public ArrayList<PurchaseOrder> viewPO(String vendorId) throws SQLException { /** * For viewing the details of purchase order corresponding to particular vendor * * @param vendorId * @return ArrayList * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectPoOfVendor); logger.debug( "For fetching the details of purchase order corresponding to particular vendor" + vendorId); preparedStatement.setString(1, vendorId); preparedStatement.setString(2, "APPROVED"); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); ArrayList<PurchaseOrder> purchaseOrders = new ArrayList<PurchaseOrder>(); while ( { String poNo = resultSet.getString(1); Date orderingDate = resultSet.getDate(2); String retailerName = resultSet.getString(3); Date expectedDate = resultSet.getDate(4); String orderBy = resultSet.getString(5); PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder(poNo, orderingDate, retailerName, expectedDate, orderBy); purchaseOrders.add(purchaseOrder); } return purchaseOrders; }
public PurchaseOrder viewPONUmber(String poNumber) throws SQLException { /** * For viewing the details of purchase order corresponding to a particular poNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectPoFromPo); logger.debug( "fetching details of purchase order corresponding to a particular poNumber" + poNumber); preparedStatement.setString(1, poNumber); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { String poNo = resultSet.getString(1); Date orderingDate = resultSet.getDate(2); String retailerName = resultSet.getString(3); Date expectedDate = resultSet.getDate(4); String orderBy = resultSet.getString(5); PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder(poNo, orderingDate, retailerName, expectedDate, orderBy); return purchaseOrder; } return null; }
public long viewDeliveryPin(String billNo) throws SQLException { /** * fetching pincode corresponding to poNumber and billNo * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ long pincode = 0; DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT PINCODE FROM PO_VENDOR WHERE PO_NO IN(SELECT PO_NO FROM BILL_DETAILS WHERE BILL_NO = ?)"); preparedStatement.setString(1, billNo); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { pincode = resultSet.getLong("PINCODE"); logger.debug("fetching pincode corresponding to poNumber and billNo" + billNo); } return pincode; }
public ArrayList<Appointment> viewAppoinment(String vendorId) throws SQLException { /** * fetching appointment details of particular vendor * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); logger.debug("fetching appointment details of particular vendor" + vendorId); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM APPOINTMENT WHERE V_NO=? AND BILL_NO IN(SELECT BILL_NO FROM VENDOR_BILL WHERE READY_FOR_SHIPMENT='NO') ORDER BY STATUS ,BILL_NO ASC"); preparedStatement.setString(1, vendorId); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); ArrayList<Appointment> appointments = new ArrayList<Appointment>(); while ( { String poNo = resultSet.getString(1); String dcNo = resultSet.getString(2); String vNo = resultSet.getString(3); Date expectedDate = resultSet.getDate(4); Date fixedDate = resultSet.getDate(5); String status = resultSet.getString(6); Appointment appointment = new Appointment(poNo, dcNo, vNo, expectedDate, fixedDate, status); appointments.add(appointment); } return appointments; }
public void addVendorBill(VendorBill vendorBill) throws SQLException { /** * For inserting values in vendor bill corresponding to particular vendorNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO VENDOR_BILL VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); logger.debug("inserting values in VENDOR_BILL" + vendorBill.getBillNo()); ps.setString(1, vendorBill.getPoNo()); ps.setString(2, vendorBill.getVendorNo()); ps.setString(3, vendorBill.getBillNo()); ps.setString(4, vendorBill.getTypeOfDelivery()); ps.setString(5, vendorBill.getStatus()); ps.setString(6, vendorBill.getReadyForShipment()); ps.setString(7, vendorBill.getDirectToStore()); ps.setDate(8, vendorBill.getDateOFDelivery()); ps.setString(9, vendorBill.getOrderBy()); ps.execute(); }
public String addBillDetails(String poNumber, double totalAmount, double totalQuantity) throws SQLException { /** * For retrieving the details of purchase order using poNumber corresponding to particular * vendorNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); String billNo = ""; PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("select 'BILL'||BILL_SEQ.nextval FROM dual"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { billNo = rs.getString(1); System.out.println(billNo); logger.debug("generating bill no" + billNo); } PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO BILL_DETAILS VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); logger.debug("inserting values into Bill_Details" + billNo); preparedStatement.setString(1, billNo); preparedStatement.setString(2, poNumber); preparedStatement.setDouble(3, totalAmount); preparedStatement.setDouble(4, totalQuantity); preparedStatement.execute(); return billNo; }
public void checkPOStatus(String poNumber) throws SQLException { /** * For retrieving the details of purchase order using poNumber corresponding to particular * vendorNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectPoProductFromPo); logger.debug("retrieving the details of purchase order using poNumber" + poNumber); preparedStatement.setString(1, poNumber); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { } else { PreparedStatement preparedStatement2 = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.updatePoStatus); logger.debug("updating status CLOSED of PO for particular PO_NO" + poNumber); preparedStatement2.setString(1, "CLOSED"); preparedStatement2.setString(2, poNumber); preparedStatement2.execute(); } }
