Esempio n. 1
public class AVD {
  private static final String AVD_CREATE_PRIMARY =
      "An error occurred while running “android create avd”";

  private static final String AVD_CREATE_SECONDARY =
      "The default Android emulator could not be set up. Make sure<br>"
          + "that the Android SDK is installed properly, and that the<br>"
          + "Android and Google APIs are installed for level "
          + AndroidBuild.sdkVersion
          + ".<br>"
          + "(Between you and me, occasionally, this error is a red herring,<br>"
          + "and your sketch may be launching shortly.)";

  private static final String AVD_LOAD_PRIMARY = "There is an error with the Processing AVD.";
  private static final String AVD_LOAD_SECONDARY =
      "This could mean that the Android tools need to be updated,<br>"
          + "or that the Processing AVD should be deleted (it will<br>"
          + "automatically re-created the next time you run Processing).<br>"
          + "Open the Android SDK Manager (underneath the Android menu)<br>"
          + "to check for any errors.";

  private static final String AVD_TARGET_PRIMARY = "The Google APIs are not installed properly";
  private static final String AVD_TARGET_SECONDARY =
      "Please re-read the installation instructions for Processing<br>"
          + "found at and try again.";

  static final String DEFAULT_SKIN = "WVGA800";
  static final String DEFAULT_SDCARD_SIZE = "64M";

  /** Name of this avd. */
  protected String name;

  /** "android-7" or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:7" */
  protected String target;

  /** Default virtual device used by Processing. */
  public static final AVD defaultAVD =
      new AVD("Processing-0" + Base.getRevision(), "android-" + AndroidBuild.sdkVersion);
  //            "Google Inc.:Google APIs:" + AndroidBuild.sdkVersion);

  static ArrayList<String> avdList;
  static ArrayList<String> badList;
  //  static ArrayList<String> skinList;

  public AVD(final String name, final String target) { = name; = target;

  protected static void list(final AndroidSDK sdk) throws IOException {
    try {
      avdList = new ArrayList<String>();
      badList = new ArrayList<String>();
      ProcessResult listResult =
          new ProcessHelper(sdk.getAndroidToolPath(), "list", "avds").execute();
      if (listResult.succeeded()) {
        boolean badness = false;
        for (String line : listResult) {
          String[] m = PApplet.match(line, "\\s+Name\\:\\s+(\\S+)");
          if (m != null) {
            if (!badness) {
              //              System.out.println("good: " + m[1]);
            } else {
              //              System.out.println("bad: " + m[1]);
            //          } else {
            //            System.out.println("nope: " + line);
          // "The following Android Virtual Devices could not be loaded:"
          if (line.contains("could not be loaded:")) {
            //            System.out.println("starting the bad list");
            //            System.err.println("Could not list AVDs:");
            //            System.err.println(listResult);
            badness = true;
            //            break;
      } else {
        System.err.println("Unhappy inside exists()");
    } catch (final InterruptedException ie) {

  protected boolean exists(final AndroidSDK sdk) throws IOException {
    if (avdList == null) {
    for (String avd : avdList) {
      if (Base.DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("AVD.exists() checking for " + name + " against " + avd);
      if (avd.equals(name)) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Return true if a member of the renowned and prestigious "The following Android Virtual Devices
   * could not be loaded:" club. (Prestigious may also not be the right word.)
  protected boolean badness() {
    for (String avd : badList) {
      if (avd.equals(name)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  protected boolean create(final AndroidSDK sdk) throws IOException {
    final String[] params = {

    // Set the list to null so that exists() will check again
    avdList = null;

    final ProcessHelper p = new ProcessHelper(params);
    try {
      // Passes 'no' to "Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no]"
      //      System.out.println("CREATE AVD STARTING");
      final ProcessResult createAvdResult = p.execute("no");
      //      System.out.println("CREATE AVD HAS COMPLETED");
      if (createAvdResult.succeeded()) {
        return true;
      if (createAvdResult.toString().contains("Target id is not valid")) {
        // They didn't install the Google APIs
        Base.showWarningTiered("Android Error", AVD_TARGET_PRIMARY, AVD_TARGET_SECONDARY, null);
        //        throw new IOException("Missing required SDK components");
      } else {
        // Just generally not working
        //        Base.showWarning("Android Error", AVD_CREATE_ERROR, null);
        Base.showWarningTiered("Android Error", AVD_CREATE_PRIMARY, AVD_CREATE_SECONDARY, null);
        //        throw new IOException("Error creating the AVD");
      // System.err.println(createAvdResult);
    } catch (final InterruptedException ie) {

    return false;

  public static boolean ensureProperAVD(final AndroidSDK sdk) {
    try {
      if (defaultAVD.exists(sdk)) {
        //        System.out.println("the avd exists");
        return true;
      //      if (badList.contains(defaultAVD)) {
      if (defaultAVD.badness()) {
        //        Base.showWarning("Android Error", AVD_CANNOT_LOAD, null);
        Base.showWarningTiered("Android Error", AVD_LOAD_PRIMARY, AVD_LOAD_SECONDARY, null);
        return false;
      if (defaultAVD.create(sdk)) {
        //        System.out.println("the avd was created");
        return true;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      //      Base.showWarning("Android Error", AVD_CREATE_ERROR, e);
      Base.showWarningTiered("Android Error", AVD_CREATE_PRIMARY, AVD_CREATE_SECONDARY, null);
    System.out.println("at bottom of ensure proper");
    return false;