Esempio n. 1
 private void addContractFlags(String chars) {
   char c0;
   int c;
   int len = chars.length();
   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
     c0 = chars.charAt(i);
     c = Character.isHighSurrogate(c0) ? Character.toCodePoint(c0, chars.charAt(++i)) : c0;
     contractFlags.put(c, 1);
Esempio n. 2
   * Create a new entry in the expansion table that contains the orderings for the given characers.
   * If anOrder is valid, it is added to the beginning of the expanded list of orders.
  private int addExpansion(int anOrder, String expandChars) {
    if (expandTable == null) {
      expandTable = new Vector(INITIALTABLESIZE);

    // If anOrder is valid, we want to add it at the beginning of the list
    int offset = (anOrder == RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED) ? 0 : 1;

    int[] valueList = new int[expandChars.length() + offset];
    if (offset == 1) {
      valueList[0] = anOrder;

    int j = offset;
    for (int i = 0; i < expandChars.length(); i++) {
      char ch0 = expandChars.charAt(i);
      char ch1;
      int ch;
      if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch0)) {
        if (++i == expandChars.length() || !Character.isLowSurrogate(ch1 = expandChars.charAt(i))) {
          // ether we are missing the low surrogate or the next char
          // is not a legal low surrogate, so stop loop
        ch = Character.toCodePoint(ch0, ch1);

      } else {
        ch = ch0;

      int mapValue = getCharOrder(ch);

      if (mapValue != RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED) {
        valueList[j++] = mapValue;
      } else {
        // can't find it in the table, will be filled in by commit().
        valueList[j++] = CHARINDEX + ch;
    if (j < valueList.length) {
      // we had at least one supplementary character, the size of valueList
      // is bigger than it really needs...
      int[] tmpBuf = new int[j];
      while (--j >= 0) {
        tmpBuf[j] = valueList[j];
      valueList = tmpBuf;
    // Add the expanding char list into the expansion table.
    int tableIndex = RBCollationTables.EXPANDCHARINDEX + expandTable.size();

    return tableIndex;
Esempio n. 3
  /** Adds the expanding string into the collation table. */
  private final void addExpandOrder(String contractChars, String expandChars, int anOrder)
      throws ParseException {
    // Create an expansion table entry
    int tableIndex = addExpansion(anOrder, expandChars);

    // And add its index into the main mapping table
    if (contractChars.length() > 1) {
      char ch = contractChars.charAt(0);
      if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch) && contractChars.length() == 2) {
        char ch2 = contractChars.charAt(1);
        if (Character.isLowSurrogate(ch2)) {
          // only add into table when it is a legal surrogate
          addOrder(Character.toCodePoint(ch, ch2), tableIndex);
      } else {
        addContractOrder(contractChars, tableIndex);
    } else {
      addOrder(contractChars.charAt(0), tableIndex);
Esempio n. 4
   * Create a table-based collation object with the given rules. This is the main function that
   * actually builds the tables and stores them back in the RBCollationTables object. It is called
   * ONLY by the RBCollationTables constructor.
   * @see java.util.RuleBasedCollator#RuleBasedCollator
   * @exception ParseException If the rules format is incorrect.
  public void build(String pattern, int decmp) throws ParseException {
    boolean isSource = true;
    int i = 0;
    String expChars;
    String groupChars;
    if (pattern.length() == 0) throw new ParseException("Build rules empty.", 0);

    // This array maps Unicode characters to their collation ordering
    mapping = new UCompactIntArray((int) RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED);
    // Normalize the build rules.  Find occurances of all decomposed characters
    // and normalize the rules before feeding into the builder.  By "normalize",
    // we mean that all precomposed Unicode characters must be converted into
    // a base character and one or more combining characters (such as accents).
    // When there are multiple combining characters attached to a base character,
    // the combining characters must be in their canonical order
    // sherman/Note:
    // (1)decmp will be NO_DECOMPOSITION only in ko locale to prevent decompose
    // hangual syllables to jamos, so we can actually just call decompose with
    // normalizer's IGNORE_HANGUL option turned on
    // (2)just call the "special version" in NormalizerImpl directly
    // pattern = Normalizer.decompose(pattern, false, Normalizer.IGNORE_HANGUL, true);
    // Normalizer.Mode mode = NormalizerUtilities.toNormalizerMode(decmp);
    // pattern = Normalizer.normalize(pattern, mode, 0, true);

    pattern = NormalizerImpl.canonicalDecomposeWithSingleQuotation(pattern);

    // Build the merged collation entries
    // Since rules can be specified in any order in the string
    // (e.g. "c , C < d , D < e , E .... C < CH")
    // this splits all of the rules in the string out into separate
    // objects and then sorts them.  In the above example, it merges the
    // "C < CH" rule in just before the "C < D" rule.

    mPattern = new MergeCollation(pattern);

    int order = 0;

    // Now walk though each entry and add it to my own tables
    for (i = 0; i < mPattern.getCount(); ++i) {
      PatternEntry entry = mPattern.getItemAt(i);
      if (entry != null) {
        groupChars = entry.getChars();
        if (groupChars.length() > 1) {
          switch (groupChars.charAt(groupChars.length() - 1)) {
            case '@':
              frenchSec = true;
              groupChars = groupChars.substring(0, groupChars.length() - 1);
            case '!':
              seAsianSwapping = true;
              groupChars = groupChars.substring(0, groupChars.length() - 1);

        order = increment(entry.getStrength(), order);
        expChars = entry.getExtension();

        if (expChars.length() != 0) {
          addExpandOrder(groupChars, expChars, order);
        } else if (groupChars.length() > 1) {
          char ch = groupChars.charAt(0);
          if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch) && groupChars.length() == 2) {
            addOrder(Character.toCodePoint(ch, groupChars.charAt(1)), order);
          } else {
            addContractOrder(groupChars, order);
        } else {
          char ch = groupChars.charAt(0);
          addOrder(ch, order);

           System.out.println("mappingSize=" + mapping.getKSize());
           for (int j = 0; j < 0xffff; j++) {
               int value = mapping.elementAt(j);
               if (value != RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED)
                   System.out.println("index=" + Integer.toString(j, 16)
                              + ", value=" + Integer.toString(value, 16));