   * Tests the case where there are no settings in the OutputBehaviors object to load when the
   * window is created
  public void testLoadNoSettings() {
    MainWindow oWindow = new MainWindow();
    GUIManager oManager = oWindow.m_oDataManager;
    String sFileName = null;
    try {
      sFileName = writeXMLFile1();
      OutputBehaviors oParent = oManager.getOutputBehaviors();
      DetailedOutput oDetailed = (DetailedOutput) oParent.getDetailedOutput();
      JDialog jFake = new JDialog();
      DetailedOutputGridSetup oTester = new DetailedOutputGridSetup(jFake, oDetailed);

      // Verify that there are no choices in the grid
      assertEquals(1, oTester.m_jGridListCombo.getItemCount());
      String sChoice = (String) oTester.m_jGridListCombo.getItemAt(0);

      // Verify that there is nothing in data members
      assertEquals(0, oTester.m_jDataMemberListModel.getSize());

      // Verify that there is nothing in the "what saved" box
      assertEquals(0, oTester.m_jSaveListModel.getSize());
    } catch (ModelException oErr) {
      fail("TestLoadNoSettings failed with message " + oErr.getMessage());
    } finally {
      new File(sFileName).delete();
   * Tests the case where there are settings in the OutputBehaviors object to load when the window
   * is created
  public void testLoadSettings() {
    MainWindow oWindow = new MainWindow();
    GUIManager oManager = oWindow.m_oDataManager;
    String sFileName = null;
    try {
      sFileName = writeXMLFile1();
      OutputBehaviors oParent = oManager.getOutputBehaviors();
      DetailedOutput oOutput = oParent.getDetailedOutput();
      JDialog jFake = new JDialog();

      // Create some settings to load
      DetailedGridSettings oSettings = new DetailedGridSettings("Test Grid 1");
      oSettings.addChar("Char1", "Test Char 1");
      oSettings.addInt("Integer 1", "Test Integer 1");
      oSettings.addInt("Integer 2", "Test Integer 2");

      oSettings = null;
      oSettings = new DetailedGridSettings("Test Grid 2");
      oSettings.addBool("Bool1", "Test Bool 1");
      oSettings.addChar("Char 1", "Test Char 1");

      DetailedOutputGridSetup oTester = new DetailedOutputGridSetup(jFake, oOutput);

      // Verify that there are 2 choices in the grid
      /*    assertEquals(3, oTester.jGridListCombo.getItemCount());
      String sChoice = (String) oTester.jGridListCombo.getItemAt(0);
      sChoice = (String) oTester.jGridListCombo.getItemAt(1);
      assertTrue(sChoice.equals("Test Grid 1"));
      sChoice = (String) oTester.jGridListCombo.getItemAt(2);
      assertTrue(sChoice.equals("Test Grid 2"));
      //Verify that there is nothing in data members
      assertEquals(0, oTester.jDataMemberListModel.getSize());
      //Choose the no-grid line and verify that there's nothing in data members
      assertEquals(0, oTester.jDataMemberListModel.getSize());
      //Choose the first grid and verify the number of data members
      assertEquals(3, oTester.jDataMemberListModel.getSize());
      //Choose the second grid and verify the number of data members
      assertEquals(2, oTester.jDataMemberListModel.getSize()); */

      // Verify that there are two lines in the "what saved" box
      assertEquals(2, oTester.m_jSaveListModel.getSize());
    } catch (ModelException oErr) {
      fail("TestLoadSettings failed with message " + oErr.getMessage());