   * Set the fields of the sensor node that has the fields set based on the fields of the passed in
   * node. This will not copy any children nodes, only the local fields.
   * @param node The sensor node to copy info from
  protected void copy(VRMLPickingSensorNodeType node) {


    try {
      int index = node.getFieldIndex("sortOrder");
      VRMLFieldData field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfSortOrder = field.stringValue;

      Integer i = (Integer) sortTypeMap.get(vfSortOrder);
      sortType = i.intValue();

      index = node.getFieldIndex("sortOrder");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfIntersectionType = field.stringValue;

      i = (Integer) sortTypeMap.get(vfIntersectionType);
      intersectionType = i.intValue();

      index = node.getFieldIndex("objectType");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);

      if (field.numElements != 0) {
        vfObjectType = new String[field.numElements];
        System.arraycopy(field.stringArrayValue, 0, vfObjectType, 0, field.numElements);

    } catch (VRMLException ve) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.getMessage());
   * Copies all of the field values from the passed nodes into our own node.
   * @param node The node to copy
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The node is not a compatible node
  public void copy(VRMLNodeType node) {

    try {
      int index;
      VRMLFieldData field;

      super.copy((VRMLTimeControlledNodeType) node);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("loop");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("repeatS");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfRepeatS = field.booleanValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("repeatT");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfRepeatT = field.booleanValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("speed");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("url");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      setUrl(field.stringArrayValue, field.numElements);

    } catch (VRMLException ve) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.getMessage());
   * Construct a new instance of this node based on the details from the given node. If the node is
   * not the same type, an exception will be thrown.
   * @param node The node to copy
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Incorrect Node Type
  protected BaseTextureProperties(VRMLNodeType node) {


    try {
      int index = node.getFieldIndex("boundaryColor");
      VRMLFieldData field = node.getFieldValue(index);

      vfBoundaryColor[0] = field.floatArrayValue[0];
      vfBoundaryColor[1] = field.floatArrayValue[1];
      vfBoundaryColor[2] = field.floatArrayValue[2];
      vfBoundaryColor[3] = field.floatArrayValue[3];

      index = node.getFieldIndex("boundaryWidth");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfBoundaryWidth = field.intValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("boundaryModeS");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfBoundaryModeS = field.stringValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("boundaryModeT");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfBoundaryModeT = field.stringValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("minificationFilter");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfMinificationFilter = field.stringValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("maxificationFilter");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfMinificationFilter = field.stringValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("generateMipMaps");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfGenerateMipMaps = field.booleanValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("anisotropicMode");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfAnisotropicMode = field.stringValue;

      index = node.getFieldIndex("anisotropicFilterDegree");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfAnisotropicFilterDegree = field.floatValue;

    } catch (VRMLException ve) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.getMessage());
Esempio n. 4
   * Construct a new instance of this node based on the details from the given node. If the node is
   * not a group node, an exception will be thrown.
   * @param node The node to copy
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The node is not a Group node
  public BaseCADFace(VRMLNodeType node) {


    try {

      int index = node.getFieldIndex("name");
      VRMLFieldData field = node.getFieldValue(index);

      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfName = field.stringValue;
    } catch (VRMLException ve) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.getMessage());
   * Construct a new instance of this node based on the details from the given node. If the node is
   * not the same type, an exception will be thrown.
   * @param node The node to copy
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Incorrect Node Type
  protected BaseMultiTexture(VRMLNodeType node) {


    try {
      int index = node.getFieldIndex("mode");
      VRMLFieldData field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      if (field.numElements != 0) {
        vfMode = new String[field.numElements];
        System.arraycopy(field.stringArrayValue, 0, vfMode, 0, field.numElements);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("function");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      if (field.numElements != 0) {
        vfFunction = new String[field.numElements];
        System.arraycopy(field.stringArrayValue, 0, vfFunction, 0, field.numElements);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("source");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      if (field.numElements != 0) {
        vfSource = new String[field.numElements];
        System.arraycopy(field.stringArrayValue, 0, vfSource, 0, field.numElements);

      index = node.getFieldIndex("color");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfColor[0] = field.floatArrayValue[0];
      vfColor[1] = field.floatArrayValue[1];
      vfColor[2] = field.floatArrayValue[2];

      index = node.getFieldIndex("alpha");
      field = node.getFieldValue(index);
      vfAlpha = field.floatValue;

    } catch (VRMLException ve) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.getMessage());