public User getUserInfo(int kid) { int index = 0; int i = 0; int[] user_id = null; String[] messenger_id = null; User user = new User(); // System.out.println("keyword: "+kid); try { stmt = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT u.messenger_id, uk.user_id, uk.keyword_id FROM user_keyword as uk JOIN users as u on u.user_id = uk.user_id WHERE keyword_id = ? GROUP BY user_id;"); stmt.setInt(1, kid); stmt.executeQuery(); rs = stmt.getResultSet(); rs.last(); user_id = new int[rs.getRow()]; messenger_id = new String[rs.getRow()]; rs.beforeFirst(); // System.out.println("keyword id: "+kid); // System.out.println("total users "+user_id.length); while ( { user_id[index] = rs.getInt("user_id"); messenger_id[index] = rs.getString("messenger_id"); // System.out.println("User found...." + user_id[index]+" and " + // messenger_id[index] + " for kid " + kid); index++; } user.setUser_id(user_id); user.setMessenger_id(messenger_id); user.setKid(kid); rs.close(); stmt.close(); return user; } catch (SQLException ex) { return null; } }
/** * 保存一个盘点数 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String addChecking() throws Exception { this.setReturnurl( request.getContextPath() + FILESEPARATOR + "checking" + FILESEPARATOR + "toCheckingPage.action"); if (warehouse != null && warehouse.getId() != null) { warehouse = this.warehouseService.get(Warehouse.class, warehouse.getId()); if (barcode != null) { productInfo = this.productinfoService.findByBaecode(barcode); if (productInfo == null) { this.setMessage("产品编码有错误"); return INPUT; } if (quantity == null) { this.setMessage("请输入盘点数量"); return INPUT; } User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); pstock = this.pstockService.findbyBarcodeAndWarehouse(barcode, warehouse.getWname()); stockChecking = new StockChecking(pstock, productInfo, quantity, warehouse); if (user != null) { stockChecking.setOperator(user.getUsername()); } this.stockCheckingService.add(stockChecking); pstock.setQuantity(quantity); // 更新数量 this.pstockService.update(pstock); return SUCCESS; } else { this.setMessage("产品编码不能为空!"); return INPUT; } } else { this.setMessage("产品编码不能为空!"); return INPUT; } }
public String validateUser(String email, String password) { try { User user = new User(); SecurityManager securityManager = new SecurityManager(); user = securityManager.getUser(email); if (user.getEmail().equals(email)) { if (user.getPassword().equals(password)) { if (user.getSystem_password() == 1) { return "Logged in User:"******" with password reset"; } else { return "Logged in User:"******"login validation error"); } return "You are not a Valid User"; }