private OMElement resolveImports( OMElement grammarsElement, String wadlBaseUri, String wadlVersion) throws RegistryException { String wadlNamespace = grammarsElement.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI(); Iterator<OMElement> grammarElements = grammarsElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(wadlNamespace, "include")); while (grammarElements.hasNext()) { OMElement childElement =; OMAttribute refAttr = childElement.getAttribute(new QName("href")); String importUrl = refAttr.getAttributeValue(); if (importUrl.endsWith(".xsd")) { if (!importUrl.startsWith("http")) { if (registry.resourceExists(importUrl)) { continue; } else { if (wadlBaseUri != null) { importUrl = wadlBaseUri + importUrl; } } } String schemaPath = saveSchema(importUrl, wadlVersion); importedSchemas.add(schemaPath); refAttr.setAttributeValue(schemaPath); childElement.addAttribute(refAttr); } } return grammarsElement; }
public void testWithoutTableParamsQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c1/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c2/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c2/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); String sql1 = "SELECT REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME FROM REG_RESOURCE, " + "REG_TAG WHERE REG_DESCRIPTION LIKE ?"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.RESOURCES_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q1", q1); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("1", "%production%"); Resource result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q1", parameters); assertTrue( "Search with result type Resource should return a directory.", result instanceof org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection); List<String> matchingPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] paths = (String[]) result.getContent(); matchingPaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(paths)); assertTrue("Path /c1/r1 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c1/r1")); assertTrue("Path /c2/r2 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c2/r2")); }
public static SimulationResponse getSimulationResponse() { Map<String, List<String[]>> status = simulationService.getSimulationStatus(); int entryCount = 0; Map<Integer, HandlerExecutionStatus> executionStatusMap = new HashMap<Integer, HandlerExecutionStatus>(); if (status != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String[]>> e : status.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey() != null && e.getValue() != null) { if (e.getValue().size() > 0) { for (String[] v : e.getValue()) { if (v != null && v.length == 2) { HandlerExecutionStatus executionStatus = new HandlerExecutionStatus(); executionStatus.setHandlerName(e.getKey()); executionStatus.setExecutionStatus(v[0]); int order = Integer.parseInt(v[1]); executionStatusMap.put(order, executionStatus); if (order > entryCount) { entryCount = order; } } } } } } } List<HandlerExecutionStatus> executionStatusList = new LinkedList<HandlerExecutionStatus>(); int i = 0; while (i < entryCount) { i++; HandlerExecutionStatus executionStatus = executionStatusMap.get(i); if (executionStatus != null) { executionStatusList.add(executionStatus); } } SimulationResponse response = new SimulationResponse(); response.setStatus( executionStatusList.toArray(new HandlerExecutionStatus[executionStatusList.size()])); return response; }