   * Copy the AndroidManifest.xml from sourceManifestFile to androidManifestFile
   * @throws MojoExecutionException
  protected void copyManifest() throws MojoExecutionException {
    getLog().debug("copyManifest: " + sourceManifestFile + " -> " + androidManifestFile);
    if (sourceManifestFile == null) {
      getLog().debug("Manifest copying disabled. Using default manifest only");

    try {
      DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document doc = db.parse(sourceManifestFile);
      Source source = new DOMSource(doc);

      TransformerFactory xfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
      Transformer xformer = xfactory.newTransformer();
      xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");

      FileWriter writer = null;
      try {

        writer = new FileWriter(androidManifestFile, false);
        if (doc.getXmlEncoding() != null && doc.getXmlVersion() != null) {
          String xmldecl =
                  "<?xml version=\"%s\" encoding=\"%s\"?>%n",
                  doc.getXmlVersion(), doc.getXmlEncoding());

        Result result = new StreamResult(writer);
        xformer.transform(source, result);
        getLog().info("Manifest copied from " + sourceManifestFile + " to " + androidManifestFile);
      } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      getLog().error("Error during copyManifest");
      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error during copyManifest", e);
Esempio n. 2
  public DocumentNode convert(Document document) {

    DocumentTypeNode documentTypeNode = convert(document.getDoctype());

    ElementNode rootElementNode = convert(document.getDocumentElement());

    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = NodeBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    DocumentNode documentNode = null;

    documentNode =
        documentBuilder // documentNode define
            .nodeName(document.getNodeName()) // node name
            .version(document.getXmlEncoding()) // Version
            .encoding(document.getXmlEncoding()) // encoding
            .standalone(document.getXmlStandalone()) // standalone
            .documentTypeNode(documentTypeNode) // DOCTYPE
            .rootElementNode(rootElementNode) // rootElementNode
            .build(); // return result

    return documentNode;
   * Serielizes a document to a file. The file is being encoded in accordance with the value given
   * in the xml declaration. If no encoding is found then "utf-8" is used. The method covers for
   * some Daisy 2.02 readers related problems:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>navigation point line breaks
   *   <li>order of attributes in meta elements
   * </ol>
   * <p>Ad. 1.<br>
   * Some Daisy readers require that each navigation point in an ncc document constitues a single
   * line in html code.<br>
   * <br>
   * Such readers require also CRLF line break markers.<br>
   * <br>
   * The input navigation file document uses LF as line break markers, which
   * formatNavPointsLineBreaks replaces with LFCR in such a manner that each navigation point
   * constitues a single line in html code of an ncc.<br>
   * <br>
   * In other kinds of documents it just replaces LF with CRLF.
   * <p>Ad. 2.<br>
   * PlexTalk Daisy reader requires a specific order of attributes,
   * <ul>
   *   <li>in meta elements: - name="" content=""
   *   <li>in smil/audio elements: src="" clip-begin="" clip-end="" id=""
   *       <ul>
  public static File serializeDaisy202DocToFile(Document doc, String outputFilePath)
      throws IOException {

    String _encoding = doc.getXmlEncoding();

    if (_encoding == null) {
      _encoding = DtbSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
    File _file = DtbSerializer.serializeDocToFile(doc, outputFilePath);
    if (FilesetRegex.getInstance().matches(FilesetRegex.getInstance().FILE_NCC, _file.getName())) {
      DtbSerializer.formatNavPointsLineBreaks(_file, _encoding);
    DtbSerializer.formatPlexTalkAttributesOrder(_file, _encoding);
    return _file;
   * Writes the wsdl definition to the file at the given path, relative to the target folder.
  private String writeXMLObj(IPath path, Definition definition, IProgressMonitor monitor)
      throws WSDLException, URIException, IOException, CoreException {

    String[] targetURI = appendPathToURI(targetFolderURI, path);

    OutputStream os = uriFactory.newURI(targetURI[0]).getOutputStream();

