ArrayList<CrystalReceiver> getNearbyReceivers(CrystalTransmitter r, CrystalElement e) {
   ArrayList<CrystalReceiver> li = new ArrayList();
   try {
     for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
       if (c.dimensionID == r.getWorld().provider.dimensionId) {
         CrystalNetworkTile tile = tiles.get(c);
         if (tile instanceof CrystalReceiver && r != tile) {
           CrystalReceiver te = (CrystalReceiver) tile;
           if (te.canConduct() && r.canTransmitTo(te)) {
             if (e == null || te.isConductingElement(e)) {
               double d = te.getDistanceSqTo(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getZ());
               // ReikaJavaLibrary.pConsole(e+": "+d+": "+te);
               double send = r.getSendRange();
               double dist = te.getReceiveRange();
               if (d <= Math.min(dist * dist, send * send)) {
   } catch (ConcurrentModificationException ex) {
         "CME when trying to pathfind on the crystal network. This indicates a deeper issue.");
   return li;
  public CrystalNetworkTile getNearestTileOfType(
      CrystalNetworkTile te, Class<? extends CrystalNetworkTile> type, int range) {
    CrystalNetworkTile ret = null;
    double dist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    HashSet<WorldLocation> rem = new HashSet();
    for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
      CrystalNetworkTile tile = tiles.get(c);
      if (tile == null) {
        ChromatiCraft.logger.logError("Null tile at " + c + " but still cached?!");
        // c.setBlock(Blocks.brick_block);
      } else if (tile == te) {

      } else if (te.getWorld().provider.dimensionId == c.dimensionID) {
        if (type.isAssignableFrom(tile.getClass())) {
          double d = tile.getDistanceSqTo(te.getX(), te.getY(), te.getZ());
          if (d <= range * range && d < dist) {
            dist = d;
            ret = tile;
    for (WorldLocation loc : rem) {
    return ret;
 public int countLoweredRods() {
   int count = 0;
   for (WorldLocation c : controls.keySet()) {
     TileEntityControlRod rod = controls.get(c);
     if (rod.isActive()) count++;
   return count;
 public void SCRAM() {
   int iter = 0;
   for (WorldLocation c : controls.keySet()) {
     TileEntityControlRod rod = controls.get(c);
     rod.drop(iter == 0);
 ArrayList<CrystalSource> getAllSourcesFor(CrystalElement e, boolean activeOnly) {
   ArrayList<CrystalSource> li = new ArrayList();
   for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
     CrystalNetworkTile tile = tiles.get(c);
     if (tile instanceof CrystalSource) {
       CrystalSource te = (CrystalSource) tile;
       if (te.canConduct() || !activeOnly) {
         if (e == null || te.isConductingElement(e)) {
   return li;
 public Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> getNearbyPylons(
     World world, int x, int y, int z, CrystalElement e, int range, boolean LOS) {
   TileEntityCache<TileEntityCrystalPylon> c = pylons.get(e);
   Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> li = new ArrayList();
   if (c != null) {
     for (WorldLocation loc : c.keySet()) {
       if (loc.dimensionID == world.provider.dimensionId && loc.getDistanceTo(x, y, z) <= range) {
         if (!LOS || PylonFinder.lineOfSight(world, x, y, z, loc.xCoord, loc.yCoord, loc.zCoord)) {
   return li;
 public Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> getAllNearbyPylons(
     World world, int x, int y, int z, double range) {
   Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> li = new ArrayList();
   for (CrystalElement e : pylons.keySet()) {
     TileEntityCache<TileEntityCrystalPylon> c = pylons.get(e);
     if (c != null) {
       for (WorldLocation loc : c.keySet()) {
         if (loc.dimensionID == world.provider.dimensionId
             && loc.getDistanceTo(x, y, z) <= range) {
   return li;
 public void clearOnUnload(WorldEvent.Unload evt) {
   int dim =;
   ChromatiCraft.logger.debug("Unloading dimension " + dim + ", clearing crystal network.");
   try {
     for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
       CrystalNetworkTile te = tiles.get(c);
       if (te instanceof CrystalTransmitter) ((CrystalTransmitter) te).clearTargets(true);
     for (TileEntityCache c : pylons.values()) c.removeWorld(;
   } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
         "Clearing the crystal network on world unload caused a CME. This is indicative of a deeper problem.");
 ArrayList<CrystalTransmitter> getTransmittersTo(CrystalReceiver r, CrystalElement e) {
   ArrayList<CrystalTransmitter> li = new ArrayList();
   for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
     if (c.dimensionID == r.getWorld().provider.dimensionId) {
       CrystalNetworkTile tile = tiles.get(c);
       if (tile instanceof CrystalTransmitter && r != tile) {
         CrystalTransmitter te = (CrystalTransmitter) tile;
         if (te.canConduct() && te.canTransmitTo(r)) {
           if (e == null || te.isConductingElement(e)) {
             double d = te.getDistanceSqTo(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getZ());
             // ReikaJavaLibrary.pConsole(e+": "+d+": "+te);
             double send = te.getSendRange();
             double dist = r.getReceiveRange();
             if (d <= Math.min(dist * dist, send * send)) {
   return li;
Esempio n. 10
 public Collection<CrystalNetworkTile> getNearTilesOfType(
     World world, int x, int y, int z, Class<? extends CrystalNetworkTile> type, int range) {
   Collection<CrystalNetworkTile> ret = new ArrayList();
   HashSet<WorldLocation> rem = new HashSet();
   for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) {
     CrystalNetworkTile tile = tiles.get(c);
     if (tile == null) {
       ChromatiCraft.logger.logError("Null tile at " + c + " but still cached?!");
       // c.setBlock(Blocks.brick_block);
     } else if (world.provider.dimensionId == c.dimensionID) {
       if (type.isAssignableFrom(tile.getClass())) {
         double d = tile.getDistanceSqTo(x, y, z);
         if (d <= range * range) {
   for (WorldLocation loc : rem) {
   return ret;