public DocumentDTO transformYElement( YExportable yExportable, ZipArchive currentZipArchive, String currentXmlPath) { DocumentDTO productObject = null; if (yExportable instanceof YElement) { YElement yElement = (YElement) yExportable; MetadataToProtoMetadataParser mtd2prt = new MetadataToProtoMetadataParserImpl(); DocumentMetadata docMetadata = mtd2prt.yelementToDocumentMetadata( yElement, currentZipArchive, currentXmlPath, collection); if (docMetadata != null) { productObject = new DocumentDTO(); productObject.setKey(docMetadata.getKey()); // Document and DocumentMetadata should have the same key? productObject.setDocumentMetadata(docMetadata); List<YContentEntry> contents = yElement.getContents(); for (YContentEntry content : contents) { // get a media path from yElement handleContent(productObject, content, currentZipArchive); } } } return productObject; }
private void fetchMediaFromZip( DocumentDTO docDTO, YContentFile yFile, ZipArchive currentZipArchive, String mediaType) { for (String location : yFile.getLocations()) { // path to media in yFile contains prefix yadda.pack:/, check and remove it String prefix = "yadda.pack:/"; if (location.startsWith(prefix)) { location = location.substring(prefix.length()); // path to media in zip file contains zip filename, not included in yFile List<String> foundPaths = currentZipArchive.filter(".*" + location); // foundPaths should contain 1 item if (foundPaths.size() > 0) { try { String foundPath = foundPaths.get(0); InputStream mediaIS = currentZipArchive.getFileAsInputStream(foundPath); // ... do something with mediaIS Media.Builder mediaBuilder = Media.newBuilder(); mediaBuilder.setKey(docDTO.getKey()); // Media and Document should have the same key? mediaBuilder.setMediaType(mediaType); byte[] content = IOUtils.toByteArray(mediaIS); mediaBuilder.setContent(ByteString.copyFrom(content)); mediaBuilder.setSourcePath(currentZipArchive.getZipFilePath() + "#" + foundPath); mediaBuilder.setSourceFilesize(content.length); docDTO.addMedia(; docDTO.addMediaType(mediaType); mediaIS.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error(ex.toString()); } } else { logger.error("File path in BWmeta, but not in archive: " + location); } } } }