    DefinitionImpl definitionImpl = (DefinitionImpl) definition;
    WSDLResourceImpl resource = (WSDLResourceImpl) definitionImpl.eResource();
    Document document = definitionImpl.getDocument();
    resource.serialize(os, document, document.getXmlEncoding());


    return targetURI[1];
   * Serielizes a document to a file. The file is being encoded in accordance with the value given
   * in the xml declaration. If no encoding is found then "utf-8" is used.
   * @throws IOException
  public static File serializeDocToFile(Document doc, String outputFilePath) throws IOException {

    File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath);
    if (outputFile.exists()) {
      // just in case the user runs DTBSM with the same output URI

    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    OutputStreamWriter osWriter = null;
    try {
      String encoding = doc.getXmlEncoding();
      if (encoding == null) {
        encoding = DtbSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
      boolean prettyIndenting = true;

      OutputFormat of = new OutputFormat(doc, encoding, prettyIndenting);

      XMLSerializer ser = new XMLSerializer(of);
      // Create a new (empty) file on disk in the target directory
      fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);

      if (encoding != null) {
        osWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, encoding);
      } else {
        osWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);
      // Serialize our document into the output stream held by the xml-serializer
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw e;
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;

    return outputFile;
Esempio n. 6
   * 将XML文档写入到文件<br>
   * @param doc XML文档
   * @param absolutePath 文件绝对路径,不存在会自动创建
   * @param charset 自定义XML文件的编码
  public static void toFile(Document doc, String absolutePath, String charset) {
    if (StrUtil.isBlank(charset)) {
      charset = doc.getXmlEncoding();
    if (StrUtil.isBlank(charset)) {
      charset = CharsetUtil.UTF_8;

    BufferedWriter writer = null;
    try {
      writer = FileUtil.getBufferedWriter(absolutePath, charset, false);
      Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
      final Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
      xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, charset);
      xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
      xformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(writer));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new UtilException("Trans xml document to string error!", e);
    } finally {
Esempio n. 7
  public void writeResponse(
      String baseUri, String ctxUri, EndpointInfo endpointInfo, OutputStream os) {
    try {
      int idx = baseUri.toLowerCase().indexOf("?");
      Map<String, String> params = UrlUtils.parseQueryString(baseUri.substring(idx + 1));

      String base;

      if (endpointInfo.getProperty("publishedEndpointUrl") != null) {
        base = String.valueOf(endpointInfo.getProperty("publishedEndpointUrl"));
      } else {
        base = baseUri.substring(0, baseUri.toLowerCase().indexOf("?"));

      String wsdl = params.get("wsdl");
      if (wsdl != null) {
        // Always use the URL decoded version to ensure that we have a
        // canonical representation of the import URL for lookup.
        wsdl = URLDecoder.decode(wsdl, "utf-8");

      String xsd = params.get("xsd");
      if (xsd != null) {
        // Always use the URL decoded version to ensure that we have a
        // canonical representation of the import URL for lookup.
        xsd = URLDecoder.decode(xsd, "utf-8");

      Map<String, Definition> mp =
              (Map) endpointInfo.getService().getProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName()));
      Map<String, SchemaReference> smp =
                      .getProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName() + ".Schemas"));

      if (mp == null) {
            .setProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName(), new ConcurrentHashMap());
        mp =
                (Map) endpointInfo.getService().getProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName()));
      if (smp == null) {
            .setProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName() + ".Schemas", new ConcurrentHashMap());
        smp =
                        .getProperty(WSDLQueryHandler.class.getName() + ".Schemas"));

      if (!mp.containsKey("")) {
        Definition def = getDefinition(endpointInfo);

        mp.put("", def);
        updateDefinition(def, mp, smp, base, endpointInfo);

      Document doc;
      if (xsd == null) {
        Definition def = mp.get(wsdl);
        if (def == null) {
          String wsdl2 =
              resolveWithCatalogs(OASISCatalogManager.getCatalogManager(bus), wsdl, base);
          if (wsdl2 != null) {
            def = mp.get(wsdl2);
        if (def == null) {
          throw new WSDLQueryException(
              new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("WSDL_NOT_FOUND", LOG, wsdl), null);

        synchronized (def) {
          // writing a def is not threadsafe.  Sync on it to make sure
          // we don't get any ConcurrentModificationExceptions
          if (endpointInfo.getProperty("publishedEndpointUrl") != null) {
            String publishingUrl = String.valueOf(endpointInfo.getProperty("publishedEndpointUrl"));
            updatePublishedEndpointUrl(publishingUrl, def, endpointInfo.getName());

