private void stopGame() { HashMap<EventHandler<?>, WorkerThread<?>> hMap = dispatcher.getMap(); Iterator<?> it = hMap.keySet().iterator(); WorkerThread<?> thread = null; Handle<?> handle = null; EventHandler<?> eh = null; while (it.hasNext()) { eh = (EventHandler<?>); handle = eh.getHandle(); thread = hMap.get(eh); /* If it is the server-socket, then close it */ if (handle instanceof AcceptHandle) { ((AcceptHandle) handle).close(); } /* If it is the client-socket, then close it */ else { ((TCPHandle) handle).close(); } if (thread != null) { thread.cancelThread(); } } hMap.clear(); }
public <T> void removeHandler(EventHandler<T> eh) { dispatcher.removeHandler(eh); }
public <T> void addHandler(EventHandler<T> eh) { dispatcher.addHandler(eh); }