public static void edit_purchase_orders(to_purchase_orders to_purchase_orders) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "update purchase_orders set " + "po_no= '" + to_purchase_orders.po_no + "'" + ",user_name= '" + to_purchase_orders.user_name + "'" + ",session_no= '" + to_purchase_orders.session_no + "'" + ",date_added= '" + to_purchase_orders.date_added + "'" + ",remarks= '" + to_purchase_orders.remarks + "'" + "where " + " id ='" + + "' " + " "; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_purchase_orders.class, "Successfully Updated"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static String increment_id() { String ids = "PO-00000000000"; try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "select max(id) from purchase_orders"; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); if ( { ids = rs.getString(1); } if (ids == null) { ids = "PO-00000000001"; } else { String s2 = "select po_no from purchase_orders where id='" + ids + "'"; Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(s2); if ( { ids = rs2.getString(1); } } ids = ReceiptIncrementor.increment(ids); return ids; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static List<to_inv_sub_classifications> ret_data( String sub_classifications, String classification_names) { List<to_inv_sub_classifications> datas = new ArrayList(); try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "select " + "id" + ",category_id" + ",category_name" + ",classification_id" + ",classification_name" + ",sub_classification" + " from inv_sub_classifications where " + " sub_classification like'%" + sub_classifications + "%' " + " and classification_name like'" + classification_names + "' " + " "; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String category_id = rs.getString(2); String category_name = rs.getString(3); String classification_id = rs.getString(4); String classification_name = rs.getString(5); String sub_classification = rs.getString(6); to_inv_sub_classifications to = new to_inv_sub_classifications( id, category_id, category_name, classification_id, classification_name, sub_classification); datas.add(to); } return datas; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static void delete_purchase_orders(to_purchase_orders to_purchase_orders) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "delete from purchase_orders where " + " id ='" + + "' " + " "; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_purchase_orders.class, "Successfully Deleted"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static List<to_purchase_orders> ret_data(String date_from, String date_to) { List<to_purchase_orders> datas = new ArrayList(); try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "select " + "id" + ",po_no" + ",user_name" + ",session_no" + ",date_added" + ",remarks" + " from purchase_orders where " + " date(date_added) between '" + date_from + "' and '" + date_to + "' " + " "; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String po_no = rs.getString(2); String user_name = rs.getString(3); String session_no = rs.getString(4); String date_added = rs.getString(5); String remarks = rs.getString(6); to_purchase_orders to = new to_purchase_orders(id, po_no, user_name, session_no, date_added, remarks); datas.add(to); } return datas; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static void delete_inv_sub_classifications( to_inv_sub_classifications to_inv_sub_classifications) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "delete from inv_sub_classifications where " + " id ='" + + "' " + " "; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_inv_sub_classifications.class, "Successfully Deleted"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static List<String> ret_cb_data(String classification) { List<String> datas = new ArrayList(); datas.add(""); try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "select sub_classification from inv_sub_classifications where classification_name like '" + classification + "'"; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); while ( { String id = rs.getString(1); datas.add(id); } return datas; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static void add_inv_sub_classifications( to_inv_sub_classifications to_inv_sub_classifications) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "insert into inv_sub_classifications(" + "category_id" + ",category_name" + ",classification_id" + ",classification_name" + ",sub_classification" + ")values(" + ":category_id" + ",:category_name" + ",:classification_id" + ",:classification_name" + ",:sub_classification" + ")"; s0 = SqlStringUtil.parse(s0) .setString("category_id", to_inv_sub_classifications.category_id) .setString("category_name", to_inv_sub_classifications.category_name) .setString("classification_id", to_inv_sub_classifications.classification_id) .setString("classification_name", to_inv_sub_classifications.classification_name) .setString("sub_classification", to_inv_sub_classifications.sub_classification) .ok(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_inv_sub_classifications.class, "Successfully Added"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static void edit_inv_sub_classifications( to_inv_sub_classifications to_inv_sub_classifications) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "update inv_sub_classifications set " + "category_id= '" + to_inv_sub_classifications.category_id + "'" + ",category_name= '" + to_inv_sub_classifications.category_name + "'" + ",classification_id= '" + to_inv_sub_classifications.classification_id + "'" + ",classification_name= '" + to_inv_sub_classifications.classification_name + "'" + ",sub_classification= '" + to_inv_sub_classifications.sub_classification + "'" + "where " + " id ='" + + "' " + " "; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_inv_sub_classifications.class, "Successfully Updated"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static void add_purchase_orders(to_purchase_orders to_purchase_orders) { try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "insert