Esempio n. 1
 public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb, String[] fs, long idx) {
   Vec vecs[] = vecs();
   for (int c = 0; c < fs.length; c++) {
     Vec vec = vecs[c];
     if (vec.isEnum()) {
       String s = "----------";
       if (!vec.isNA(idx)) {
         int x = (int) vec.at8(idx);
         if (x >= 0 && x < vec._domain.length) s = vec._domain[x];
       sb.append(String.format(fs[c], s));
     } else if (vec.isInt()) {
       if (vec.isNA(idx)) {
         Chunk C = vec.elem2BV(0); // 1st Chunk
         int len = C.pformat_len0(); // Printable width
         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sb.append('-');
       } else {
         try {
           sb.append(String.format(fs[c], vec.at8(idx)));
         } catch (IllegalFormatException ife) {
           System.out.println("Format: " + fs[c] + " col=" + c + " not for ints");
     } else {
       if (vec.isNA(idx)) sb.append(' ');
     sb.append(' '); // Column seperator
   return sb;
Esempio n. 2
 public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[]) {
   long rstart = chks[0]._start;
   int rlen = chks[0]._len; // Total row count
   int rx = 0; // Which row to in/ex-clude
   int rlo = 0; // Lo/Hi for this block of rows
   int rhi = rlen;
   while (true) { // Still got rows to include?
     if (_rows != null) { // Got a row selector?
       if (rx >= _rows.length) break; // All done with row selections
       long r = _rows[rx++] - 1; // Next row selector
       if (r < 0) { // Row exclusion
         if (rx > 0 && _rows[rx - 1] < _rows[rx]) throw H2O.unimpl();
         long er = Math.abs(r) - 2;
         if (er < rstart) continue;
         // scoop up all of the rows before the first exclusion
         if (rx == 1 && ((int) (er + 1 - rstart)) > 0 && _ex) {
           rlo = (int) rstart;
           rhi = (int) (er - rstart);
           _ex = false;
         } else {
           rlo = (int) (er + 1 - rstart);
           // TODO: handle jumbled row indices ( e.g. -c(1,5,3) )
           while (rx < _rows.length && (_rows[rx] + 1 == _rows[rx - 1] && rlo < rlen)) {
             if (rx < _rows.length - 1 && _rows[rx] < _rows[rx + 1]) throw H2O.unimpl();
             rlo++; // Exclude consecutive rows
           rhi = rx >= _rows.length ? rlen : (int) Math.abs(_rows[rx] - 1) - 2;
           if (rx < _rows.length - 1 && _rows[rx] < _rows[rx + 1]) throw H2O.unimpl();
       } else { // Positive row list?
         if (r < rstart) continue;
         rlo = (int) (r - rstart);
         rhi = rlo + 1; // Stop at the next row
         while (rx < _rows.length && (_rows[rx] - 1 - rstart) == rhi && rhi < rlen) {
           rhi++; // Grab sequential rows
     // Process this next set of rows
     // For all cols in the new set
     for (int i = 0; i < _cols.length; i++) {
       Chunk oc = chks[_cols[i]];
       NewChunk nc = nchks[i];
       if (oc._vec.isInt()) { // Slice on integer columns
         for (int j = rlo; j < rhi; j++)
           if (oc.isNA0(j)) nc.addNA();
           else nc.addNum(oc.at80(j), 0);
       } else { // Slice on double columns
         for (int j = rlo; j < rhi; j++) nc.addNum(oc.at0(j));
     rlo = rhi;
     if (_rows == null) break;
Esempio n. 3
 public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[]) {
   Chunk pred = chks[chks.length - 1];
   for (int i = 0; i < pred._len; ++i) {
     if (pred.at0(i) != 0)
       for (int j = 0; j < chks.length - 1; ++j) nchks[j].addNum(chks[j].at0(i));
Esempio n. 4
  * Global redistribution of a Frame (balancing of chunks), done by calling process (all-to-one +
  * one-to-all)
  * @param fr Input frame
  * @param seed RNG seed
  * @param shuffle whether to shuffle the data globally
  * @return Shuffled frame
 public static Frame shuffleAndBalance(
     final Frame fr, int splits, long seed, final boolean local, final boolean shuffle) {
   if ((fr.vecs()[0].nChunks() < splits || shuffle) && fr.numRows() > splits) {
     Vec[] vecs = fr.vecs().clone();"Load balancing dataset, splitting it into up to " + splits + " chunks.");
