public boolean compareVariables(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy) { f.format("Original = %s%n", org.getLocation()); f.format("CompareTo= %s%n", copy.getLocation()); boolean ok = true; for (Variable orgV : org.getVariables()) { if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue; Variable copyVar = copy.findVariable(orgV.getShortName()); if (copyVar == null) { f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName()); ok = false; } else { List<Dimension> dims1 = orgV.getDimensions(); List<Dimension> dims2 = copyVar.getDimensions(); if (!compare(dims1, dims2)) { f.format(" %s != %s%n", orgV.getNameAndDimensions(), copyVar.getNameAndDimensions()); } else { // f.format(" ok %s%n", orgV.getName()); } } } f.format("%n"); for (Variable orgV : copy.getVariables()) { if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue; Variable copyVar = org.findVariable(orgV.getShortName()); if (copyVar == null) { f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 1st file%n", orgV.getFullName()); ok = false; } } return ok; }
public void readByte2Short() throws Exception { Variable t2 = null; assert (null != (t2 = ncfileRead.findVariable("t2"))); assert (t2.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE); Attribute att = t2.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR); assert (null != att); assert (!att.isArray()); assert (1 == att.getLength()); assert (2 == att.getNumericValue().doubleValue()); assert (DataType.SHORT == att.getDataType()); assert (null != (t2 = dsRead.findVariable("t2"))); assert t2 instanceof VariableEnhanced; VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) t2; assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT) : vs.getDataType(); assert (!vs.hasMissing()); Array A =; assert (A.getElementType() == short.class) : A.getElementType(); Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { assert (A.getShort(ima.set(i, j)) == (2 * (i * 10 + j) + 77)); } } System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar readByte2Short"); }
/* Structure { int a_name; byte b_name(3); byte c_name(3); short d_name(3); int e_name(3); long f_name(3); int g_name(3); short h_name(3); int i_name(3); long j_name(3); float k_name(3); double l_name(3); } CompoundNative(15); type = Layout(8); type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (15,144) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048 */ @Test public void testReadH5StructureArrayMembers() throws { try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_native.h5")) { Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundNative"); assert (null != dset); assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE); assert (dset.getRank() == 1); assert (dset.getSize() == 15); Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0); assert (d.getLength() == 15); Structure s = (Structure) dset; // read all with the iterator StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StructureData sd =; for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) { Array data = sd.getArray(m); NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null); } } } System.out.println("*** testReadH5StructureArrayMembers ok"); }
/* Structure { int LAT[0]; ... int LAT[149]; } IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY(3600); type = Layout(8); type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,600) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2548046 */ @Test public void testReadOneAtATime() throws, InvalidRangeException { try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) { Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY"); assert (null != dset); assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE); assert (dset.getRank() == 1); assert (dset.getSize() == 3600); Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0); assert (d.getLength() == 3600); Structure s = (Structure) dset; // read last one - chunked StructureData sd = s.readStructure(3599); assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[0]") == 70862722; assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[149]") == 85302263; // read one at a time for (int i = 3590; i < d.getLength(); i++) { s.readStructure(i); System.out.println(" read structure " + i); } } System.out.println("*** testReadIASI ok"); }
public void testAggCoordVar2(NetcdfFile ncfile) { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert null != time; assert time.getShortName().equals("time"); assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank(); assert time.getShape()[0] == 3; assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT; assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); try { Array data =; assert (data instanceof ArrayInt); IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator(); assert dataI.getIntNext() == 0 : dataI.getIntCurrent(); assert dataI.getIntNext() == 1 : dataI.getIntCurrent(); assert dataI.getIntNext() == 2 : dataI.getIntCurrent(); } catch (IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); assert false; } }