          WSDLWriter wsdlWriter =
          doc = wsdlWriter.getDocument(def);
      } else {
        SchemaReference si = smp.get(xsd);
        if (si == null) {
          String xsd2 = resolveWithCatalogs(OASISCatalogManager.getCatalogManager(bus), xsd, base);
          if (xsd2 != null) {
            si = smp.get(xsd2);
        if (si == null) {
          throw new WSDLQueryException(
              new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND", LOG, wsdl), null);

        String uri = si.getReferencedSchema().getDocumentBaseURI();
        uri =
        if (uri == null) {
          uri = si.getReferencedSchema().getDocumentBaseURI();
        ResourceManagerWSDLLocator rml = new ResourceManagerWSDLLocator(uri, bus);

        InputSource src = rml.getBaseInputSource();
        doc = XMLUtils.getParser().parse(src);

      updateDoc(doc, base, mp, smp, endpointInfo);
      String enc = null;
      try {
        enc = doc.getXmlEncoding();
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // ignore - not dom level 3
      if (enc == null) {
        enc = "utf-8";

      XMLStreamWriter writer = StaxUtils.createXMLStreamWriter(os, enc);
      StaxUtils.writeNode(doc, writer, true);
    } catch (WSDLQueryException wex) {
      throw wex;
    } catch (Exception wex) {
      throw new WSDLQueryException(
          new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("COULD_NOT_PROVIDE_WSDL", LOG, baseUri), wex);
Esempio n. 8
 /*     */ private void setDocumentInfo(Document document) /*     */ {
   /* 377 */ if (!document.getXmlStandalone())
     /* 378 */ this._handler.setStandalone(Boolean.toString(document.getXmlStandalone()));
   /* 379 */ setXMLVersion(document.getXmlVersion());
   /* 380 */ setEncoding(document.getXmlEncoding());
   /*     */ }
Esempio n. 9
  public boolean validate() {

    boolean retval = false;

    FileObject xmlfile = null;
    FileObject DTDfile = null;

    ByteArrayInputStream ba = null;
    try {
      if (xmlfilename != null
          && ((getDTDFilename() != null && !isInternDTD()) || (isInternDTD()))) {
        xmlfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(getXMLFilename());

        if (xmlfile.exists()) {

          URL xmlFile = new File(KettleVFS.getFilename(xmlfile)).toURI().toURL();
          StringBuffer xmlStringbuffer = new StringBuffer("");

          BufferedReader xmlBufferedReader = null;
          InputStreamReader is = null;
          try {
            // open XML File
            is = new InputStreamReader(xmlFile.openStream());
            xmlBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(is);

            char[] buffertXML = new char[1024];
            int LenXML = -1;
            while ((LenXML = xmlBufferedReader.read(buffertXML)) != -1) {
              xmlStringbuffer.append(buffertXML, 0, LenXML);
          } finally {
            if (is != null) {
            if (xmlBufferedReader != null) {

          // Prepare parsing ...
          DocumentBuilderFactory DocBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
          DocumentBuilder DocBuilder = DocBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

          // Let's try to get XML document encoding

          ba = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStringbuffer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
          Document xmlDocDTD = DocBuilder.parse(ba);
          if (ba != null) {

          String encoding = null;
          if (xmlDocDTD.getXmlEncoding() == null) {
            encoding = "UTF-8";
          } else {
            encoding = xmlDocDTD.getXmlEncoding();

          int xmlStartDTD = xmlStringbuffer.indexOf("<!DOCTYPE");

          if (isInternDTD()) {
            // DTD find in the XML document
            if (xmlStartDTD != -1) {
                      PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.ERRORDTDFound.Label", getXMLFilename()));
            } else {
                      PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.ERRORDTDNotFound.Label", getXMLFilename()));

