   * Kicks off the entire search and create file process based on the package.properties file.
   * @param dirToPlaceXmlFile
   *     <p>Responsible for reading all properties in package.properties and parsing each delimited
   *     property before passing off for further parsing.
  private void buildXmlFile(String dirToPlaceXmlFile) {

    ArrayList<String> properties = PropertyReader.getDestructiveProperties();

    for (String property : properties) {

      // get directory name
      String dirName =
              property, PropertyReader.DestructivePropertyTypes.Directory);
      File dirMetadata = new File(orgTo.getSourceFolder().getPath() + File.separator + dirName);
      if (!dirMetadata.exists()) {

      // get metadata type
      String metadataType =
              property, PropertyReader.DestructivePropertyTypes.MetadataType);
      if (metadataType == null) {

      // get search term
      final String searchTerm =
              property, PropertyReader.DestructivePropertyTypes.SearchTerm);
      if (searchTerm == null) {

      // get package name
      final String xmlName =
              property, PropertyReader.DestructivePropertyTypes.XmlName);

      // get some work done
      String deployToPath = orgTo.getSourceFolder().getPath() + File.separator + dirName;
      if (searchTerm.equals(PropertyReader.FILESEACH)) {

        // check if dirDeployToSrc has files that we need to destroy
      } else {
   * Parses all xml in a given src dir for xml to compare with the deploy from src xml looking for
   * destructive changes to create.
   * @param origPath
   *     <p>The original path where the metadata type being parsed lives in the src dir.
   * @param toPath
   *     <p>The dir path to the src dir of the Salesforce org to be deployed to.
   * @param fromPath
   *     <p>The dir path to the src dir of the Salesforce org being deployed from.
   * @param metaType
   *     <p>The metadata type (2nd property in each line in package.properties) to be parsed for
   *     destruction.
   * @param dirName
   *     <p>The directory name where the metadata type (1st property in each line in
   *     package.properties) lives in the src dir.
   * @param searchTerm
   *     <p>This term (4th property in each line in package.properties) determines the xml data node
   *     name to search for. This is usually fullName, but not always.
   * @param packageName
   *     <p>The metadata type (2nd property in each line in package.properties) to be parsed for
   *     destruction.
  private void seekAndDestroy(
      final String origPath,
      String toPath,
      String fromPath,
      String metaType,
      String dirName,
      String searchTerm,
      String packageName) {

    File root = new File(toPath);
    File[] list = root.listFiles();

    for (File f : list) {
      if (f.isDirectory()) {
        seekAndDestroy(origPath, f.getPath(), fromPath, metaType, dirName, searchTerm, packageName);
      } else {
        // Compare xml
        File fromFile =
            new File(
                        orgTo.getSourceFolder().getPath(), orgFrom.getSourceFolder().getPath()));

        if (fromFile.exists() && !fromFile.getName().endsWith(".xml")) {
          ArrayList<String> rets =
              XmlReader.compareXml(f.getPath(), fromFile.getPath(), metaType, searchTerm);

          String name = f.getName();
          name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'));
          for (String component : rets) {
            if (component.indexOf('|') > -1) {
              component = component.replace("|", ".");

            addDestructiveComponents(packageName, component, name);
   * Parses all xml in a given src dir for xml to compare with the deploy from src xml looking for
   * destructive changes to create.
   * @param origPath
   *     <p>The original path where the metadata type being parsed lives in the src dir.
   * @param toPath
   *     <p>The dir path to the src dir of the Salesforce org to be deployed to.
   * @param fromPath
   *     <p>The dir path to the src dir of the Salesforce org being deployed from.
   * @param metaType
   *     <p>The metadata type (2nd property in each line in package.properties) to be parsed for
   *     destruction.
   * @param dirName
   *     <p>The directory name where the metadata type (1st property in each line in
   *     package.properties) lives in the src dir.
   * @param packageName
   *     <p>The metadata type (2nd property in each line in package.properties) to be parsed for
   *     destruction.
  private void walkAndDestroy(
      final String origPath,
      String toPath,
      String fromPath,
      String metaType,
      String dirName,
      String packageName) {

    File root = new File(toPath);
    File[] list = root.listFiles();

    for (File f : list) {

      if (f.isDirectory()) {
        walkAndDestroy(origPath, f.getPath(), fromPath, metaType, dirName, packageName);
      } else {

        // check to see if file exists in fromPath
        File fromFile =
            new File(
                        orgTo.getSourceFolder().getPath(), orgFrom.getSourceFolder().getPath()));

        if (!fromFile.exists() && !fromFile.getName().endsWith(".xml")) {

          String component = f.getPath().replace(origPath + File.separator, "");

          if (component.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            component = component.substring(0, component.indexOf('.'));

          addDestructiveComponents(metaType, component, "");
   * Makes sure that all needed dirs exist before allowing to start processing changes file.
   * @param dirToPlaceXmlFile
   *     <p>The path to where the destructiveChanges.xml (default name, configurable in
   *     config.properties) file will be created.
   * @return Returns false if the objects src to dir, or src from dir, or passed in param path is
   *     missing. Returns false if generation of file fails anywhere in the process. Returns true is
   *     all paths, file generation completes successfully.
  public boolean buildDestructiveChanges(Boolean destroyOnly) {
    boolean successful = false;

    try {
      if (!orgTo.getSourceFolder().exists()) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Source directory that your deploying to does not exist: "
                + orgTo.getSourceFolder().getAbsolutePath());

      if (!orgFrom.getSourceFolder().exists()) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Source directory that your deploying from does not exist."
                + orgFrom.getSourceFolder().getAbsolutePath());

      File destXmlFile = new File(orgFrom.getSourceFolder().getPath());
      if (!destXmlFile.exists()) {
        throw new Exception("Directory to place destructiveChanges.xml in does not exist.");

      ZipUtils zipUtils = new ZipUtils();
          orgFrom.getSourceFolder().getPath(), orgFrom.getLocationFolder().getPath(), destroyOnly);

      // long startTime = System.nanoTime();
      // long endTime = System.nanoTime();
      // System.out.println("### Temp Cleanup() Took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ns");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return successful;