public void testAggCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert null != time; assert time.getShortName().equals("time"); assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank(); assert time.getShape()[0] == 3; assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT; assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); try { Array data =; assert (data instanceof ArrayInt.D1) : data.getClass().getName(); ArrayInt.D1 dataI = (ArrayInt.D1) data; assert dataI.get(0) == 0; assert dataI.get(1) == 10; assert dataI.get(2) == 99; } catch (IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); assert false; } }
/** * Create a new vertical transform for Ocean_S_coordinate_g2 * * @param ds dataset * @param timeDim time dimension * @param params list of transformation Parameters */ public OceanSG2(NetcdfFile ds, Dimension timeDim, List<Parameter> params) { super(timeDim); String etaName = getParameterStringValue(params, ETA); String sName = getParameterStringValue(params, S); String depthName = getParameterStringValue(params, DEPTH); String depthCName = getParameterStringValue(params, DEPTH_C); String cName = getParameterStringValue(params, C); etaVar = ds.findVariable(etaName); sVar = ds.findVariable(sName); depthVar = ds.findVariable(depthName); depthCVar = ds.findVariable(depthCName); cVar = ds.findVariable(cName); units = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(depthVar, CDM.UNITS, "none"); }
public void testStride() throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { System.out.println("ncfile opened = " + location + "\n" + ncfile); Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); ArrayInt all = (ArrayInt); for (int i = 0; i < all.getSize(); i++) assert (all.getInt(i) == i + 1); testStride("0:13:3"); for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) testStride("0:13:" + i); }
public void readShortMissing() throws Exception { Variable v = null; assert (null != (v = ncfileRead.findVariable("t4"))); assert (v.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT); // default use of missing_value assert (null != (v = dsRead.findVariable("t4"))); assert v instanceof VariableEnhanced; assert v instanceof VariableDS; VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) v; assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT); Attribute att = vs.findAttribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE); assert (null != att); assert (!att.isArray()); assert (1 == att.getLength()); System.out.println("missing_value = " + att.getNumericValue().shortValue()); assert (((short) -9999) == att.getNumericValue().shortValue()); assert (DataType.SHORT == att.getDataType()); assert (vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.hasMissingValue()); assert (vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999))); assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) ((short) -9999))); Array A =; Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { assert (A.getFloat(ima.set(i, j)) == (i * 10 + j)); } } // turn off missing data vs.setMissingDataIsMissing(false); assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT); assert (!vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.hasMissingValue()); assert (!vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999))); assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) ((short) -9999))); vs.setMissingDataIsMissing(true); assert (vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999))); System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar Read readShortMissing"); }
public static Map<String, Metadata> readFile(String file) throws Exception { NetcdfFile n =; System.out.println("Opened: " + file); /* Determine the size of our grid */ int xLen = n.findDimension("x").getLength(); int yLen = n.findDimension("y").getLength(); System.out.println("Grid size: " + xLen + "x" + yLen); /* What time is this set of readings for? */ Variable timeVar = n.findVariable("time"); String timeStr = timeVar.getUnitsString().toUpperCase(); timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOURS SINCE ", ""); timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOUR SINCE ", ""); /* Find the base date (the day) the reading was taken */ Date baseDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX").parse(timeStr); /* Get the number of hours since the base date this reading was taken */ int offset =; /* Generate the actual date for this reading */ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(baseDate); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + offset); System.out.println("Time of collection: " + calendar.getTime()); /* We'll keep a mapping of geolocations -> Galileo Metadata */ Map<String, Metadata> metaMap = new HashMap<>(); /* Determine the lat, lon coordinates for the grid points, and get each * reading at each grid point. */ NetcdfDataset dataset = new NetcdfDataset(n); @SuppressWarnings("resource") GridDataset gridData = new GridDataset(dataset); for (GridDatatype g : gridData.getGrids()) { /* Let's look at 3D variables: these have WxH dimensions, plus a * single plane. A 4D variable would contain elevation * and multiple planes as a result */ if (g.getShape().length == 3) { convert3DVariable(g, calendar.getTime(), metaMap); } } return metaMap; }