     long[] idx = null;
     if (shuffle) {
       idx = new long[splits];
       for (int r = 0; r < idx.length; ++r) idx[r] = r;
       Utils.shuffleArray(idx, seed);
     Key keys[] = new Vec.VectorGroup().addVecs(vecs.length);
     final long rows_per_new_chunk = (long) (Math.ceil((double) fr.numRows() / splits));
     // loop over cols (same indexing for each column)
     Futures fs = new Futures();
     for (int col = 0; col < vecs.length; col++) {
       AppendableVec vec = new AppendableVec(keys[col]);
       // create outgoing chunks for this col
       NewChunk[] outCkg = new NewChunk[splits];
       for (int i = 0; i < splits; ++i) outCkg[i] = new NewChunk(vec, i);
       // loop over all incoming chunks
       for (int ckg = 0; ckg < vecs[col].nChunks(); ckg++) {
         final Chunk inCkg = vecs[col].chunkForChunkIdx(ckg);
         // loop over local rows of incoming chunks (fast path)
         for (int row = 0; row < inCkg._len; ++row) {
           int outCkgIdx =
               (int) ((inCkg._start + row) / rows_per_new_chunk); // destination chunk idx
           if (shuffle)
             outCkgIdx = (int) (idx[outCkgIdx]); // shuffle: choose a different output chunk
           assert (outCkgIdx >= 0 && outCkgIdx < splits);
       for (int i = 0; i < outCkg.length; ++i) outCkg[i].close(i, fs);
       Vec t = vec.close(fs);
       t._domain = vecs[col]._domain;
       vecs[col] = t;
     fs.blockForPending();"Load balancing done.");
     return new Frame(fr.names(), vecs);
   return fr;
Esempio n. 5
 // Print fixed-width row & fixed-width headers (more compressed print
 // format).  Returns the column formats.
 public String[] toStringHdr(StringBuilder sb) {
   String[] fs = new String[numCols()];
   for (int c = 0; c < fs.length; c++) {
     String n = (c < _names.length) ? _names[c] : ("C" + c);
     if (numRows() == 0) {
       sb.append(n).append(' ');
     int w = 0;
     if (_vecs[c].isEnum()) {
       String ss[] = _vecs[c]._domain;
       for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) w = Math.max(w, ss[i].length());
       w = Math.min(w, 10);
       fs[c] = "%" + w + "." + w + "s";
     } else {
       Chunk C = _vecs[c].elem2BV(0); // 1st Chunk
       String f = fs[c] = C.pformat(); // Printable width
       for (int x = 0; x < f.length(); x++) // Get printable width from format
       if (Character.isDigit(f.charAt(x))) w = w * 10 + (f.charAt(x) - '0');
         else if (w > 0) break;
       if (f.charAt(1) == ' ') w++; // Leading blank is not in print-width
     int len = sb.length();
     if (n.length() <= w) { // Short name, big digits
       for (int i = n.length(); i < w; i++) sb.append(' ');
     } else if (w == 1) { // First char only
     } else if (w == 2) { // First 2 chars only
     } else { // First char dot lastchars; e.g. Compress "Interval" to "I.val"
       for (int i = n.length() - (w - 2); i < n.length(); i++) sb.append(n.charAt(i));
     assert len + w == sb.length();
     sb.append(' '); // Column seperator
   return fs;
Esempio n. 6
 public void map(Chunk cs) {
   int idx = _chunkOffset + cs.cidx();
   Key ckey = Vec.chunkKey(_v._key, idx);
   if (_cmap != null) {
     assert !cs.hasFloat()
         : "Input chunk (" + cs.getClass() + ") has float, but is expected to be categorical";
     NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(_v, idx);
     // loop over rows and update ints for new domain mapping according to vecs[c].domain()
     for (int r = 0; r < cs._len; ++r) {
       if (cs.isNA(r)) nc.addNA();
       else nc.addNum(_cmap[(int) cs.at8(r)], 0);
   } else {
     DKV.put(ckey, cs.deepCopy(), _fs, true);
Esempio n. 7
 public void map(Chunk ys) {
   _ys = new long[_nclass];
   for (int i = 0; i < ys._len; i++) if (!ys.isNA0(i)) _ys[(int) ys.at80(i)]++;
Esempio n. 8
  * Extract (sparse) rows from given chunks. Note: 0 remains 0 - _normSub of DataInfo isn't used
  * (mean shift during standarization is not reverted) - UNLESS offset is specified (for GLM only)
  * Essentially turns the dataset 90 degrees.
