public String getCodeWithArguments( Un fixedArguments, Vector<Integer> sizesOfIndividualParameters) { String ret = code; try { if (argumentFunction.size() != sizesOfIndividualParameters.size()) { Miscellaneous.printlnErr( "either bytecode defination file is wrong or opcode-parameter file is wrong."); Miscellaneous.printlnErr( "bytecode defination required " + argumentFunction.size() + " parameters, in " + "contrast the opcode-parameter file required " + sizesOfIndividualParameters.size() + " parameters"); Miscellaneous.exit(); } LFRevUn.bigEndian = true; for (int loop = argumentFunction.size() - 1; loop >= 0; loop--) { String nextThingToReplace = "@@" + (loop + 1); int argSize = sizesOfIndividualParameters.elementAt(loop); Un afterCutting = Un.cutBytes(argSize, fixedArguments); String toReplaceWith = "(0x" + afterCutting.toString() + ")"; if (loop != argumentFunction.size() - 1) { toReplaceWith += ", "; } ret = ret.replace(nextThingToReplace, argumentType.elementAt(loop) + toReplaceWith); } LFRevUn.bigEndian = false; } catch (Exception d) { Miscellaneous.println("Error in bytecode defination file. " + this + ", " + fixedArguments); d.printStackTrace(); Miscellaneous.exit(); } return ret; }
String getCodeWithArguments(Un fixedArg) throws IOException { try { return code.replace("@@1", argumentType.elementAt(0) + "(0x" + fixedArg.toString() + ")"); } catch (Exception d) { LogHolder.getInstanceOf() .addLog(" *******ERROR ********* in function getCodeWithArguments...", true); Miscellaneous.println(" Enter a character to continue...");; } return ""; }