          } else {
            // DTD in external document
            // If we find an intern declaration, we remove it
            DTDfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(getDTDFilename());

            if (DTDfile.exists()) {
              if (xmlStartDTD != -1) {
                int EndDTD = xmlStringbuffer.indexOf(">", xmlStartDTD);
                // String DocTypeDTD = xmlStringbuffer.substring(xmlStartDTD, EndDTD + 1);
                xmlStringbuffer.replace(xmlStartDTD, EndDTD + 1, "");

              String xmlRootnodeDTD = xmlDocDTD.getDocumentElement().getNodeName();

              String RefDTD =
                  "<?xml version='"
                      + xmlDocDTD.getXmlVersion()
                      + "' encoding='"
                      + encoding
                      + "'?>\n<!DOCTYPE "
                      + xmlRootnodeDTD
                      + " SYSTEM '"
                      + KettleVFS.getFilename(DTDfile)
                      + "'>\n";

              int xmloffsetDTD = xmlStringbuffer.indexOf("<" + xmlRootnodeDTD);
              xmlStringbuffer.replace(0, xmloffsetDTD, RefDTD);
            } else {
                  BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.ERRORDTDFileNotExists.Subject"),
                      PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.ERRORDTDFileNotExists.Msg", getDTDFilename()));

          if (!(isInternDTD() && xmlStartDTD == -1 || (!isInternDTD() && !DTDfile.exists()))) {

            // Let's parse now ...
            MyErrorHandler error = new MyErrorHandler();
            DocBuilder = DocBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

            ba = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStringbuffer.toString().getBytes(encoding));
            xmlDocDTD = DocBuilder.parse(ba);

            if (error.errorMessage == null) {
                  BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.DTDValidatorOK.Subject"),
                      PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.DTDValidatorOK.Label", getXMLFilename()));

              // Everything is OK
              retval = true;
            } else {
              // Invalid DTD

        } else {
          if (!xmlfile.exists()) {
                    PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.FileDoesNotExist.Label", getXMLFilename()));
      } else {
        setErrorMessage(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryDTDValidator.AllFilesNotNull.Label"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
      try {
        if (xmlfile != null) {
        if (DTDfile != null) {
        if (ba != null) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // Ignore close errors
    return retval;
   * Prefirma (firma simple) en formato XAdES.
   * @param data Datos a prefirmar
   * @param algorithm Algoritmo de firma
   * @param certChain Cadena de certificados del firmante
   * @param xParams Par&aacute;metros adicionales de la firma
   * @param op Operaci&oacute;n espec&iacute;fica de firma a realizar
   * @return Listado de prefirma XML
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException Si el JRE no soporta alg&uacute;n algoritmo necesario.
   * @throws AOException Si ocurre cualquier otro error.
   * @throws SAXException Si hay problemas en el an&aacute;lisis XML.
   * @throws IOException Si hay problemas en el tratamiento de datos.
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException Si hay problemas con el analizador por defecto de XML.
   * @throws MarshalException Si hay problemas con el empaquetado XML.
   * @throws XMLSignatureException Si hay problemas en la propia firma XMLDSig.
   * @throws InvalidKeyException Si la clave proporcinoada no es v&aacute;lida.
   * @throws SignatureException Si hay problemas con la firma PKCS#1.
   * @throws XmlPreSignException Si hay un error en la pre-firma XAdES.
  public static XmlPreSignResult preSign(
      final byte[] data,
      final String algorithm,
      final Certificate[] certChain,
      final Properties xParams,
      final Op op)
      throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, AOException, SAXException, IOException,
          ParserConfigurationException, MarshalException, XMLSignatureException,
          InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, XmlPreSignException {
    if (data == null || data.length < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Los datos a prefirmar no pueden ser nulos ni vacios"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (algorithm == null || "".equals(algorithm)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "El algoritmo de firma no puede ser nulo ni vacio"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (certChain == null || certChain.length < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "La cadena de certificados no puede ser nula y debe contener al menos un certificado" //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Miramos si la entrada es un XML que ya contenga firmas (almacenando los ID para luego
    // localizar cual es la firma
    // nueva y no confundirla con las antiguas), y si lo es cual es su codificacion con un
    // Document.getXmlEncoding()
    final List<String> previousSignaturesIds = new ArrayList<String>();
    Document xml = null;
    String xmlEncoding = XML_DEFAULT_ENCODING;
    try {
      xml =
              .parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
      if (xml.getXmlEncoding() != null) {
        xmlEncoding = xml.getXmlEncoding();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
              "El documento a firmar no es XML, por lo que no contiene firmas previas"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$