/* Structure { int a_name; String b_name(4); char c_name(6); short d_name(5, 4); float e_name; double f_name(10); byte g_name; } CompoundComplex(6); type = Layout(8); type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (6,224) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048 */ @Test public void testReadH5Structure() throws { int a_name = 0; String[] b_name = new String[] { "A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.", "A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.", "In which case, you deserve what you get.", " -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing" }; String c_name = "Hello!"; // H5header.setDebugFlags(new ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlagsImpl("H5header/header")); try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_complex.h5")) { Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundComplex"); assert (null != dset); assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE); assert (dset.getRank() == 1); assert (dset.getSize() == 6); Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0); assert (d.getLength() == 6); Structure s = (Structure) dset; // read all with the iterator StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StructureData sd =; assert sd.getScalarInt("a_name") == a_name; a_name++; assert sd.getScalarString("c_name").equals(c_name); String[] results = sd.getJavaArrayString(sd.findMember("b_name")); assert results.length == b_name.length; int count = 0; for (String r : results) assert r.equals(b_name[count++]); for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) { Array data = sd.getArray(m); NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null); } } } System.out.println("*** testReadH5Structure ok"); }
public void readDouble() throws Exception { Variable t1 = null; assert (null != (t1 = ncfileRead.findVariable("t1"))); assert (t1.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE); Attribute att = t1.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR); assert (null != att); assert (!att.isArray()); assert (1 == att.getLength()); assert (2.0 == att.getNumericValue().doubleValue()); assert (DataType.DOUBLE == att.getDataType()); // read Array A =; int i, j; Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { assert (A.getDouble(ima.set(i, j)) == (double) (i * 10.0 + j)); } } assert (null != (t1 = dsRead.findVariable("t1"))); assert t1 instanceof VariableEnhanced; VariableEnhanced dsVar = (VariableEnhanced) t1; assert (dsVar.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE); A =; ima = A.getIndex(); shape = A.getShape(); for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { assert (A.getDouble(ima.set(i, j)) == (2.0 * (i * 10.0 + j) + 77.0)); } } assert (null == t1.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR)); assert (null == t1.findAttribute("add_offset")); System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar ReadDouble"); }
public void test1() throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { String filename = "file:./" + TestNcML.topDir + "aggSynthetic.xml"; NetcdfFile ncfile = NcMLReader.readNcML(filename, null); Variable v = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert v != null; String testAtt = ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, "units", null); assert testAtt != null; assert testAtt.equals("months since 2000-6-16 6:00"); testDimensions(ncfile); testCoordVar(ncfile); testAggCoordVar(ncfile); testReadData(ncfile, "T"); testReadSlice(ncfile, "T"); ncfile.close(); }
public void testAggCoordVar3(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert null != time; assert time.getShortName().equals("time"); assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank(); assert time.getShape()[0] == 3; assert time.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE : time.getDataType(); assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); Array data =; assert (data instanceof ArrayDouble); IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator(); double val = dataI.getDoubleNext(); assert Misc.closeEnough(val, 0.0) : val; assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 10.0) : dataI.getDoubleCurrent(); assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 99.0) : dataI.getDoubleCurrent(); }
public void testAggCoordVarScan(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert null != time; assert time.getShortName().equals("time"); assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank(); assert time.getShape()[0] == 3; assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT : time.getDataType(); assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); int count = 0; Array data =; assert (data instanceof ArrayInt); while (data.hasNext()) { int val = data.nextInt(); assert val == count * 10 : val + "!=" + count * 10; count++; } }