  * @param chunks - chunk of dataset
  * @return array of sparse rows
 public final Row[] extractSparseRows(Chunk[] chunks) {
   Row[] rows = new Row[chunks[0]._len];
   long startOff = chunks[0].start();
   for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
     rows[i] =
         new Row(
             Math.min(_nums, 16),
             startOff); // if sparse, _nums is the correct number of nonzero values! i.e., do not
     // use numNums()
     rows[i].rid = chunks[0].start() + i;
     if (_offset) {
       rows[i].offset = chunks[offsetChunkId()].atd(i);
       if (Double.isNaN(rows[i].offset)) rows[i].bad = true;
     if (_weights) {
       rows[i].weight = chunks[weightChunkId()].atd(i);
       if (Double.isNaN(rows[i].weight)) rows[i].bad = true;
     if (_skipMissing) {
       int N = _cats + _nums;
       for (int c = 0; c < N; ++c) if (chunks[c].isNA(i)) rows[i].bad = true;
   // categoricals
   for (int i = 0; i < _cats; ++i) {
     for (int r = 0; r < chunks[0]._len; ++r) {
       Row row = rows[r];
       if (row.bad) continue;
       int cid = getCategoricalId(i, chunks[i].isNA(r) ? _catModes[i] : (int) chunks[i].at8(r));
       if (cid >= 0) row.binIds[row.nBins++] = cid;
   // generic numbers + interactions
   int interactionOffset = 0;
   for (int cid = 0; cid < _nums; ++cid) {
     Chunk c = chunks[_cats + cid];
     int oldRow = -1;
     if (c
             .InteractionWrappedChunk) { // for each row, only 1 value in an interaction is 'hot'
       // all other values are off (i.e., are 0)
       for (int r = 0;
           r < c._len;
           ++r) { // the vec is "vertically" dense and "horizontally" sparse (i.e., every row has
         // one, and only one, value)
         Row row = rows[r];
         if (row.bad) continue;
         if (c.isNA(r)) row.bad = _skipMissing;
         int cidVirtualOffset =
                 chunks, _cats + cid, r); // the "virtual" offset into the hot-expanded interaction
             _numOffsets[cid] + cidVirtualOffset,
             c.atd(r)); // FIXME: if this produces a "true" NA then should sub with mean? with?
       interactionOffset += nextNumericIdx(cid);
     } else {
       for (int r = c.nextNZ(-1); r < c._len; r = c.nextNZ(r)) {
         if (c.atd(r) == 0) continue;
         assert r > oldRow;
         oldRow = r;
         Row row = rows[r];
         if (row.bad) continue;
         if (c.isNA(r)) row.bad = _skipMissing;
         double d = c.atd(r);
         if (Double.isNaN(d)) d = _numMeans[cid];
         if (_normMul != null) d *= _normMul[interactionOffset];
         row.addNum(_numOffsets[cid], d);
   // response(s)
   for (int i = 1; i <= _responses; ++i) {
     int rid = responseChunkId(i - 1);
     Chunk rChunk = chunks[rid];
     for (int r = 0; r < chunks[0]._len; ++r) {
       Row row = rows[r];
       if (row.bad) continue;
       row.response[i - 1] = rChunk.atd(r);
       if (_normRespMul != null) {
         row.response[i - 1] = (row.response[i - 1] - _normRespSub[i - 1]) * _normRespMul[i - 1];
       if (Double.isNaN(row.response[row.response.length - i])) row.bad = true;
   return rows;
Esempio n. 9
 public Rows rows(Chunk[] chks) {
   int cnt = 0;
   for (Chunk c : chks) if (c.isSparseZero()) ++cnt;
   return rows(chks, cnt > (chks.length >> 1));