public ArrayList<POProduct> viewPOProduct(String poNumber) throws SQLException { /** * For viewing the details of all products corresponding to poNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectPoProductFromPo); logger.debug( "fetching details of all products corresponding to particular poNumber" + poNumber); preparedStatement.setString(1, poNumber); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); ArrayList<POProduct> poProducts = new ArrayList<POProduct>(); while ( { String poNo = resultSet.getString(1); String productId = resultSet.getString(2); Double quantity = resultSet.getDouble(3); POProduct poProduct = new POProduct(poNo, productId, quantity); poProducts.add(poProduct); } return poProducts; }
public String updateQuantity(String poNumber, String productId, int quantity) throws SQLException { /** * For updating the quantity corresponding to poNumber and particular productId * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ int newQuantity = 0; String status = "updated"; DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectQuantityFromPoProduct); logger.debug( "fetching quantity from PO_PRODUCT corresponding to particular poNumber and productId" + poNumber + " " + productId); preparedStatement.setString(1, productId); preparedStatement.setString(2, poNumber); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { newQuantity = resultSet.getInt("QUANTITY"); } newQuantity = newQuantity - quantity; System.out.println("New" + newQuantity); if (newQuantity == 0) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement2 = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.deleteFromPoProduct); logger.debug("deleting PO_PRODUCT when quantity is 0" + poNumber + " " + productId); preparedStatement2.setString(1, productId); preparedStatement2.setString(2, poNumber); preparedStatement2.executeUpdate(); return "unavailable stock"; } else { PreparedStatement preparedStatement1 = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.updatePoProduct); logger.debug( "updating quantity of PO_PRODUCT" + productId + "Quantity " + quantity + "PO Number" + poNumber); preparedStatement1.setInt(1, newQuantity); preparedStatement1.setString(2, productId); preparedStatement1.setString(3, poNumber); preparedStatement1.executeUpdate(); status = "updated"; } return status; }
public void readyForShipment(String billNo) throws SQLException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub /** * fetching pincode corresponding to poNumber and billNo * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE VENDOR_BILL SET READY_FOR_SHIPMENT='YES' WHERE BILL_NO=?"); preparedStatement.setString(1, billNo); preparedStatement.execute(); logger.debug("Ready For shipment flag is set to YES" + billNo); }
public void addShipment(Shipment shipment) throws SQLException { /** * inserting shipment details * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); logger.debug("inserting values in SHIPMENT table " + shipment.getBillNo()); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO SHIPMENT VALUES(?,?,?)"); preparedStatement.setString(1, shipment.getBillNo()); preparedStatement.setString(2, shipment.getPoNumber()); preparedStatement.setString(3, shipment.getTruckNo()); preparedStatement.execute(); }
public void fixAppointment(Appointment appointment) throws SQLException { /** * For inserting appointment details corresponding to particular vendorNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); logger.debug("inserting values in Appointment table Bill No" + appointment.getPoNo()); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO APPOINTMENT VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1, appointment.getPoNo()); ps.setString(2, appointment.getDcNo()); ps.setString(3, appointment.getvNo()); ps.setDate(4, appointment.getExpectedDate()); ps.setDate(5, appointment.getFixedDate()); ps.setString(6, appointment.getStatus()); ps.execute(); }
public poVendor viewPOVendor(String poNumber) throws SQLException { /** * For retrieving the details of purchase order using poNumber corresponding to particular * vendorNumber * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Selection.selectPoVendorFromPo); logger.debug( "retrieving the details of purchase order using poNumber corresponding to particular vendorNumber" + poNumber); preparedStatement.setString(1, poNumber); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { String vNo = resultSet.getString(1); String poNo = resultSet.getString(2); String directToStore = resultSet.getString(3); String address1 = resultSet.getString(4); String address2 = resultSet.getString(5); String pincode = resultSet.getString(6); String city = resultSet.getString(7); String state = resultSet.getString(8); String landmark = resultSet.getString(9); poVendor poVendor = new poVendor( poNo, vNo, directToStore, address1, address2, pincode, city, state, landmark); return poVendor; } return null; }
public long viewVendorPin(String vendorId) throws SQLException { /** * fetching pincode of particular vendor * * @param poNumber * @return * @throws SQLException */ long pincode = 0; DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection(); Connection connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT PINCODE FROM VENDOR WHERE V_NO = ?"); preparedStatement.setString(1, vendorId); ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { pincode = resultSet.getLong("PINCODE"); logger.debug("fetching pincode of particular vendor" + pincode); } return pincode; }