public void testStride(String stride) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); ArrayInt all = (ArrayInt); ArrayInt correct = (ArrayInt) all.section(new Section(stride).getRanges()); System.out.printf("correct(%s) %s", stride, NCdumpW.toString(correct)); ArrayInt data = (ArrayInt); System.out.printf("data(%s) %s%n", stride, NCdumpW.toString(data)); Index ci = correct.getIndex(); Index di = data.getIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < data.getSize(); i++) assert (data.getInt(di.set(i)) == correct.getInt(ci.set(i))) : stride + " index " + i + " = " + data.getInt(di.set(i)) + " != " + correct.getInt(ci.set(i)); }
public void testAggCoordVarNoCoordsDir(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException { Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time"); assert null != time; assert time.getShortName().equals("time"); assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank(); assert time.getShape()[0] == 3; assert time.getDataType() == DataType.STRING : time.getDataType(); assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); Array data =; assert (data instanceof ArrayObject); IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator(); String coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext(); assert coordName.equals("") : coordName; coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext(); assert coordName.equals("") : coordName; coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext(); assert coordName.equals("") : coordName; }
public void readSlice(NetcdfFile ncfile, int[] origin, int[] shape, String name) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { Variable v = ncfile.findVariable(name); Array data =, shape); assert data.getRank() == 3; assert data.getSize() == shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]; assert data.getShape()[0] == shape[0] : data.getShape()[0] + " " + shape[0]; assert data.getShape()[1] == shape[1]; assert data.getShape()[2] == shape[2]; assert data.getElementType() == double.class; Index tIndex = data.getIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) for (int j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) for (int k = 0; k < shape[2]; k++) { double val = data.getDouble(tIndex.set(i, j, k)); // System.out.println(" "+val); assert TestUtils.close(val, 100 * (i + origin[0]) + 10 * j + k) : val; } }
/* Structure { char EntryName(64); char Definition(1024); char Unit(1024); char Scale Factor(1024); } TIME_DESCR(60); type = Layout(8); type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,3136) dataSize=0 dataAddress=684294 */ @Test public void testReadManyAtATime() throws, InvalidRangeException { try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) { Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/TIME_DESCR"); assert (null != dset); assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE); assert (dset.getRank() == 1); assert (dset.getSize() == 60); Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0); assert (d.getLength() == 60); ArrayStructure data = (ArrayStructure); StructureMembers.Member m = data.getStructureMembers().findMember("EntryName"); assert m != null; for (int i = 0; i < dset.getSize(); i++) { String r = data.getScalarString(i, m); if (i % 2 == 0) assert r.equals("TIME[" + i / 2 + "]-days") : r + " at " + i; else assert r.equals("TIME[" + i / 2 + "]-milliseconds") : r + " at " + i; } } System.out.println("*** testReadManyAtATime ok"); }
public void testCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) { Variable lat = ncfile.findVariable("lat"); assert null != lat; assert lat.getShortName().equals("lat"); assert lat.getRank() == 1; assert lat.getSize() == 3; assert lat.getShape()[0] == 3; assert lat.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT; assert !lat.isUnlimited(); assert lat.getDimension(0).equals(ncfile.findDimension("lat")); Attribute att = lat.findAttribute("units"); assert null != att; assert !att.isArray(); assert att.isString(); assert att.getDataType() == DataType.STRING; assert att.getStringValue().equals("degrees_north"); assert att.getNumericValue() == null; assert att.getNumericValue(3) == null; try { Array data =; assert data.getRank() == 1; assert data.getSize() == 3; assert data.getShape()[0] == 3; assert data.getElementType() == float.class; IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator(); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 41.0); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 40.0); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 39.0); } catch (IOException io) { } }
public void testReadData(NetcdfFile ncfile, String name) throws IOException { Variable v = ncfile.findVariable(name); assert null != v; assert v.getShortName().equals(name); assert v.getRank() == 3; assert v.getSize() == 36 : v.getSize(); assert v.getShape()[0] == 3; assert v.getShape()[1] == 3; assert v.getShape()[2] == 4; assert v.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE; assert !v.isCoordinateVariable(); assert v.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time"); assert v.getDimension(1) == ncfile.findDimension("lat"); assert v.getDimension(2) == ncfile.findDimension("lon"); Array data =; assert data.getRank() == 3; assert data.getSize() == 36; assert data.getShape()[0] == 3; assert data.getShape()[1] == 3; assert data.getShape()[2] == 4; assert data.getElementType() == double.class; int[] shape = data.getShape(); Index tIndex = data.getIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) for (int j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) for (int k = 0; k < shape[2]; k++) { double val = data.getDouble(tIndex.set(i, j, k)); // System.out.println(" "+val); assert TestUtils.close(val, 100 * i + 10 * j + k) : val; } }
