public void move(PPP ppp) throws InvalidMoveError { Node move_to = this.planned_route.remove(0); if ((move_to.getX() == this.getX()) && (move_to.getY() == this.getY())) { this.totalStationairyMoves++; } boolean invalid = false; if (ppp.isOccupied(move_to.getX(), move_to.getY())) { // Invalid move made! invalid = true; this.invalidMoves++; throw new InvalidMoveError("Invalid move - " + move_to.toString() + " is Occupied\n"); } if (invalid) { System.out.println("invalid move beyond throw"); } move_to.incVisits(); if (this.route_taken.contains(move_to)) { this.route_taken.get(this.route_taken.indexOf(move_to)).incVisits(); } this.route_taken.add(move_to); short turns = (short) (this.state.getStateValue().getTurn() + move_to.turnCost(this.getHeading())); short adv = (short) (this.state.getStateValue().getAdvance() + 1); short moves = (short) (turns + adv); this.state.setStateValue(turns, adv, moves); this.state.setAgentState(move_to.getX(), move_to.getY(), move_to.getHeading()); }
@Override public void plan() { short[] currentPos = this.getPos(); Node parent = null; int parent_to_reach = 0; char parent_heading = 'r'; if (this.route_taken.size() != 0) { parent = this.route_taken.get(this.route_taken.size() - 1); parent_to_reach = parent.getCostToReach(); parent_heading = parent.getHeading(); } ArrayList<Node> successors = this.getSuccessors(parent, currentPos[0], currentPos[1], currentMem); for (Node s : successors) { int to_reach = parent_to_reach + s.turnCost(parent_heading) + 1; s.setCost(to_reach, this.evaluatePosition(s)); } ; Node cheapest = this.getCheapestSuccessor(successors); this.planned_route.add(cheapest); }
private int evaluatePosition(Node n) { // Subsidise nodes which keep the wall on the correct side char wallSide = this.keepWallOnSide(n.getHeading()); // Cost == Cost of about turn - higher encourages cycles // Too low encourages movement away from the wall if a turn is required int cost = 10; switch (wallSide) { case 'u': if (this.currentMem.occupied(n.getX(), n.getY() - 1)) { cost = 0; } break; case 'd': if (this.currentMem.occupied(n.getX(), n.getY() + 1)) { cost = 0; } break; case 'l': if (this.currentMem.occupied(n.getX() - 1, n.getY())) { cost = 0; } break; case 'r': if (this.currentMem.occupied(n.getX() + 1, n.getY())) { cost = 0; } break; default: break; } if (n.isPos(this.getX(), this.getY())) { // Discourage not moving cost = 100; } if (this.currentMem.isGoal(n.getX(), n.getY())) { // subsidise the goal position cost = 0; } // Intended fault: This bot will happily be trapped in a cycle. // if (this.route_taken.contains(n)){ // //Previously been at this position // Node p = this.route_taken.get(this.route_taken.indexOf(n)); // p.incVisits(); // n.setVisits(p.getVisits()); // } int c = cost; // +(2*n.getVisits()); return c; }