private void wakeupEDT() { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) { log.finest("wakeupEDT(): EDT == " + dispatchThread); } EventQueue eq = dispatchThread.getEventQueue(); eq.postEvent(new PeerEvent(this, wakingRunnable, PeerEvent.PRIORITY_EVENT)); }
public void handleConfigureNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { assert (SunToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread()); XConfigureEvent xe = xev.get_xconfigure(); if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { xembedLog.fine(xe.toString()); } // fix for 5063031 // if we use super.handleConfigureNotifyEvent() we would get wrong // size and position because embedded frame really is NOT a decorated one checkIfOnNewScreen( toGlobal(new Rectangle(xe.get_x(), xe.get_y(), xe.get_width(), xe.get_height()))); Rectangle oldBounds = getBounds(); synchronized (getStateLock()) { x = xe.get_x(); y = xe.get_y(); width = xe.get_width(); height = xe.get_height(); dimensions.setClientSize(width, height); dimensions.setLocation(x, y); } if (!getLocation().equals(oldBounds.getLocation())) { handleMoved(dimensions); } reconfigureContentWindow(dimensions); }
// Coordinates are that of the shell void setContentBounds(WindowDimensions dims) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { // Bounds of content window are of the same size as bounds of Java window and with // location as -(insets) Rectangle newBounds = dims.getBounds(); Insets in = dims.getInsets(); if (in != null) { newBounds.setLocation(-in.left,; } if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { insLog.fine("Setting content bounds {0}, old bounds {1}", newBounds, getBounds()); } // Fix for 5023533: // Change in the size of the content window means, well, change of the size // Change in the location of the content window means change in insets boolean needHandleResize = !(newBounds.equals(getBounds())); reshape(newBounds); if (needHandleResize) { insLog.fine("Sending RESIZED"); handleResize(newBounds); } } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } validateSurface(); }
private boolean processProxyModeEvent(XEvent ev) { if (getProxyModeSourceWindow() == 0) { return false; } if (ev.get_type() != (int) XConstants.ClientMessage) { return false; } if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest(" proxyModeSourceWindow=" + getProxyModeSourceWindow() + " ev=" + ev); } XClientMessageEvent xclient = ev.get_xclient(); Iterator dragProtocols = XDragAndDropProtocols.getDragSourceProtocols(); while (dragProtocols.hasNext()) { XDragSourceProtocol dragProtocol = (XDragSourceProtocol); if (dragProtocol.processProxyModeEvent(xclient, getProxyModeSourceWindow())) { return true; } } return false; }
public void run() { log.fine("Wake up EDT"); synchronized (getTreeLock()) { keepBlockingCT.set(false); getTreeLock().notifyAll(); } log.fine("Wake up EDT done"); }
public boolean requestWindowFocus(long time, boolean timeProvided) { // Should check for active state of host application if (embedder != null && embedder.isActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Requesting focus from embedding host"); return embedder.requestFocus(); } else { xembedLog.fine("Requesting focus from X"); return super.requestWindowFocus(time, timeProvided); } }
public long getNSWindowPtr() { final long nsWindowPtr = ptr; if (nsWindowPtr == 0L) { if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { logger.fine( "NSWindow already disposed?", new Exception("Pointer to native NSWindow is invalid.")); } } return nsWindowPtr; }
/** @inheritDoc */ public boolean exit() { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "exit(): blockingEDT=" + keepBlockingEDT.get() + ", blockingCT=" + keepBlockingCT.get()); } if (keepBlockingEDT.compareAndSet(true, false)) { wakeupEDT(); return true; } return false; }
public boolean processXEmbedDnDEvent(long ctxt, int eventID) { if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) { xembedLog.finest(" Drop target=" + target.getDropTarget()); } if (target.getDropTarget() instanceof XEmbedDropTarget) { AppContext appContext = XToolkit.targetToAppContext(getTarget()); XDropTargetContextPeer peer = XDropTargetContextPeer.getPeer(appContext); peer.forwardEventToEmbedded(xembed.handle, ctxt, eventID); return true; } else { return false; } }
private void updateWindow(boolean repaint) { Window w = (Window) target; synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (isOpaque || !w.isVisible() || (w.getWidth() <= 0) || (w.getHeight() <= 0)) { return; } TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.updateWindow(repaint); } else if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Translucent window painter is null in updateWindow"); } } }
@Override public void setBackground(Color c) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("target=" + target + ", old=" + background + ", new=" + c); } background = c; if (xtext != null) { if (xtext.getBackground() != c) { xtext.setBackground(c); } xtext.setSelectedTextColor(c); } repaintText(); }
void childResized() { if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) { Rectangle bounds = getClientBounds(); xembedLog.finer("Child resized: " + bounds); // It is not required to update embedder's size when client size changes // However, since there is no any means to get client size it seems to be the // only way to provide it. However, it contradicts with Java layout concept - // so it is disabled for now. // Rectangle my_bounds = getBounds(); // setBounds(my_bounds.x, my_bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, SET_BOUNDS); } XToolkit.postEvent( XToolkit.targetToAppContext(target), new ComponentEvent(target, ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED)); }
void requestXEmbedFocus() { if (isXEmbedActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Requesting focus for client"); postEvent( new InvocationEvent( target, new Runnable() { public void run() { target.requestFocus(); } })); } else { xembedLog.fine("XEmbed is not active - denying request focus"); } }
