   * The startRenderTask creates a new OSD of the object type render_task in the repository in the
   * specified folder. This task object is read by the render server and updated with status updates
   * by the render process (which are written to custom metadata
   * /meta/metaset=render_output/messages/). It is up to the client to interpret the messages. The
   * overall status of the render task can be determined by looking at the procstate attribute:<br>
   * While the task is waiting for the render server to pick it up, its procstate is set to
   * "waiting". While the task is running, its procstate is set to "running". After the task is
   * finished, the task's procstate attribute is set to "finished". If the task should fail, the
   * task's procstate is set to "failed".
   * <h2>Required permissions</h2>
   * @param cmd a Map of HTTP request parameters containing:<br>
   *     <ul>
   *       <li>command=startrendertask
   *       <li>[name]=optional name of the task, defaults to "RenderTask"
   *       <li>ticket=session ticket
   *       <li>parentid = id of the folder where the task-object will be created
   *       <li>metadata = xml to use as the metadata metaset=render_input field. It must contain at
   *           least the element
   *           <pre>{@code <renderTaskName>}</pre>
   *           which holds the name of the render task that will be performed. It should contain the
   *           sourceId element to specify the id of the source content object to be rendered.<br>
   *           Example for metadata content:<br>
   *           <pre>{@code
   * <metaset type="render_input"><sourceId>542</sourceId><renderTaskName>foo</renderTaskName></metaset>
   * }</pre>
   *     </ul>
   * @return a CinnamonException if the object cannot be instantiated for any reason, or a Response
   *     object with the following XML content:
   *     <pre>{@code
   *  <startRenderTask>
   *    <taskObjectId>123</taskObjectId>
   *    <success>success.startRenderTask</success>
   * </startRenderTask>
   * }</pre>
  @CinnamonMethod(checkTrigger = "true")
  public Response startRenderTask(Map<String, Object> cmd) {
    // create object and validate permission
    User user = getUser();
    ObjectSystemData osd = new ObjectSystemData(cmd, user, false);
    (new Validator(user)).validateCreate(osd.getParent());

    String renderInput;
    if (cmd.containsKey("metadata")) {
      Node meta = ParamParser.parseXml((String) cmd.get("metadata"), "error.param.metadata");
      renderInput = meta.asXML();
    } else {
      renderInput = "";
    String metasetStr =
        "<meta>" + renderInput + "<metaset type=\"render_output\"></metaset></meta>";
    Node metaset = ParamParser.parseXml(metasetStr, null);
    LifeCycleDAO lcDao = daoFactory.getLifeCycleDAO(em);
    LifeCycle lc = lcDao.findByName(Constants.RENDER_SERVER_LIFECYCLE);
    if (lc == null) {
      throw new CinnamonConfigurationException(
          Constants.RENDER_SERVER_LIFECYCLE + " lifecycle was not found.");
    if (lc.getDefaultState() == null) {
      throw new CinnamonConfigurationException(
              + " lifecycle is not configured correctly. Needs defaultState.");

    if (cmd.containsKey("name")) {
      osd.setName(((String) cmd.get("name")).trim());
    } else {

    ObjectTypeDAO otDao = daoFactory.getObjectTypeDAO(em);
    ObjectType renderTaskType = otDao.findByName(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TASK);
    if (renderTaskType == null) {
      throw new CinnamonConfigurationException("Could not find required render task object type.");
    ObjectSystemDataDAO oDao = daoFactory.getObjectSystemDataDAO(em);

    // create response
    XmlResponse resp = new XmlResponse(res);
    Element root = resp.getDoc().addElement("startRenderTask");
    return resp;