/* case_label = {constant} case minus? integer_constant | {default} default; */ public void outAConstantCaseLabel(AConstantCaseLabel node) { String s = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); int sign = 1; if (node.getMinus() != null) sign = -1; if (s.endsWith("L")) { mProductions.addLast(LongConstant.v(sign * Long.parseLong(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)))); } else mProductions.addLast(IntConstant.v(sign * Integer.parseInt(s))); }
public void outAIntegerConstant(AIntegerConstant node) { String s = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (node.getMinus() != null) buf.append('-'); buf.append(s); s = buf.toString(); if (s.endsWith("L")) { mProductions.addLast(LongConstant.v(Long.parseLong(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)))); } else mProductions.addLast(IntConstant.v(Integer.parseInt(s))); }
public void defaultCase(Node node) { if (node instanceof TQuotedName || node instanceof TFullIdentifier || node instanceof TIdentifier || node instanceof TStringConstant || node instanceof TIntegerConstant || node instanceof TFloatConstant || node instanceof TAtIdentifier) { if (debug) G.v().out.println("Default case -pushing token:" + ((Token) node).getText()); String tokenString = ((Token) node).getText(); if (node instanceof TStringConstant || node instanceof TQuotedName) { tokenString = tokenString.substring(1, tokenString.length() - 1); } if (node instanceof TIdentifier || node instanceof TFullIdentifier || node instanceof TQuotedName || node instanceof TStringConstant) { try { tokenString = StringTools.getUnEscapedStringOf(tokenString); } catch (RuntimeException e) { G.v().out.println(tokenString); throw e; } } mProductions.addLast(tokenString); } }
public void outAAssignStatement(AAssignStatement node) { Value rvalue = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); Value variable = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); Unit u = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(variable, rvalue); mProductions.addLast(u); }
public void outAInvokeStatement(AInvokeStatement node) { Value op = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); Unit u = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(op); mProductions.addLast(u); }
public void outANonstaticInvokeExpr(ANonstaticInvokeExpr node) { List args; if (node.getArgList() != null) args = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); else args = new ArrayList(); SootMethodRef method = (SootMethodRef) mProductions.removeLast(); String local = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Local l = (Local) mLocals.get(local); if (l == null) throw new RuntimeException("did not find local: " + local); Node invokeType = (Node) node.getNonstaticInvoke(); Expr invokeExpr; if (invokeType instanceof ASpecialNonstaticInvoke) { invokeExpr = Jimple.v().newSpecialInvokeExpr(l, method, args); } else if (invokeType instanceof AVirtualNonstaticInvoke) { invokeExpr = Jimple.v().newVirtualInvokeExpr(l, method, args); } else { if (debug) if (!(invokeType instanceof AInterfaceNonstaticInvoke)) throw new RuntimeException("expected interface invoke."); invokeExpr = Jimple.v().newInterfaceInvokeExpr(l, method, args); } mProductions.addLast(invokeExpr); }
public void outALocalImmediate(ALocalImmediate node) { String local = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Local l = (Local) mLocals.get(local); if (l == null) throw new RuntimeException("did not find local: " + local); mProductions.addLast(l); }
public void outAFullIdentNonvoidType(AFullIdentNonvoidType node) { String typeName = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Type t = RefType.v(typeName); int dim = node.getArrayBrackets().size(); if (dim > 0) t = ArrayType.v(t, dim); mProductions.addLast(t); }
public void outALookupswitchStatement(ALookupswitchStatement node) { List lookupValues = new ArrayList(); List targets = new ArrayList(); UnitBox defaultTarget = null; if (node.getCaseStmt() != null) { int size = node.getCaseStmt().size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object valueTargetPair = mProductions.removeLast(); if (valueTargetPair instanceof UnitBox) { if (defaultTarget != null) throw new RuntimeException("error: can't ;have more than 1 default stmt"); defaultTarget = (UnitBox) valueTargetPair; } else { Object[] pair = (Object[]) valueTargetPair; lookupValues.add(0, pair[0]); targets.add(0, pair[1]); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("error: switch stmt has no case stmts"); } Value key = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); Unit switchStmt = Jimple.v().newLookupSwitchStmt(key, lookupValues, targets, defaultTarget); mProductions.addLast(switchStmt); }
public void outAIdentityNoTypeStatement(AIdentityNoTypeStatement node) { mProductions.removeLast(); // get rid of @caughtexception string presently on top of the stack Value local = (Value) mLocals.get(mProductions.removeLast()); // the local ref from it's identifier Unit u = Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(local, Jimple.v().newCaughtExceptionRef()); mProductions.addLast(u); }
public void outABinopExpr(ABinopExpr node) { Value right = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); BinopExpr expr = (BinopExpr) mProductions.removeLast(); Value left = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); expr.setOp1(left); expr.setOp2(right); mProductions.addLast(expr); }
