   * PS: Test will fail if for some reason we cannot do 50 ops/sec against a hash map. So yeah,
   * pretty unlikely.
  public void testQuotaPctUsageCalculation() throws Exception {
    File tempDir = TestUtils.createTempDir();

    FileBackedCachingStorageEngine quotaStore =
        new FileBackedCachingStorageEngine("quota-usage-test-store", tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
    InMemoryStorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> inMemoryEngine =
        new InMemoryStorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]>("inMemoryBackingStore");
    QuotaLimitStats quotaStats = new QuotaLimitStats(null, 1000);
    StatTrackingStore statTrackingStore = new StatTrackingStore(inMemoryEngine, null);

    QuotaLimitingStore quotaLimitingStore =
        new QuotaLimitingStore(
            statTrackingStore, statTrackingStore.getStats(), quotaStats, quotaStore);

    int targetRate = 50;
    // provide a quota of 100 gets/sec
        new ByteArray(
            QuotaUtils.makeQuotaKey(statTrackingStore.getName(), QuotaType.GET_THROUGHPUT)
        new Versioned<byte[]>("100.0".getBytes()),

    long testIntervalMs = 5000;
    long timeToSleepMs = 1000 / targetRate;
    long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
    ByteArray key = new ByteArray("some key".getBytes());
    while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs) <= testIntervalMs) {
      quotaLimitingStore.get(key, null);

    assertEquals("No get operations should be throttled", 0, quotaStats.getRateLimitedGets());
    assertEquals("Put usage should be 0", 0, quotaStats.getQuotaPctUsedPut());
    assertEquals("delete usage should be 0", 0, quotaStats.getQuotaPctUsedDelete());
    assertEquals("getall usage should be 0", 0, quotaStats.getQuotaPctUsedGetAll());

        "Computed usage pct must be close to actual observed qps",