into purchase_orders(" + "po_no" + ",user_name" + ",session_no" + ",date_added" + ",remarks" + ")values(" + ":po_no" + ",:user_name" + ",:session_no" + ",:date_added" + ",:remarks" + ")"; s0 = SqlStringUtil.parse(s0) .setString("po_no", to_purchase_orders.po_no) .setString("user_name", to_purchase_orders.user_name) .setString("session_no", to_purchase_orders.session_no) .setString("date_added", to_purchase_orders.date_added) .setString("remarks", to_purchase_orders.remarks) .ok(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(s0); stmt.execute(); Lg.s(S1_purchase_orders.class, "Successfully Added"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static List<to_product> ret_data(String where) { List<to_product> datas = new ArrayList(); try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect2(); String s0 = "select " + "lookup_code" + ",description" + ",reorder" + ",cost" + ",measured_in" + ",category" + ",catalog" + ",price" + " from overall_pos_db.product_inv_view " + " " + where; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); while ( { String lookup_code = rs.getString(1); String description = rs.getString(2); double reorder = rs.getDouble(3); double cost = rs.getDouble(4); String measure_in = rs.getString(5); String category = rs.getString(6); String catalog = rs.getString(7); double price = rs.getInt(8); System.out.println( lookup_code + " " + description + " " + cost + " " + measure_in + " " + category + " " + catalog + " " + price); String s2 = "insert into db_coop.items(" + "barcode" + ",description" + ",generic_name" + ",category" + ",category_id" + ",classification" + ",classification_id" + ",sub_classification" + ",sub_classification_id" + ",product_qty" + ",unit" + ",conversion" + ",selling_price" + ",date_added" + ",user_name" + ",item_type" + ",status" + ",supplier" + ",fixed_price" + ",cost" + ",supplier_id" + ",multi_level_pricing" + ",vatable" + ",reorder_level" + ")values(" + ":barcode" + ",:description" + ",:generic_name" + ",:category" + ",:category_id" + ",:classification" + ",:classification_id" + ",:sub_classification" + ",:sub_classification_id" + ",:product_qty" + ",:unit" + ",:conversion" + ",:selling_price" + ",:date_added" + ",:user_name" + ",:item_type" + ",:status" + ",:supplier" + ",:fixed_price" + ",:cost" + ",:supplier_id" + ",:multi_level_pricing" + ",:vatable" + ",:reorder_level" + ")"; s2 = SqlStringUtil.parse(s2) .setString("barcode", lookup_code) .setString("description", description) .setString("generic_name", "") .setString("category", category) .setString("category_id", "") .setString("classification", "") .setString("classification_id", "") .setString("sub_classification", "") .setString("sub_classification_id", "") .setNumber("product_qty", 0) .setString("unit", measure_in) .setNumber("conversion", 1) .setNumber("selling_price", price) .setString("date_added", DateType.datetime.format(new Date())) .setString("user_name", "") .setString("item_type", "") .setNumber("status", 1) .setString("supplier", catalog) .setNumber("fixed_price", 0) .setNumber("cost", cost) .setString("supplier_id", "") .setNumber("multi_level_pricing", 0) .setNumber("vatable", 0) .setNumber("reorder_level", reorder) .ok(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement(s2); stmt2.execute(); Lg.s( S1_items.class, "Successfully Added : " + lookup_code + " " + description + " : " + price); } return datas; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }
public static List<Srpt_print_barcodes.field> ret_data(String where, int is_item_code) { List<Srpt_print_barcodes.field> datas = new ArrayList(); try { Connection conn = MyConnection.connect(); String s0 = "select " + "id" + ",barcode" + ",description" + ",generic_name" + ",category" + ",category_id" + ",classification" + ",classification_id" + ",sub_classification" + ",sub_classification_id" + ",product_qty" + ",unit" + ",conversion" + ",selling_price" + ",date_added" + ",user_name" + ",item_type" + ",status" + ",supplier" + ",fixed_price" + ",cost" + ",supplier_id" + ",multi_level_pricing" + ",vatable" + ",reorder_level" + ",markup" + ",main_barcode" + ",brand" + ",brand_id" + ",model" + ",model_id" + ",selling_type" + ",branch" + ",branch_code" + ",location" + ",location_id" + ",serial_no" + " from inventory_barcodes" + " " + where; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(s0); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String barcode = rs.getString(2); String description = rs.getString(3); String generic_name = rs.getString(4); String category = rs.getString(5); String category_id = rs.getString(6); String classification = rs.getString(7); String classification_id = rs.getString(8); String sub_classification = rs.getString(9); String sub_classification_id = rs.getString(10); double product_qty = rs.getDouble(11); String unit = rs.getString(12); double conversion = rs.getDouble(13); double selling_price = rs.getDouble(14); String date_added = rs.getString(15); String user_name = rs.getString(16); String item_type = rs.getString(17); int status = rs.getInt(18); String supplier = rs.getString(19); int fixed_price = rs.getInt(20); double cost = rs.getDouble(21); String supplier_id = rs.getString(22); int multi_level_pricing = rs.getInt(23); int vatable = rs.getInt(24); double reorder_level = rs.getDouble(25); double markup = rs.getDouble(26); int main_barcode = rs.getInt(27); String brand = rs.getString(28); String brand_id = rs.getString(29); String model = rs.getString(30); String model_id = rs.getString(31); int selling_type = rs.getInt(32); String branch = rs.getString(33); String branch_code = rs.getString(34); String location = rs.getString(35); String location_id = rs.getString(36); String serial_no = rs.getString(37); String code = "" + main_barcode; if (is_item_code == 0) { code = barcode; } Srpt_print_barcodes.field field = new field(code, description, selling_price, false); datas.add(field); } return datas; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { MyConnection.close(); } }