public void outAArrayRef(AArrayRef node) { Value immediate = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); String identifier = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Local l = (Local) mLocals.get(identifier); if (l == null) throw new RuntimeException("did not find local: " + identifier); mProductions.addLast(Jimple.v().newArrayRef(l, immediate)); }
public void outAGotoStatement(AGotoStatement node) { String targetLabel = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); UnitBox box = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); Unit branch = Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(box); addBoxToPatch(targetLabel, box); mProductions.addLast(branch); }
public void outALocalFieldRef(ALocalFieldRef node) { SootFieldRef field = (SootFieldRef) mProductions.removeLast(); String local = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Local l = (Local) mLocals.get(local); if (l == null) throw new RuntimeException("did not find local: " + local); mProductions.addLast(Jimple.v().newInstanceFieldRef(l, field)); }
/* case_stmt = case_label colon goto_stmt; */ public void outACaseStmt(ACaseStmt node) { String labelName = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); UnitBox box = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); addBoxToPatch(labelName, box); Value labelValue = null; if (node.getCaseLabel() instanceof AConstantCaseLabel) labelValue = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); // if labelValue == null, this is the default label. if (labelValue == null) mProductions.addLast(box); else { Object[] valueTargetPair = new Object[2]; valueTargetPair[0] = labelValue; valueTargetPair[1] = box; mProductions.addLast(valueTargetPair); } }
public void outAIfStatement(AIfStatement node) { String targetLabel = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Value condition = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); UnitBox box = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); Unit u = Jimple.v().newIfStmt(condition, box); addBoxToPatch(targetLabel, box); mProductions.addLast(u); }
public void outAReturnStatement(AReturnStatement node) { Value v; Stmt s = null; if (node.getImmediate() != null) { v = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); s = Jimple.v().newReturnStmt(v); } else { s = Jimple.v().newReturnVoidStmt(); } mProductions.addLast(s); }
public void outADeclaration(ADeclaration node) { List localNameList = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); Type type = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); Iterator it = localNameList.iterator(); List localList = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { Local l = Jimple.v().newLocal((String) it.next(), type); mLocals.put(l.getName(), l); localList.add(l); } mProductions.addLast(localList); }
public void outAFieldSignature(AFieldSignature node) { String className, fieldName; Type t; fieldName = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); t = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); className = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); SootClass cl = mResolver.makeClassRef(className); SootFieldRef field = Scene.v().makeFieldRef(cl, fieldName, t, false); mProductions.addLast(field); }
/* throws_clause = throws class_name_list; */ public void outAThrowsClause(AThrowsClause node) { List l = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); Iterator it = l.iterator(); List exceptionClasses = new ArrayList(l.size()); while (it.hasNext()) { String className = (String) it.next(); exceptionClasses.add(mResolver.makeClassRef(className)); } mProductions.addLast(exceptionClasses); }
public void outAStringConstant(AStringConstant node) { String s = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); mProductions.addLast(StringConstant.v(s)); /* try { String t = StringTools.getUnEscapedStringOf(s); mProductions.push(StringConstant.v(t)); } catch(RuntimeException e) { G.v().out.println(s); throw e; } */ }
/* method_signature = cmplt [class_name]:class_name [first]:colon type [method_name]:name l_paren parameter_list? r_paren cmpgt; */ public void outAMethodSignature(AMethodSignature node) { String className, methodName; List parameterList = new ArrayList(); Type returnType; if (node.getParameterList() != null) parameterList = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); methodName = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Type type = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); className = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); SootClass sootClass = mResolver.makeClassRef(className); SootMethodRef sootMethod = Scene.v().makeMethodRef(sootClass, methodName, parameterList, type, false); mProductions.addLast(sootMethod); }
public void outAStaticInvokeExpr(AStaticInvokeExpr node) { List args; if (node.getArgList() != null) args = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); else args = new ArrayList(); SootMethodRef method = (SootMethodRef) mProductions.removeLast(); method = Scene.v() .makeMethodRef( method.declaringClass(), method.name(), method.parameterTypes(), method.returnType(), true); mProductions.addLast(Jimple.v().newStaticInvokeExpr(method, args)); }
