private String newItem(Set<String> suggestions) { XDialog xDialog = getDialog(getDialogLibraryName() + ".NewDialog"); if (xDialog != null) { String[] sItems = Misc.sortStringSet(suggestions); DialogAccess ndlg = new DialogAccess(xDialog); ndlg.setListBoxStringItemList("Name", sItems); String sResult = null; if (xDialog.execute() == ExecutableDialogResults.OK) { DialogAccess dlg = new DialogAccess(xDialog); sResult = dlg.getTextFieldText("Name"); } xDialog.endExecute(); return sResult; } return null; }
private void styleFamilyChange(DialogAccess dlg) { short nNewFamily = dlg.getListBoxSelectedItem("StyleFamily"); if (nNewFamily > -1 && nNewFamily != nCurrentFamily) { // The user has changed the family; load and display the corresponding style names updateStyleMaps(dlg); nCurrentFamily = nNewFamily; sCurrentStyleName = null; String[] sStyleNames = Misc.sortStringSet(styleMap[nNewFamily].keySet()); dlg.setListBoxStringItemList("StyleName", sStyleNames); if (sStyleNames.length > 0) { dlg.setListBoxSelectedItem("StyleName", (short) 0); } else { dlg.setListBoxSelectedItem("StyleName", (short) -1); } updateStyleControls(dlg); styleNameChange(dlg); } }