static String encode(String s) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("UTF-8 isn't available"); ae.initCause(ex); throw ae; } }
private static <T> Object invoke(T actual, Method getter) { try { return getter.invoke(actual); } catch (Exception e) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError(String.format("Exception invoking %s", getter.toGenericString())); error.initCause(e); throw error; } }
private static <T> T newDefaultInstance(Class<T> configClass) { try { return configClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError( String.format("Exception creating default instance of %s", configClass.getName())); error.initCause(e); throw error; } }
@org.junit.Test public void parseTest() throws IOException { if (htmlExpectFile != null) assertNotNull("Missing expect file: " + htmlExpectFile.getAbsolutePath(), htmlFile); Object retVal = null; try { CreoleParser parser = new CreoleParser(); parser.setPrivileges(EnumSet.allOf(JCreolePrivilege.class)); /* Replace the statement above with something like this to test * privileges: parser.setPrivileges(EnumSet.of( JCreolePrivilege.ENUMFORMATS, JCreolePrivilege.TOC, JCreolePrivilege.RAWHTML, JCreolePrivilege.STYLESHEET, JCreolePrivilege.JCXBLOCK, JCreolePrivilege.JCXSPAN, JCreolePrivilege.STYLER )); */ parser.setInterWikiMapper( new InterWikiMapper() { // Use wiki name of "nil" to force lookup failure for path. // Use wiki page of "nil" to force lookup failure for label. public String toPath(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiName != null && wikiName.equals("nil")) return null; return "{WIKI-LINK to: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } public String toLabel(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiPage == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null page name sent to InterWikiMapper"); if (wikiPage.equals("nil")) return null; return "{LABEL for: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } }); retVal = parser.parse(CreoleScanner.newCreoleScanner(creoleFile, false, null)); } catch (Exception e) { if (!shouldSucceed) return; // A ok. No output file to write. AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("Failed to parse '" + creoleFile + "'"); ae.initCause(e); throw ae; } FileUtils.writeStringToFile( htmlFile, ((retVal == null) ? "" : (((WashedSymbol) retVal).toString())), "UTF-8"); if (!shouldSucceed) fail("Should have failed, but generated '" + htmlFile + "'"); assertTrue( "From '" + creoleFile + "': '" + htmlFile + "' != '" + htmlExpectFile + "'", FileUtils.contentEquals(htmlExpectFile, htmlFile)); htmlFile.delete(); }
/** * Used for an assertion. Returns true when the message is unconsumed, or otherwise throw an * exception. * * <p>Calling this method also marks the stream as 'consumed' */ private boolean unconsumed() { if (payloadLocalName == null) { return true; } // no payload. can be consumed multiple times. if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError( "StreamMessage has been already consumed. See the nested exception for where it's consumed"); error.initCause(consumedAt); throw error; } consumedAt = new Exception().fillInStackTrace(); return true; }
private void initProcessorIterator(Context context, Iterable<? extends Processor> processors) { Log log = Log.instance(context); Iterator<? extends Processor> processorIterator; if (options.isSet(XPRINT)) { try { Processor processor = PrintingProcessor.class.newInstance(); processorIterator = List.of(processor).iterator(); } catch (Throwable t) { AssertionError assertError = new AssertionError("Problem instantiating PrintingProcessor."); assertError.initCause(t); throw assertError; } } else if (processors != null) { processorIterator = processors.iterator(); } else { String processorNames = options.get(PROCESSOR); JavaFileManager fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); try { // If processorpath is not explicitly set, use the classpath. processorClassLoader = fileManager.hasLocation(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_PATH) ? fileManager.getClassLoader(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_PATH) : fileManager.getClassLoader(CLASS_PATH); /* * If the "-processor" option is used, search the appropriate * path for the named class. Otherwise, use a service * provider mechanism to create the processor iterator. */ if (processorNames != null) { processorIterator = new NameProcessIterator(processorNames, processorClassLoader, log); } else { processorIterator = new ServiceIterator(processorClassLoader, log); } } catch (SecurityException e) { /* * A security exception will occur if we can't create a classloader. * Ignore the exception if, with hindsight, we didn't need it anyway * (i.e. no processor was specified either explicitly, or implicitly, * in service configuration file.) Otherwise, we cannot continue. */ processorIterator = handleServiceLoaderUnavailability("proc.cant.create.loader", e); } } discoveredProcs = new DiscoveredProcessors(processorIterator); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr") public void error(String message, @Nullable Throwable t, @NotNull String... details) { t = checkException(t); System.err.println("ERROR: " + message); if (t != null) t.printStackTrace(System.err); if (details.length > 0) { System.out.println("details: "); for (String detail : details) { System.out.println(detail); } } AssertionError error = new AssertionError(message); error.initCause(t); throw error; }