public void outACatchClause(ACatchClause node) { String exceptionName; UnitBox withUnit, fromUnit, toUnit; withUnit = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); addBoxToPatch((String) mProductions.removeLast(), withUnit); toUnit = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); addBoxToPatch((String) mProductions.removeLast(), toUnit); fromUnit = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null); addBoxToPatch((String) mProductions.removeLast(), fromUnit); exceptionName = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Trap trap = Jimple.v().newTrap(mResolver.makeClassRef(exceptionName), fromUnit, toUnit, withUnit); mProductions.addLast(trap); }
public void outAMultiNewExpr(AMultiNewExpr node) { LinkedList arrayDesc = node.getArrayDescriptor(); int descCnt = arrayDesc.size(); List sizes = new LinkedList(); Iterator it = arrayDesc.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AArrayDescriptor o = (AArrayDescriptor) it.next(); if (o.getImmediate() != null) sizes.add(0, (Value) mProductions.removeLast()); else break; } Type type = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); ArrayType arrayType = ArrayType.v(type, descCnt); mProductions.addLast(Jimple.v().newNewMultiArrayExpr(arrayType, sizes)); }
public void outAIdentityStatement(AIdentityStatement node) { Type identityRefType = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); String atClause = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); Value local = (Value) mLocals.get(mProductions.removeLast()); // the local ref from it's identifier Value ref = null; if (atClause.startsWith("@this")) { ref = Jimple.v().newThisRef((RefType) identityRefType); } else if (atClause.startsWith("@parameter")) { int index = Integer.parseInt(atClause.substring(10, atClause.length() - 1)); ref = Jimple.v().newParameterRef(identityRefType, index); } else throw new RuntimeException( "shouldn't @caughtexception be handled by outAIdentityNoTypeStatement: got" + atClause); Unit u = Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(local, ref); mProductions.addLast(u); }
public void outAFile(AFile node) { // not not pop members; they have been taken care of. List implementsList = null; String superClass = null; String classType = null; if (node.getImplementsClause() != null) { implementsList = (List) mProductions.removeLast(); } if (node.getExtendsClause() != null) { superClass = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); } classType = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); int modifierCount = node.getModifier().size(); int modifierFlags = processModifiers(node.getModifier()); if (classType.equals("interface")) modifierFlags |= Modifier.INTERFACE; mSootClass.setModifiers(modifierFlags); if (superClass != null) { mSootClass.setSuperclass(mResolver.makeClassRef(superClass)); } if (implementsList != null) { Iterator implIt = implementsList.iterator(); while (implIt.hasNext()) { SootClass interfaceClass = mResolver.makeClassRef((String) implIt.next()); mSootClass.addInterface(interfaceClass); } } mProductions.addLast(mSootClass); }
/* ('#' (('-'? 'Infinity') | 'NaN') ('f' | 'F')? ) ; */ public void outAFloatConstant(AFloatConstant node) { String s = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); boolean isDouble = true; float value = 0; double dvalue = 0; if (s.endsWith("f") || s.endsWith("F")) isDouble = false; if (s.charAt(0) == '#') { if (s.charAt(1) == '-') { if (isDouble) dvalue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; else value = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (s.charAt(1) == 'I') { if (isDouble) dvalue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else value = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { if (isDouble) dvalue = Double.NaN; else value = Float.NaN; } } else { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (node.getMinus() != null) buf.append('-'); buf.append(s); s = buf.toString(); if (isDouble) dvalue = Double.parseDouble(s); else value = Float.parseFloat(s); } Object res; if (isDouble) res = DoubleConstant.v(dvalue); else res = FloatConstant.v(value); mProductions.addLast(res); }
public void outATableswitchStatement(ATableswitchStatement node) { List targets = new ArrayList(); UnitBox defaultTarget = null; int lowIndex = 0, highIndex = 0; if (node.getCaseStmt() != null) { int size = node.getCaseStmt().size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object valueTargetPair = mProductions.removeLast(); if (valueTargetPair instanceof UnitBox) { if (defaultTarget != null) throw new RuntimeException("error: can't ;have more than 1 default stmt"); defaultTarget = (UnitBox) valueTargetPair; } else { Object[] pair = (Object[]) valueTargetPair; if ((i == 0 && defaultTarget == null) || (i == 1 && defaultTarget != null)) highIndex = ((IntConstant) pair[0]).value; if (i == (size - 1)) lowIndex = ((IntConstant) pair[0]).value; targets.add(0, pair[1]); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("error: switch stmt has no case stmts"); } Value key = (Value) mProductions.removeLast(); Unit switchStmt = Jimple.v().newTableSwitchStmt(key, lowIndex, highIndex, targets, defaultTarget); mProductions.addLast(switchStmt); }
public void outAClzzConstant(AClzzConstant node) { String s = (String) mProductions.removeLast(); mProductions.addLast(ClassConstant.v(s)); }