public boolean compareVariables(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy) { f.format("Original = %s%n", org.getLocation()); f.format("CompareTo= %s%n", copy.getLocation()); boolean ok = true; for (Variable orgV : org.getVariables()) { if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue; Variable copyVar = copy.findVariable(orgV.getShortName()); if (copyVar == null) { f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName()); ok = false; } else { List<Dimension> dims1 = orgV.getDimensions(); List<Dimension> dims2 = copyVar.getDimensions(); if (!compare(dims1, dims2)) { f.format(" %s != %s%n", orgV.getNameAndDimensions(), copyVar.getNameAndDimensions()); } else { // f.format(" ok %s%n", orgV.getName()); } } } f.format("%n"); for (Variable orgV : copy.getVariables()) { if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue; Variable copyVar = org.findVariable(orgV.getShortName()); if (copyVar == null) { f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 1st file%n", orgV.getFullName()); ok = false; } } return ok; }
private boolean compareGroups(Group org, Group copy) { if (showCompare) f.format("compare Group %s to %s %n", org.getName(), copy.getName()); boolean ok = true; if (!org.getName().equals(copy.getName())) { f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getName(), copy.getName()); ok = false; } // dimensions ok &= checkAll(org.getDimensions(), copy.getDimensions(), null); // attributes ok &= checkAll(org.getAttributes(), copy.getAttributes(), null); // variables // cant use object equality, just match on short name for (Variable orgV : org.getVariables()) { Variable copyVar = copy.findVariable(orgV.getShortName()); if (copyVar == null) { f.format(" ** cant find variable %s in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName()); ok = false; } else { ok &= compareVariables(orgV, copyVar, compareData, true); } } for (Variable copyV : copy.getVariables()) { Variable orgV = org.findVariable(copyV.getShortName()); if (orgV == null) { f.format(" ** cant find variable %s in 1st file%n", copyV.getFullName()); ok = false; } } // nested groups List groups = new ArrayList(); ok &= checkAll(org.getGroups(), copy.getGroups(), groups); for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i += 2) { Group orgGroup = (Group) groups.get(i); Group ncmlGroup = (Group) groups.get(i + 1); ok &= compareGroups(orgGroup, ncmlGroup); } return ok; }
private String showMissing(Variable v) { if (!(v instanceof VariableDS)) return ""; VariableDS ve = (VariableDS) v; Formatter buff = new Formatter(); buff.format("%s:", v.getFullName()); EnumSet<NetcdfDataset.Enhance> enhanceMode = ve.getEnhanceMode(); buff.format("enhanceMode= %s%n", enhanceMode); ve.showScaleMissingProxy(buff); return buff.toString(); }
/** Converts a 3D variable to a {@link Metadata} representation */ private static void convert3DVariable(GridDatatype g, Date date, Map<String, Metadata> metaMap) throws IOException { Variable v = g.getVariable(); System.out.println("Reading: " + v.getFullName()); Array values =; int h = v.getShape(1); int w = v.getShape(2); for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { LatLonPoint pt = g.getCoordinateSystem().getLatLon(j, i); String hash = GeoHash.encode((float) pt.getLatitude(), (float) pt.getLongitude(), 10).toLowerCase(); Metadata meta = metaMap.get(hash); if (meta == null) { /* We need to create Metadata for this location */ meta = new Metadata(); UUID metaUUID = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(hash.getBytes()); meta.setName(metaUUID.toString()); SpatialProperties location = new SpatialProperties((float) pt.getLatitude(), (float) pt.getLongitude()); meta.setSpatialProperties(location); TemporalProperties time = new TemporalProperties(date.getTime()); meta.setTemporalProperties(time); metaMap.put(hash, meta); } String featureName = v.getFullName().toLowerCase(); float featureValue = values.getFloat(i * w + j); Feature feature = new Feature(featureName, featureValue); meta.putAttribute(feature); } } }
private void compareVariableData( Variable var1, Variable var2, boolean showCompare, boolean justOne) throws IOException { Array data1 =; Array data2 =; if (showCompare) f.format( " compareArrays %s unlimited=%s size=%d%n", var1.getNameAndDimensions(), var1.isUnlimited(), data1.getSize()); compareData(var1.getFullName(), data1, data2, justOne); if (showCompare) f.format(" ok%n"); }
public boolean compareVariables( Variable org, Variable copy, boolean compareData, boolean justOne) { boolean ok = true; if (showCompare) f.format("compare Variable %s to %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName()); if (!org.getFullName().equals(copy.getFullName())) { f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName()); ok = false; } // dimensions ok &= checkAll(org.getDimensions(), copy.getDimensions(), null); // attributes ok &= checkAll(org.getAttributes(), copy.getAttributes(), null); // coord sys if ((org instanceof VariableEnhanced) && (copy instanceof VariableEnhanced)) { VariableEnhanced orge = (VariableEnhanced) org; VariableEnhanced copye = (VariableEnhanced) copy; ok &= checkAll(orge.getCoordinateSystems(), copye.getCoordinateSystems(), null); } // data !! if (compareData) { try { compareVariableData(org, copy, showCompare, justOne); } catch (IOException e) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000); e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos)); f.format("%s", bos.toString()); } } // nested variables if (org instanceof Structure) { if (!(copy instanceof Structure)) { f.format(" ** %s not Structure%n", org); ok = false; } else { Structure orgS = (Structure) org; Structure ncmlS = (Structure) copy; List vars = new ArrayList(); ok &= checkAll(orgS.getVariables(), ncmlS.getVariables(), vars); for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i += 2) { Variable orgV = (Variable) vars.get(i); Variable ncmlV = (Variable) vars.get(i + 1); ok &= compareVariables(orgV, ncmlV, false, true); } } } return ok; }