public void initialize(int myColor, long timeLimit) { String color = null; if (myColor == GameBoard.RED) { color = "Red"; } else { color = "Green"; } pattern = Pattern.compile(".*" + color + "move=(null|([0-9]+),([0-9]+))"); String logfile = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "reversi.log"; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logfile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("Logfile not found"); ae.initCause(e); throw ae; } }
/** * Create a PropertyColumn from a property name, column name, row and column classes, and column * width. The render and editor default to null, and updateRow, updateSubsequentRows, and * updateTable all default to false. * * <p>This generates an editable column if a setter exists for this property, and a non-editable * property if the setter doesn't exist. For more complex behavior, override {@code * isEditable(_RowType)} * * @param pPropertyName The name of the property of instances of the specified row class * @param pColumnName The name of the column * @param pRowClass The class of the table row instances * @param pValueClass The class of the values of this column * @param pPrefWidth the preferred width of this column * @throws AssertionError if pRowClass doesn't have a getter for this property name. */ public PropertyColumn( String pPropertyName, String pColumnName, Class pRowClass, Class pValueClass, int pPrefWidth) { super(pColumnName, getWrapper(pValueClass), pPrefWidth); try { mGetterMethod = generateGetter(pPropertyName, pRowClass, this); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { AssertionError err = new AssertionError(e.getMessage()); err.initCause(e); throw err; } Method setter = null; try { setter = generateSetter(pPropertyName, pRowClass, this); setEditable(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { setEditable(false); } mSetterMethod = setter; }
public Coordinates nextMove(GameBoard gb) { while (true) { String line; try { line = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("Failed to read from logfile"); ae.initCause(e); throw ae; } Matcher m = pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if ("null")) { return null; } else { int x = Integer.parseInt(; int y = Integer.parseInt(; return new Coordinates(x, y); } } } }
@Override public void close() throws ElasticsearchException { RuntimeException remove = INFLIGHT_ENGINE_SEARCHERS.remove(this); synchronized (lock) { // make sure we only get this once and store the stack of the first caller! if (remove == null) { assert firstReleaseStack != null; AssertionError error = new AssertionError( "Released Searcher more than once, source [" + wrappedSearcher.source() + "]"); error.initCause(firstReleaseStack); throw error; } else { assert firstReleaseStack == null; firstReleaseStack = new RuntimeException( "Searcher Released first here, source [" + wrappedSearcher.source() + "]"); } } final int refCount = wrappedSearcher.reader().getRefCount(); // this assert seems to be paranoid but given LUCENE-5362 we better add some assertions here // to make sure we catch any potential // problems. assert refCount > 0 : "IndexReader#getRefCount() was [" + refCount + "] expected a value > [0] - reader is already closed. Initial refCount was: [" + initialRefCount + "]"; try { wrappedSearcher.close(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { logger.debug("Failed to release searcher", ex); throw ex; } }
/** * Checks whether an exception matches the expected pattern. If <code> * sap</code> contains an error location, checks this too. * * @param ex Exception thrown * @param expectedMsgPattern Expected pattern * @param sap Query and (optional) position in query */ public static void checkEx( Throwable ex, String expectedMsgPattern, SqlParserUtil.StringAndPos sap) { if (null == ex) { if (expectedMsgPattern == null) { // No error expected, and no error happened. return; } else { throw new AssertionError( "Expected query to throw exception, " + "but it did not; query [" + sap.sql + "]; expected [" + expectedMsgPattern + "]"); } } Throwable actualException = ex; String actualMessage = actualException.getMessage(); int actualLine = -1; int actualColumn = -1; int actualEndLine = 100; int actualEndColumn = 99; // Search for an CalciteContextException somewhere in the stack. CalciteContextException ece = null; for (Throwable x = ex; x != null; x = x.getCause()) { if (x instanceof CalciteContextException) { ece = (CalciteContextException) x; break; } if (x.getCause() == x) { break; } } // Search for a SqlParseException -- with its position set -- somewhere // in the stack. SqlParseException spe = null; for (Throwable x = ex; x != null; x = x.getCause()) { if ((x instanceof SqlParseException) && (((SqlParseException) x).getPos() != null)) { spe = (SqlParseException) x; break; } if (x.getCause() == x) { break; } } if (ece != null) { actualLine = ece.getPosLine(); actualColumn = ece.getPosColumn(); actualEndLine = ece.getEndPosLine(); actualEndColumn = ece.getEndPosColumn(); if (ece.getCause() != null) { actualException = ece.getCause(); actualMessage = actualException.getMessage(); } } else if (spe != null) { actualLine = spe.getPos().getLineNum(); actualColumn = spe.getPos().getColumnNum(); actualEndLine = spe.getPos().getEndLineNum(); actualEndColumn = spe.getPos().getEndColumnNum(); if (spe.getCause() != null) { actualException = spe.getCause(); actualMessage = actualException.getMessage(); } } else { final String message = ex.getMessage(); if (message != null) { Matcher matcher = LINE_COL_TWICE_PATTERN.matcher(message); if (matcher.matches()) { actualLine = Integer.parseInt(; actualColumn = Integer.parseInt(; actualEndLine = Integer.parseInt(; actualEndColumn = Integer.parseInt(; actualMessage =; } else { matcher = LINE_COL_PATTERN.matcher(message); if (matcher.matches()) { actualLine = Integer.parseInt(; actualColumn = Integer.parseInt(; } } } } if (null == expectedMsgPattern) { if (null != actualException) { actualException.printStackTrace(); fail( "Validator threw unexpected exception" + "; query [" + sap.sql + "]; exception [" + actualMessage + "]; class [" + actualException.getClass() + "]; pos [line " + actualLine + " col " + actualColumn + " thru line " + actualLine + " col " + actualColumn + "]"); } } else { if (null == actualException) { fail( "Expected validator to throw " + "exception, but it did not; query [" + sap.sql + "]; expected [" + expectedMsgPattern + "]"); } else { String sqlWithCarets; if ((actualColumn <= 0) || (actualLine <= 0) || (actualEndColumn <= 0) || (actualEndLine <= 0)) { if (sap.pos != null) { AssertionError e = new AssertionError( "Expected error to have position," + " but actual error did not: " + " actual pos [line " + actualLine + " col " + actualColumn + " thru line " + actualEndLine + " col " + actualEndColumn + "]"); e.initCause(actualException); throw e; } sqlWithCarets = sap.sql; } else { sqlWithCarets = SqlParserUtil.addCarets( sap.sql, actualLine, actualColumn, actualEndLine, actualEndColumn + 1); if (sap.pos == null) { throw new AssertionError( "Actual error had a position, but expected error" + " did not. Add error position carets to sql:\n" + sqlWithCarets); } } if (actualMessage != null) { actualMessage = Util.toLinux(actualMessage); } if ((actualMessage == null) || !actualMessage.matches(expectedMsgPattern)) { actualException.printStackTrace(); final String actualJavaRegexp = (actualMessage == null) ? "null" : TestUtil.quoteForJava(TestUtil.quotePattern(actualMessage)); fail( "Validator threw different " + "exception than expected; query [" + sap.sql + "];\n" + " expected pattern [" + expectedMsgPattern + "];\n" + " actual [" + actualMessage + "];\n" + " actual as java regexp [" + actualJavaRegexp + "]; pos [" + actualLine + " col " + actualColumn + " thru line " + actualEndLine + " col " + actualEndColumn + "]; sql [" + sqlWithCarets + "]"); } else if ((sap.pos != null) && ((actualLine != sap.pos.getLineNum()) || (actualColumn != sap.pos.getColumnNum()) || (actualEndLine != sap.pos.getEndLineNum()) || (actualEndColumn != sap.pos.getEndColumnNum()))) { fail( "Validator threw expected " + "exception [" + actualMessage + "];\nbut at pos [line " + actualLine + " col " + actualColumn + " thru line " + actualEndLine + " col " + actualEndColumn + "];\nsql [" + sqlWithCarets + "]"); } } } }
/** * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with the given cause. * * <p>Declared to return AssertionError, so that calling code can look like "throw * Assertions.error("badness")". This helps the compiler know execution can't proceed. * * @param cause * @param message * @param parameters * @return does not return */ public static AssertionError error(Throwable cause, String message, Object... parameters) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError(String.format(message, parameters)); error.initCause(cause); throw error; }
/** * Fails a test with the given message and wrapping the original exception. * * @param message the assertion error message * @param realCause the original exception */ private static void fail(String message, Throwable realCause) { AssertionError ae = new AssertionError(message); ae.initCause(realCause); throw ae; }
public ApplicationDescriptor(Class<?> applicationClass) throws Exception { // Load config JSON config; InputStream in = null; try { in = applicationClass.getResourceAsStream("config.json"); String s =; config = (JSON) JSON.parse(s); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } finally { Tools.safeClose(in); } // Class<?> packageClass; try { packageClass = applicationClass .getClassLoader() .loadClass(applicationClass.getPackage().getName() + ".package-info"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("Cannot load package class"); ae.initCause(e); throw ae; } // HashMap<String, ApplicationPlugin> pluginMap = new HashMap<String, ApplicationPlugin>(); for (ApplicationPlugin plugin : ServiceLoader.load(ApplicationPlugin.class)) { pluginMap.put(plugin.getName(), plugin); } // HashMap<String, Descriptor> pluginDescriptors = new HashMap<String, Descriptor>(); for (String name : config.names()) { ApplicationPlugin plugin = pluginMap.get(name); if (plugin == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Handle me gracefully : missing plugin " + name); } JSON pluginConfig = config.getJSON(name); Descriptor pluginDescriptor = plugin.init(applicationClass.getClassLoader(), pluginConfig); pluginDescriptors.put(name, pluginDescriptor); } // for (Iterator<String> i = pluginMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String name =; if (!pluginDescriptors.containsKey(name)) { i.remove(); } } // this.applicationClass = applicationClass; = applicationClass.getSimpleName(); this.packageName = applicationClass.getPackage().getName(); this.templates = (TemplatesDescriptor) pluginDescriptors.get("template"); this.packageClass = packageClass; this.controllers = (ControllersDescriptor) pluginDescriptors.get("controller"); this.pluginDescriptors = pluginDescriptors; this.plugins = pluginMap; }
/** Alternative to AssertionError(String, Throwable), which doesn't exist in Java 1.6 */ private static AssertionError newAssertionError(String message, Throwable cause) { AssertionError e = new AssertionError(message); e.initCause(cause); return e; }