    if (xml == null && (op == Op.COSIGN || op == Op.COUNTERSIGN)) {
          .severe("Solo se pueden cofirmar y contrafirmar firmas XML"); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
      throw new AOException(
          "Los datos introducidos no se corresponden con una firma XML"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Si los datos eran XML, comprobamos y almacenamos las firmas previas
    if (xml != null) {
      final Element rootElement = xml.getDocumentElement();
      if (rootElement.getNodeName().endsWith(":" + AOXAdESSigner.SIGNATURE_TAG)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
        final NamedNodeMap nnm = rootElement.getAttributes();
        if (nnm != null) {
          final Node node = nnm.getNamedItem(XML_NODE_ID);
          if (node != null) {
            final String id = node.getNodeValue();
            if (id != null) {
      } else {
        final NodeList mainChildNodes = xml.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < mainChildNodes.getLength(); i++) {
          final Node currentNode = mainChildNodes.item(i);
          if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
              && currentNode
                  .endsWith(":" + AOXAdESSigner.SIGNATURE_TAG)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
            final NamedNodeMap nnm = currentNode.getAttributes();
            if (nnm != null) {
              final Node node = nnm.getNamedItem(XML_NODE_ID);
              if (node != null) {
                final String id = node.getNodeValue();
                if (id != null) {

    // Generamos un par de claves para hacer la firma temporal, que despues sustituiremos por la
    // real
    final RSAPrivateKey prk =
                    ((RSAPublicKey) ((X509Certificate) certChain[0]).getPublicKey())

    final byte[] result;
    switch (op) {
      case SIGN:
        result = XAdESSigner.sign(data, algorithm, prk, certChain, xParams);
      case COSIGN:
        result = XAdESCoSigner.cosign(data, algorithm, prk, certChain, xParams);
      case COUNTERSIGN:
        final CounterSignTarget targets =
            xParams != null
                    && CounterSignTarget.LEAFS
                ? CounterSignTarget.LEAFS
                : CounterSignTarget.TREE;

        result =
            XAdESCounterSigner.countersign(data, algorithm, targets, null, prk, certChain, xParams);
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No se puede dar una operacion no contemplada en el enumerado de operaciones" //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Cargamos el XML firmado en un String
    String xmlResult = new String(result, xmlEncoding);

    // Recuperamos los signed info que se han firmado
    final List<byte[]> signedInfos =
            previousSignaturesIds // Identificadores de firmas previas, para poder omitirlos

    // Ponemos un reemplazo en el XML en lugar de los PKCS#1 de las firmas generadas
    for (int i = 0; i < signedInfos.size(); i++) {

      final byte[] signedInfo = signedInfos.get(i);

      // Calculamos el valor PKCS#1 con la clave privada impostada, para conocer los valores que
      // debemos sustituir
      final Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(algorithm);

      final String cleanSignatureValue = cleanBase64(Base64.encode(signature.sign()));

      // Buscamos el PKCS#1 en Base64 en el XML original y lo sustituimos por la cadena de reemplazo
      final String signValuePrefix =
          ">" + cleanSignatureValue.substring(0, NUM_CHARACTERS_TO_COMPARE); // $NON-NLS-1$
      final int signValuePos = xmlResult.indexOf(signValuePrefix) + 1;
      final int signValueFinalPos = xmlResult.indexOf('<', signValuePos);
      final String pkcs1String = xmlResult.substring(signValuePos, signValueFinalPos);

      final String cleanPkcs1String = cleanBase64(pkcs1String);
      if (cleanSignatureValue.equals(cleanPkcs1String)) {
        xmlResult =
                pkcs1String, REPLACEMENT_STRING.replace(REPLACEMENT_CODE, Integer.toString(i)));
    return new XmlPreSignResult(xmlResult.getBytes(xmlEncoding), signedInfos);