public void readByte() throws Exception { Variable v = null; assert (null != (v = ncfileRead.findVariable("t3"))); assert (v.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE); assert (null != (v = dsRead.findVariable("t3"))); assert v instanceof VariableEnhanced; assert v instanceof VariableDS; VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) v; assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE); Attribute att = vs.findAttribute("_FillValue"); assert (null != att); assert (!att.isArray()); assert (1 == att.getLength()); System.out.println("_FillValue = " + att.getNumericValue().byteValue()); assert (((byte) 255) == att.getNumericValue().byteValue()); assert (DataType.BYTE == att.getDataType()); assert (vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.hasFillValue()); assert (vs.isMissing((double) ((byte) 255))); assert (vs.isFillValue((double) ((byte) 255))); Array A =; assert (A.getElementType() == byte.class) : A.getElementType(); Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { assert (A.getFloat(ima.set(i, j)) == (i * 10 + j)); } } System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar ReadByte"); }
public void testNC3Read() throws IOException { NetcdfFile ncfile = TestDir.openFileLocal(""); assert (null != ncfile.findDimension("lat")); assert (null != ncfile.findDimension("lon")); Variable temp = null; assert (null != (temp = ncfile.findVariable("temperature"))); // read entire array Array A; try { A =; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ERROR reading file"); assert (false); return; } assert (A.getRank() == 2); int i, j; Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); assert shape[0] == 64; assert shape[1] == 128; for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) { double dval = A.getDouble(ima.set(i, j)); assert (dval == (double) (i * 1000000 + j * 1000)) : dval; } } // read part of array int[] origin2 = new int[2]; int[] shape2 = new int[2]; shape2[0] = 1; shape2[1] = temp.getShape()[1]; try { A =, shape2); } catch (InvalidRangeException e) { System.err.println("ERROR reading file " + e); assert (false); return; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ERROR reading file"); assert (false); return; } assert (A.getRank() == 2); for (j = 0; j < shape2[1]; j++) { assert (A.getDouble(ima.set(0, j)) == (double) (j * 1000)); } // rank reduction Array Areduce = A.reduce(); Index ima2 = Areduce.getIndex(); assert (Areduce.getRank() == 1); for (j = 0; j < shape2[1]; j++) { assert (Areduce.getDouble(ima2.set(j)) == (double) (j * 1000)); } // read char variable Variable c = null; assert (null != (c = ncfile.findVariable("svar"))); try { A =; } catch (IOException e) { assert (false); } assert (A instanceof ArrayChar); ArrayChar ac = (ArrayChar) A; String val = ac.getString(ac.getIndex()); assert val.equals("Testing 1-2-3") : val; // System.out.println( "val = "+ val); // read char variable 2 Variable c2 = null; assert (null != (c2 = ncfile.findVariable("svar2"))); try { A =; } catch (IOException e) { assert (false); } assert (A instanceof ArrayChar); ArrayChar ac2 = (ArrayChar) A; assert (ac2.getString().equals("Two pairs of ladies stockings!")); // read String Array Variable c3 = null; assert (null != (c3 = ncfile.findVariable("names"))); try { A =; } catch (IOException e) { assert (false); } assert (A instanceof ArrayChar); ArrayChar ac3 = (ArrayChar) A; ima = ac3.getIndex(); assert (ac3.getString(ima.set(0)).equals("No pairs of ladies stockings!")); assert (ac3.getString(ima.set(1)).equals("One pair of ladies stockings!")); assert (ac3.getString(ima.set(2)).equals("Two pairs of ladies stockings!")); // read String Array - 2 Variable c4 = null; assert (null != (c4 = ncfile.findVariable("names2"))); try { A =; } catch (IOException e) { assert (false); } assert (A instanceof ArrayChar); ArrayChar ac4 = (ArrayChar) A; ima = ac4.getIndex(); assert (ac4.getString(0).equals("0 pairs of ladies stockings!")); assert (ac4.getString(1).equals("1 pair of ladies stockings!")); assert (ac4.getString(2).equals("2 pairs of ladies stockings!")); // System.out.println( "ncfile = "+ ncfile); ncfile.close(); System.out.println("**************TestRead done"); }
