Esempio n. 1
   * Parses the String returning a TurnInstruction instance or throwing a
   * WrongInstructionFormatException()
   * @param cad text String to parse
   * @return Instruction Reference pointing to an instance of a Instruction subclass, if it is
   *     corresponding to the String cad
   * @throws WrongInstructionFormatException When the String is not TURN LEFT or RIGHT or GIRAR LEFT
   *     or RIGHT
  public Instruction parse(String cad) throws WrongInstructionFormatException {
    String[] words = cad.split(" ");
    int length = words.length;
    Rotation rot;
    if (length == 2 && (words[0].equalsIgnoreCase("TURN") || words[0].equalsIgnoreCase("GIRAR"))) {
      rot = Rotation.parseRotation(words[1]);

      if (rot != Rotation.UNKNOWN) return new TurnInstruction(rot);
      else throw new WrongInstructionFormatException("Incorrect Format for instruction 'TURN'");
    } else throw new WrongInstructionFormatException("Incorrect Format for instruction 'TURN'");
Esempio n. 2
  * Undo turn instruction, this implies rotate in the opposite direction and restore the energy
  * consumed in the rotation.
 public void undo() {
   navi.rotate(rotation.opposite()); // First, we perform an opposite rotation
   robot.addFuel(+5); // Later we restore the energy inverted in the rotation