@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("GeneratedElecInputs with " + this.getNumberSingleInputs() + " inputs in total\n"); Enumeration keys = this.myElecInputs.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String input = (String) keys.nextElement(); ArrayList<SingleElectricalInput> singleInputList = myElecInputs.get(input); StimulationSettings ss = project.elecInputInfo.getStim(input); sb.append( input + " (" + ss.toLongString() + ") has " + singleInputList.size() + " entries.\n"); for (int i = 0; (i < singleInputList.size() && i < 9); i++) { SingleElectricalInput sei = singleInputList.get(i); sb.append(" Input " + i + ": " + sei.toString()); if (sei.getInstanceProps() != null) sb.append(" (" + sei.getInstanceProps().details(false) + ")"); sb.append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); }
public String getHtmlReport() { StringBuilder generationReport = new StringBuilder(); Enumeration<String> e = myElecInputs.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String elecInputName = e.nextElement(); StimulationSettings s = project.elecInputInfo.getStim(elecInputName); generationReport.append( "<b>" + ClickProjectHelper.getElecInputLink(elecInputName) + "</b> (" + s.getElectricalInput().toLinkedString() + " on " + s.getCellChooser().toNiceString() + " of " + ClickProjectHelper.getCellGroupLink(s.getCellGroup()) + ", segs: " + s.getSegChooser() + ")<br>"); generationReport.append( "Number of individual inputs: <b>" + project.generatedElecInputs.getNumberSingleInputs(elecInputName) + "</b><br><br>"); } if (generationReport.toString().length() == 0) { generationReport.append("No Electrical Inputs generated<br><br>"); } return generationReport.toString(); }
public String details(boolean html) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Network contains " + GeneralUtils.getBold(this.getNumberSingleInputs(), html) + " inputs in total" + GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html) + GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html)); Enumeration keys = this.myElecInputs.keys(); String indent = " "; if (html) indent = " "; while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String input = (String) keys.nextElement(); ArrayList<SingleElectricalInput> singleInputList = myElecInputs.get(input); sb.append( "Input: " + GeneralUtils.getBold(input, html) + " has " + GeneralUtils.getBold(singleInputList.size(), html) + " entries" + GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html)); for (int i = 0; (i < singleInputList.size()); i++) { sb.append( "Input " + i + ": " + singleInputList.get(i).details(html) + GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html)); if (singleInputList.get(i).getInstanceProps() != null) { sb.append( indent + "Input specific properties: " + singleInputList.get(i).getInstanceProps().details(html) + GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html)); } } sb.append(GeneralUtils.getEndLine(html)); } return sb.toString(); }