Write2ncRect(NetcdfFile bufr, String fileOutName, boolean fill) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(fileOutName, fill); if (debug) { System.out.println("FileWriter write " + bufr.getLocation() + " to " + fileOutName); } // global attributes List<Attribute> glist = bufr.getGlobalAttributes(); for (Attribute att : glist) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); Attribute useAtt; if (att.isArray()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getStringValue()); else useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getNumericValue()); if (debug) System.out.println("add gatt= " + useAtt); } // global dimensions Dimension recordDim = null; Map<String, Dimension> dimHash = new HashMap<String, Dimension>(); for (Dimension oldD : bufr.getDimensions()) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldD.getName()); boolean isRecord = useName.equals("record"); Dimension newD = ncfile.addDimension(useName, oldD.getLength(), true, false, false); dimHash.put(newD.getName(), newD); if (isRecord) recordDim = newD; if (debug) System.out.println("add dim= " + newD); } // Variables Structure recordStruct = (Structure) bufr.findVariable(BufrIosp.obsRecord); for (Variable oldVar : recordStruct.getVariables()) { if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE) continue; String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName()); DataType newType = oldVar.getDataType(); List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); newDims.add(recordDim); for (Dimension dim : oldVar.getDimensions()) { newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(oldVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength())); } Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims); if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar); // attributes List<Attribute> attList = oldVar.getAttributes(); for (Attribute att : attList) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue()); else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue()); } } // int max_seq = countSeq(recordStruct); // Dimension seqD = ncfile.addDimension("level", max_seq); for (Variable v : recordStruct.getVariables()) { if (v.getDataType() != DataType.STRUCTURE) continue; String structName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(v.getShortName()); int shape[] = v.getShape(); Dimension structDim = ncfile.addDimension(structName, shape[0]); Structure struct = (Structure) v; for (Variable seqVar : struct.getVariables()) { String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(seqVar.getShortName() + "-" + structName); DataType newType = seqVar.getDataType(); List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); newDims.add(recordDim); newDims.add(structDim); for (Dimension dim : seqVar.getDimensions()) { newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(seqVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength())); } Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims); if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar); // attributes List<Attribute> attList = seqVar.getAttributes(); for (Attribute att : attList) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue()); else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue()); } } } // create the file ncfile.create(); if (debug) System.out.println("File Out= " + ncfile.toString()); // boolean ok = (Boolean) ncfile.sendIospMessage(NetcdfFile.IOSP_MESSAGE_ADD_RECORD_STRUCTURE); double total = copyVarData(ncfile, recordStruct); ncfile.flush(); System.out.println("FileWriter done total bytes = " + total); ncfile.close(); }
public void readShort2FloatMissing() throws Exception { Variable v = null; assert (null != (v = ncfileRead.findVariable("t5"))); assert (v.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT); // standard convert with missing data assert (null != (v = dsRead.findVariable("t5"))); assert v instanceof VariableEnhanced; assert v instanceof VariableDS; VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) v; assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT); assert (vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.hasMissingValue()); double mv = 2 * (-9999) + 77; assert (vs.isMissing((double) mv)); assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) mv)); Array A =; Index ima = A.getIndex(); int[] shape = A.getShape(); int i, j; assert (vs.isMissing(A.getFloat(ima.set(0, 0)))); for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) { for (j = 1; j < shape[1]; j++) { float val = A.getFloat(ima.set(i, j)); float want = 2 * (i * 10 + j) + 77; if (val != want) System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + val + " " + want); assert (val == want); } } // useNaNs vs.setUseNaNs(true); assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT); assert (vs.hasMissing()); assert (vs.hasMissingValue()); double mv2 = 2 * (-9999) + 77; assert (vs.isMissing((double) mv2)); assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) mv2)); Array A2 =; Index ima2 = A2.getIndex(); int[] shape2 = A2.getShape(); double mval = A2.getFloat(ima2.set(0, 0)); assert vs.isMissing(mval); assert Double.isNaN(mval); for (i = 0; i < shape2[0]; i++) { for (j = 1; j < shape2[1]; j++) { float val = A2.getFloat(ima2.set(i, j)); float want = 2 * (i * 10 + j) + 77; if (val != want) System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + val + " " + want); assert (val == want) : val + " != " + want; } } assert (null == vs.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR)); assert (null == vs.findAttribute("add_offset")); assert (null == vs.findAttribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE)); System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar Read readShort2FloatMissing"); }