Esempio n. 1
  private Object resolveParameter(java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] parmAnnos, Class<?> paramType) {
    Object val = null;
    boolean hitResolver = false;
    Default defAnno = null;
    for (Annotation anno : parmAnnos) {
      Class<?> annotype = anno.annotationType();

      if (defAnno == null && annotype.equals(Default.class)) {
        defAnno = (Default) anno;
      ParamResolver<Annotation> resolver = _paramResolvers.get(annotype);
      if (resolver == null) continue;
      hitResolver = true;
      val = resolver.resolveParameter(anno, paramType);
      if (val != null) {
      // don't break until get a value
    if (val == null && defAnno != null) {
      val = Classes.coerce(paramType, defAnno.value());

    // to compatible to rc2, do we have to?
    if (_mappingType && val == null && !hitResolver && _types != null) {
      for (Type type : _types) {
        if (type != null && paramType.isAssignableFrom(type.clz)) {
          val = type.value;
    return val;
Esempio n. 2
  private Object evaluate0(Object self, String expr, Class<?> expectedType, Page page) {
    if (expr == null || expr.length() == 0 || expr.indexOf("${") < 0) {
      if (expectedType == Object.class || expectedType == String.class) return expr;
      return Classes.coerce(expectedType, expr);

    final Evaluator eval = getEvaluator(page, null);
    final Expression expression = eval.parseExpression(expr, expectedType);
    return self instanceof Page
        ? eval.evaluate((Page) self, expression)
        : eval.evaluate((Component) self, expression);
Esempio n. 3
 /** Converts the specified object to an character. */
 public static char toChar(Object val) {
   return ((Character) Classes.coerce(char.class, val)).charValue();
Esempio n. 4
 /** Converts the specified object to a (big) decimal. */
 public static BigDecimal toDecimal(Object val) {
   return (BigDecimal) Classes.coerce(BigDecimal.class, val);
Esempio n. 5
 /** Converts the specified object to an integer. */
 public static int toInt(Object val) {
   return ((Integer) Classes.coerce(int.class, val)).intValue();
Esempio n. 6
 /** Converts the specified object to a number. */
 public static Number toNumber(Object val) {
   return (Number) Classes.coerce(Number.class, val);
Esempio n. 7
 /** Converts the specified object to a string. */
 public static String toString(Object val) {
   return (String) Classes.coerce(String.class, val);
Esempio n. 8
 /** Converts the specified object to a boolean. */
 public static boolean toBoolean(Object val) {
   return ((Boolean) Classes.coerce(boolean.class, val)).booleanValue();
Esempio n. 9
  private void myLoadAttribute(Component comp, Object bean) {
    try {
      // since 3.1, 20080416, support bindingArgs for non-supported tag
      // bug #2803575, merge bindingArgs together since a component can have
      // multiple bindings on different attributes.
      Map<Object, Object> bindArgs = cast((Map) comp.getAttribute(DataBinder.ARGS));
      if (bindArgs == null) {
        bindArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        comp.setAttribute(DataBinder.ARGS, bindArgs);
      if (_args != null) {
        comp.setAttribute(_attr + "_" + DataBinder.ARGS, _args);

      if (_converter != null) {
        bean = _converter.coerceToUi(bean, comp);
        if (bean == TypeConverter.IGNORE) return; // ignore, so don't do Fields.set()

      // Bug #1876198 Error msg appears when load page (databind+CustomConstraint)
      // catching WrongValueException no longer works, check special case and
      // use setRowValue() method directly
      if ((comp instanceof InputElement) && "value".equals(_attr)) {
        Object value = bean;
        Object oldv = null;
        try { // Bug 1879389
          final Method m = comp.getClass().getMethod("getValue");
          oldv = ((InputElement) comp).getRawValue();
          value = Classes.coerce(m.getReturnType(), bean);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { // ignore it

        // See both Bug 3000305 and 2874098
        Fields.set(comp, "rawValue", value, _converter == null);
      } else {
        Fields.set(comp, _attr, bean, _converter == null);
    } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
      throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
      // Bug #1813278, Annotations do not work with xhtml tags
      if (comp instanceof DynamicPropertied) {
        final DynamicPropertied dpcomp = (DynamicPropertied) comp;
        if (dpcomp.hasDynamicProperty(_attr)) {
          // no way to know destination type of the property, use bean as is
          dpcomp.setDynamicProperty(_attr, bean);
        } else {
          throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
      } else { // Feature# 2855116. Save into component custom-attribute(also a variable in ZK5).
        comp.setAttribute(_attr, bean);

      // Bug #1876198 Error msg appears when load page (databind+CustomConstraint)
      // catching WrongValueException no longer works, so mark it out
      /*} catch (WrongValueException ex) {
      	//Bug #1615371, try to use setRawValue()
      	if ("value".equals(_attr)) {
      		try {
      			Fields.set(comp, "rawValue", bean, _converter == null);
      		} catch (Exception ex1) {
      			throw ex;
      	} else {
      		throw ex;