  * Generate a new RSA key pair of given strength. The strength should be given in number of bytes,
  * so for a 2048 bits key, you should use 256 (bytes) as the integer parameter. The minimum valid
  * strength is 2.
  * <p>The key public exponent will be 0x10001. The probability a chosen prime could not be a real
  * prime will be smaller than 2^-{@value RSAKeyGenerationParameters#DEFAULT_CERTAINTY}.
  * @param strength the strength in bytes.
  * @return an new asymmetric key pair.
 public AsymmetricKeyPair generateKeyPair(int strength) {
   return keyPairGenerator.generate(new RSAKeyGenerationParameters(strength));
  * Build a new instance with all custom parameters. The strength should be given in number of
  * bytes, so for a 2048 bits key, you should use 256 (bytes) as the integer parameter. The minimum
  * valid strength is 2. The exponent should be an odd number. The probability a chosen prime could
  * not be a real prime will be smaller than 2^certainty.
  * @param strength the key strength in bytes.
  * @param publicExponent the public exponent.
  * @param certainty certainty for prime evaluation.
  * @return an new asymmetric key pair.
 public AsymmetricKeyPair generateKeyPair(int strength, BigInteger publicExponent, int certainty) {
   return keyPairGenerator.generate(
       new RSAKeyGenerationParameters(strength, publicExponent, certainty));
  * Generate a new RSA key pair.
  * <p>The key strength will be {@value RSAKeyGenerationParameters#DEFAULT_STRENGTH}. The key
  * public exponent will be 0x10001. The probability a chosen prime could not be a real prime will
  * be smaller than 2^-{@value RSAKeyGenerationParameters#DEFAULT_CERTAINTY}.
  * @return an new asymmetric key pair.
 public AsymmetricKeyPair generateKeyPair() {
   return keyPairGenerator.generate();