void focusNext() { if (isXEmbedActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Requesting focus for the next component after embedder"); postEvent( new InvocationEvent( target, new Runnable() { public void run() { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusNextComponent(target); } })); } else { xembedLog.fine("XEmbed is not active - denying focus next"); } }
public void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent e) { applicationActive = false; if (isXEmbedActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Sending WINDOW_DEACTIVATE"); xembed.sendMessage(xembed.handle, XEMBED_WINDOW_DEACTIVATE); } }
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { boolean isDisposed = (Boolean) e.getNewValue(); if (isDisposed != true) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine(" Assertion (newValue != true) failed for AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED "); } } AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); synchronized (appContext) { appContext.remove(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); appContext.removePropertyChangeListener(AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED, this); KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); kfm.removePropertyChangeListener("activeWindow", activeWindowListener); } }
void notifyChildEmbedded() { xembed.sendMessage( xembed.handle, XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY, getWindow(), Math.min(xembed.version, XEMBED_VERSION), 0); if (isApplicationActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Sending WINDOW_ACTIVATE during initialization"); xembed.sendMessage(xembed.handle, XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE); if (hasFocus()) { xembedLog.fine("Sending FOCUS_GAINED during initialization"); xembed.sendMessage(xembed.handle, XEMBED_FOCUS_IN, XEMBED_FOCUS_CURRENT, 0, 0); } } }
protected void traverseOutBackward() { if (embedder != null && embedder.isActive()) { if (embedder.isApplicationActive()) { xembedLog.fine("Traversing out Backward"); embedder.traverseOutBackward(); } } }
@Override public boolean rejectFocusRequest(FocusEvent.Cause cause) { // Cross-app activation requests are not allowed. if (cause != FocusEvent.Cause.MOUSE_EVENT && !((LWCToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive()) { focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the request is rejected"); return true; } return false; }
void initDispatching() { if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) xembedLog.fine("Init embedding for " + Long.toHexString(xembed.handle)); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XToolkit.addEventDispatcher(xembed.handle, xembed); XlibWrapper.XSelectInput( XToolkit.getDisplay(), xembed.handle, XConstants.StructureNotifyMask | XConstants.PropertyChangeMask); XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().registerXEmbedClient(getWindow(), xembed.handle); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } xembed.processXEmbedInfo(); notifyChildEmbedded(); }
/** * *********************************************************** Callbacks from the AWTWindow and * AWTView objc classes. *********************************************************** */ private void deliverWindowFocusEvent(boolean gained, CPlatformWindow opposite) { // Fix for 7150349: ingore "gained" notifications when the app is inactive. if (gained && !((LWCToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive()) { focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the notification is ignored"); return; } LWWindowPeer oppositePeer = (opposite == null) ? null : opposite.getPeer(); responder.handleWindowFocusEvent(gained, oppositePeer); }
/* * Requests platform to set native focus on a frame/dialog. * In case of a simple window, triggers appropriate java focus change. */ public boolean requestWindowFocus(CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) { if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) { focusLog.fine("requesting native focus to " + this); } if (!focusAllowedFor()) { focusLog.fine("focus is not allowed"); return false; } if (platformWindow.rejectFocusRequest(cause)) { return false; } Window currentActive = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow(); Window opposite = LWKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().getCurrentFocusedWindow(); // Make the owner active window. if (isSimpleWindow()) { LWWindowPeer owner = getOwnerFrameDialog(this); // If owner is not natively active, request native // activation on it w/o sending events up to java. if (owner != null && !owner.platformWindow.isActive()) { if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) { focusLog.fine("requesting native focus to the owner " + owner); } LWWindowPeer currentActivePeer = (currentActive != null ? (LWWindowPeer) currentActive.getPeer() : null); // Ensure the opposite is natively active and suppress sending events. if (currentActivePeer != null && currentActivePeer.platformWindow.isActive()) { if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) { focusLog.fine("the opposite is " + currentActivePeer); } currentActivePeer.skipNextFocusChange = true; } owner.skipNextFocusChange = true; owner.platformWindow.requestWindowFocus(); } // DKFM will synthesize all the focus/activation events correctly. changeFocusedWindow(true, opposite); return true; // In case the toplevel is active but not focused, change focus directly, // as requesting native focus on it will not have effect. } else if (getTarget() == currentActive && !getTarget().hasFocus()) { changeFocusedWindow(true, opposite); return true; } return platformWindow.requestWindowFocus(); }