private void copyAll(NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile, Variable oldVar) throws IOException { String newName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName()); Array data =; try { if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) { data = convertToChar(ncfile.findVariable(newName), data); } if (data.getSize() > 0) // zero when record dimension = 0 ncfile.write(newName, data); } catch (InvalidRangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.getMessage() + " for Variable " + oldVar.getFullName()); } }
/** * Make the station variables from a representative station * * @param stations list of stations * @param dim station dimension * @return the list of variables */ protected List<Variable> makeStationVars(List<GempakStation> stations, Dimension dim) { int numStations = stations.size(); boolean useSTID = true; for (GempakStation station : stations) { if (station.getSTID().equals("")) { useSTID = false; break; } } List<Variable> vars = new ArrayList<Variable>(); List<String> stnKeyNames = gemreader.getStationKeyNames(); for (String varName : stnKeyNames) { Variable v = makeStationVariable(varName, dim); // use STNM or STID as the name or description Attribute stIDAttr = new Attribute("standard_name", "station_id"); if (varName.equals(GempakStation.STID) && useSTID) { v.addAttribute(stIDAttr); } if (varName.equals(GempakStation.STNM) && !useSTID) { v.addAttribute(stIDAttr); } vars.add(v); } // see if we fill these in completely now if ((dim != null) && (numStations > 0)) { for (Variable v : vars) { Array varArray; if (v.getDataType().equals(DataType.CHAR)) { int[] shape = v.getShape(); varArray = new ArrayChar.D2(shape[0], shape[1]); } else { varArray = get1DArray(v.getDataType(), numStations); } int index = 0; String varname = v.getFullName(); for (GempakStation stn : stations) { String test = ""; if (varname.equals(GempakStation.STID)) { test = stn.getName(); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.STNM)) { ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray) .set( index, // (int) (stn.getSTNM() / 10)); (int) (stn.getSTNM())); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.SLAT)) { ((ArrayFloat.D1) varArray).set(index, (float) stn.getLatitude()); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.SLON)) { ((ArrayFloat.D1) varArray).set(index, (float) stn.getLongitude()); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.SELV)) { ((ArrayFloat.D1) varArray).set(index, (float) stn.getAltitude()); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.STAT)) { test = stn.getSTAT(); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.COUN)) { test = stn.getCOUN(); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.STD2)) { test = stn.getSTD2(); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.SPRI)) { ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(index, stn.getSPRI()); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.SWFO)) { test = stn.getSWFO(); } else if (varname.equals(GempakStation.WFO2)) { test = stn.getWFO2(); } if (!test.equals("")) { ((ArrayChar.D2) varArray).setString(index, test); } index++; } v.setCachedData(varArray, false); } } return vars; }
@Test public void testArraySubset() throws IOException { DODSNetcdfFile dodsfile ="test.02?i32[1:10],f64[2:2:10]"); Variable v = null; Array a = null; // int32 assert (null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("i32"))); assert v.getFullName().equals("i32"); assert v.getRank() == 1; assert v.getSize() == 10; assert v.getDataType() == DataType.INT; a =; assert a.getRank() == 1; assert a.getSize() == 25; assert a.getElementType() == int.class; assert a instanceof ArrayInt.D1; ArrayInt.D1 ai = (ArrayInt.D1) a; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int val = ai.get(i); assert (val == i * 2048) : val + " != " + (i * 2048); } // uint16 assert null == (v = dodsfile.findVariable("ui16")); assert null == (v = dodsfile.findVariable("ui32")); // double assert (null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("f64"))); assert v.getFullName().equals("f64"); assert v.getRank() == 1; assert v.getSize() == 5; assert v.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE : v.getDataType(); a =; assert a.getRank() == 1; assert a.getSize() == 25; assert a.getElementType() == double.class; assert a instanceof ArrayDouble.D1; ArrayDouble.D1 ad = (ArrayDouble.D1) a; double[] tFloat64 = new double[] { 1.0, 0.9999500004166653, 0.9998000066665778, 0.9995500337489875, 0.9992001066609779, 0.9987502603949663, 0.9982005399352042, 0.9975510002532796, 0.9968017063026194, 0.9959527330119943, 0.9950041652780257, 0.9939560979566968, 0.9928086358538663, 0.9915618937147881, 0.9902159962126371, 0.9887710779360422, 0.9872272833756269, 0.9855847669095608, 0.9838436927881214, 0.9820042351172703, 0.9800665778412416, 0.9780309147241483, 0.9758974493306055, 0.9736663950053749, 0.9713379748520297 }; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double val = ad.get(i); assert Misc.closeEnough(val, tFloat64[i], 1.0e-9); } dodsfile.close(); }