public static void project(Long id) { Project project = Project.findById(id); Long UID = Long.parseLong(Session.current().get("user_id")); User u = User.findById(UID); if (project.canBeSeenBy(u)) { render(project); } else { projects(); } }
public static void createproject(String projectname, String projectdescription) { if (projectname != null && projectdescription != null) { Long id = Long.parseLong(Session.current().get("user_id")); User u = User.findById(id); Project p = new Project(projectname, projectdescription, u);; projects(); } else { render(); } }
private static void collectDatum( List<Project> projects, List<Posting> postings, List<Issue> issues, List<PullRequest> pullRequests, List<Milestone> milestones, int daysAgo) { // collect all postings, issues, pullrequests and milesotnes that are contained in the projects. for (Project project : projects) { if (AccessControl.isAllowed(UserApp.currentUser(), project.asResource(), Operation.READ)) { postings.addAll(Posting.findRecentlyCreatedByDaysAgo(project, daysAgo)); issues.addAll(Issue.findRecentlyOpendIssuesByDaysAgo(project, daysAgo)); pullRequests.addAll(PullRequest.findOpendPullRequestsByDaysAgo(project, daysAgo)); milestones.addAll(Milestone.findOpenMilestones(; } } }
private static List<Project> collectProjects(String loginId, User user, String[] groupNames) { List<Project> projectCollection = new ArrayList<>(); // collect all projects that are included in the project groups. for (String group : groupNames) { switch (group) { case "own": addProjectNotDupped(projectCollection, Project.findProjectsCreatedByUser(loginId, null)); break; case "member": addProjectNotDupped(projectCollection, Project.findProjectsJustMemberAndNotOwner(user)); break; case "watching": addProjectNotDupped(projectCollection, user.getWatchingProjects()); break; } } return projectCollection; }
public static void projects() { Long id = Long.parseLong(Session.current().get("user_id")); User u = User.findById(id); List<Project> projects = Project.find("owner = ?", u).fetch(); render(projects); }