void endDispatching() { xembedLog.fine("End dispatching for " + Long.toHexString(xembed.handle)); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().unregisterXEmbedClient(getWindow(), xembed.handle); // We can't deselect input since someone else might be interested in it XToolkit.removeEventDispatcher(xembed.handle, xembed); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
public void updateGC() { int scrn = getScreenImOn(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Screen number: " + scrn); } // get current GD Win32GraphicsDevice oldDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice) winGraphicsConfig.getDevice(); Win32GraphicsDevice newDev; GraphicsDevice devs[] = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices(); // Occasionally during device addition/removal getScreenImOn can return // a non-existing screen number. Use the default device in this case. if (scrn >= devs.length) { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice) GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); } else { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice) devs[scrn]; } // Set winGraphicsConfig to the default GC for the monitor this Window // is now mostly on. winGraphicsConfig = (Win32GraphicsConfig) newDev.getDefaultConfiguration(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { if (winGraphicsConfig == null) { screenLog.fine("Assertion (winGraphicsConfig != null) failed"); } } // if on a different display, take off old GD and put on new GD if (oldDev != newDev) { oldDev.removeDisplayChangedListener(this); newDev.addDisplayChangedListener(this); } AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor() .setGraphicsConfiguration((Component) target, winGraphicsConfig); }
private static void writeLogRecords(PrintStream logps) throws Exception { PrintStream err = System.err; try { System.setErr(logps); Object[] params = new Object[] {new Long(1), "string"}; PlatformLogger plog = PlatformLogger.getLogger(""); plog.severe("Log message {0} {1}", (Object[]) params); // create a java.util.logging.Logger // now java.util.logging.Logger should be created for each platform // logger Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Log message {0} {1}", params); plog.severe("Log message {0} {1}", (Object[]) params); } finally { logps.flush(); logps.close(); System.setErr(err); } }
void detachChild() { if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) xembedLog.fine("Detaching child " + Long.toHexString(xembed.handle)); /** * XEmbed specification: "The embedder can unmap the client and reparent the client window to * the root window. If the client receives an ReparentNotify event, it should check the parent * field of the XReparentEvent structure. If this is the root window of the window's screen, * then the protocol is finished and there is no further interaction. If it is a window other * than the root window, then the protocol continues with the new parent acting as the embedder * window." */ XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XUnmapWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), xembed.handle); XlibWrapper.XReparentWindow( XToolkit.getDisplay(), xembed.handle, XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow(), 0, 0); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } endDispatching(); xembed.handle = 0; }
void canvasFocusLost(FocusEvent e) { if (isXEmbedActive() && !e.isTemporary()) { xembedLog.fine("Forwarding FOCUS_LOST"); int num = 0; if (AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.xembed.testing"))) { Component opp = e.getOppositeComponent(); try { num = Integer.parseInt(opp.getName()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } xembed.sendMessage(xembed.handle, XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT, num, 0, 0); } }
void forwardKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { xembedLog.fine("Try to forward key event"); byte[] bdata = getBData(e); long data = Native.toData(bdata); if (data == 0) { return; } try { XKeyEvent ke = new XKeyEvent(data); ke.set_window(xembed.handle); if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) xembedLog.fine("Forwarding native key event: " + ke); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XSendEvent( XToolkit.getDisplay(), xembed.handle, false, XConstants.NoEventMask, data); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } finally { XlibWrapper.unsafe.freeMemory(data); } }
public void handleClientMessage(XEvent xev) { super.handleClientMessage(xev); XClientMessageEvent msg = xev.get_xclient(); if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) xembedLog.finer("Client message to embedder: " + msg); if (msg.get_message_type() == xembed.XEmbed.getAtom()) { if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) xembedLog.fine(xembed.XEmbedMessageToString(msg)); } if (isXEmbedActive()) { switch ((int) msg.get_data(1)) { case XEMBED_REQUEST_FOCUS: requestXEmbedFocus(); break; case XEMBED_FOCUS_NEXT: focusNext(); break; case XEMBED_FOCUS_PREV: focusPrev(); break; case XEMBED_REGISTER_ACCELERATOR: registerAccelerator(msg.get_data(2), msg.get_data(3), msg.get_data(4)); break; case XEMBED_UNREGISTER_ACCELERATOR: unregisterAccelerator(msg.get_data(2)); break; case NON_STANDARD_XEMBED_GTK_GRAB_KEY: grabKey(msg.get_data(3), msg.get_data(4)); break; case NON_STANDARD_XEMBED_GTK_UNGRAB_KEY: ungrabKey(msg.get_data(3), msg.get_data(4)); break; } } else { xembedLog.finer("But XEmbed is not Active!"); } }
private void init(KeyEvent e) { byte[] bdata = getBData(e); long data = Native.toData(bdata); if (data == 0) { return; } try { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { keysym = XWindow.getKeySymForAWTKeyCode(e.getKeyCode()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } XKeyEvent ke = new XKeyEvent(data); // We recognize only these masks modifiers = ke.get_state() & (XConstants.ShiftMask | XConstants.ControlMask | XConstants.LockMask); if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) xembedLog.finest("Mapped " + e + " to " + this); } finally { XlibWrapper.unsafe.freeMemory(data); } }