Esempio n. 1
   * Make all tableaux associated with this effigy and any effigies it contains visible by raising
   * or deiconifying them. If there is no tableau contained directly by this effigy, then create one
   * by calling createPrimaryTableau() in the configuration.
   * @return The first tableau encountered, or a new one if there are none.
  public Tableau showTableaux() {
    Iterator effigies = entityList(Effigy.class).iterator();

    while (effigies.hasNext()) {
      Effigy effigy = (Effigy);

    Iterator tableaux = entityList(Tableau.class).iterator();
    Tableau result = null;

    while (tableaux.hasNext()) {
      Tableau tableau = (Tableau);;

      if (result == null) {
        result = tableau;

    if (result == null) {
      // Create a new tableau.
      Configuration configuration = (Configuration) toplevel();
      result = configuration.createPrimaryTableau(this);

    return result;
   * Create a tableau for the specified effigy. The tableau will be created with a new unique name
   * with the specified effigy as its container.
   * @param effigy The model effigy.
   * @return A tableau for the effigy, or null if one cannot be created.
   * @exception Exception If the factory should be able to create a Tableau for the effigy, but
   *     something goes wrong.
  public Tableau createTableau(Effigy effigy) throws Exception {
    Configuration configuration = (Configuration) effigy.toplevel();

    TDLModule model = (TDLModule) ((PtolemyEffigy) effigy).getModel();
    FSMActor controller = ((TDLModuleDirector) model.getDirector()).getController();
    return configuration.openModel(controller);
Esempio n. 3
  * Close the given tableau when the Java GUI thread is not busy.
  * @param tableau The tableau to be closed.
 public static void closeTableau(final Tableau tableau) {
   Effigy effigy = (Effigy) tableau.getContainer();
   if (effigy != null) {
     try {
     } catch (KernelException e) {
       // Ignore if we can't remove the effigy from its
       // container.
   if (effigy instanceof PtolemyEffigy) {
     PtolemyEffigy ptolemyEffigy = (PtolemyEffigy) effigy;
       new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
Esempio n. 4
   * Close all tableaux contained by this effigy, and by any effigies it contains.
   * @return False if the user cancels on a save query, and true if all tableaux are successfully
   *     closed.
  public boolean closeTableaux() {
    Iterator effigies = entityList(Effigy.class).iterator();

    while (effigies.hasNext()) {
      Effigy effigy = (Effigy);

      if (!effigy.closeTableaux()) {
        return false;

    Iterator tableaux = entityList(Tableau.class).iterator();

    while (tableaux.hasNext()) {
      Tableau tableau = (Tableau);

      if (!tableau.close()) {
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 5
   * If the argument is the <i>uri</i> parameter, then read the specified URL and parse the data
   * contained in it.
   * @param attribute The attribute that changed.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the URL cannot be read or if the data is malformed.
  public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute) throws IllegalActionException {
    // The superclass does some handling of the url attribute.

    if (attribute == uri) {
      try {
        URL urlToRead = uri.getURL();

        if (urlToRead != null) {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new IllegalActionException(this, null, ex, "Failed to read data: " + ex.getMessage());
Esempio n. 6
     * Create an instance of CaseGraphTableau for the specified effigy, if it is an effigy for an
     * instance of FSMActor.
     * @param effigy The effigy for an FSMActor.
     * @return A new CaseGraphTableau, if the effigy is a PtolemyEffigy that references an FSMActor,
     *     or null otherwise.
     * @exception Exception If an exception occurs when creating the tableau.
    public Tableau createTableau(Effigy effigy) throws Exception {
      if (!(effigy instanceof PtolemyEffigy)) {
        return null;

      NamedObj model = ((PtolemyEffigy) effigy).getModel();

      if (model instanceof Case) {
        // Check to see whether this factory contains a
        // default library.
        LibraryAttribute library =
            (LibraryAttribute) getAttribute("_library", LibraryAttribute.class);

        CaseGraphTableau tableau =
            new CaseGraphTableau((PtolemyEffigy) effigy, effigy.uniqueName("tableau"), library);
        return tableau;
      } else {
        return null;
Esempio n. 7
  * Find the effigy associated with the top level of the object, and if not found but the top level
  * has a ContainmentExtender attribute, use that attribute to find the containment extender of the
  * top level and continue the search.
  * @param object The object.
  * @return The effigy, or null if not found.
  * @exception IllegalActionException If attributes cannot be retrieved, or the container that an
  *     attribute points to is invalid.
  * @deprecated Use instead
 public static Effigy findToplevelEffigy(NamedObj object) throws IllegalActionException {
   // actor.lib.hoc.ExecuteActor was calling this method in
   // ptera.EventUtils, which meant that hoc depended on ptera.
   return Effigy.findToplevelEffigy(object);