public void testReset() { insertData(); Money initialtotalBalance = account1.getTotalBalance(); assertEquals(6, count(account1.getId(), null)); account1.reset(null, Account.EXPORT_HANDLE_DELETED_UPDATE_BALANCE, null); Account.clear(); assertEquals(0, count(account1.getId(), null)); Account resetAccount = Account.getInstanceFromDb(account1.getId()); assertEquals(initialtotalBalance, resetAccount.getTotalBalance()); }
public void testResetWithFilterUpdateBalance() { insertData(); Money initialtotalBalance = account1.getTotalBalance(); assertEquals(6, count(account1.getId(), null)); WhereFilter filter = WhereFilter.empty(); filter.put(0, new CategoryCriteria(TEST_CAT, catId)); account1.reset(filter, Account.EXPORT_HANDLE_DELETED_UPDATE_BALANCE, null); Account.clear(); assertEquals(5, count(account1.getId(), null)); // 1 Transaction deleted Account resetAccount = Account.getInstanceFromDb(account1.getId()); assertEquals(initialtotalBalance, resetAccount.getTotalBalance()); }
public void testBalanceWithReset() { insertData(); Money initialclearedBalance = account1.getClearedBalance(); assertFalse(initialclearedBalance.equals(account1.getReconciledBalance())); assertEquals( 4, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CR_STATUS + " = '" + + "'")); assertEquals( 0, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CR_STATUS + " = '" + + "'")); account1.balance(true); assertEquals( 0, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CR_STATUS + " != '" + + "'")); assertEquals( 2, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CR_STATUS + " = '" + + "'")); assertEquals(initialclearedBalance, account1.getReconciledBalance()); }
public void testResetWithFilterCreateHelper() { insertData(); Money initialtotalBalance = account1.getTotalBalance(); assertEquals(6, count(account1.getId(), null)); assertEquals(1, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CATID + "=" + catId)); assertEquals(0, count(account1.getId(), KEY_STATUS + "=" + STATUS_HELPER)); WhereFilter filter = WhereFilter.empty(); filter.put(0, new CategoryCriteria(TEST_CAT, catId)); account1.reset(filter, Account.EXPORT_HANDLE_DELETED_CREATE_HELPER, null); Account.clear(); assertEquals(6, count(account1.getId(), null)); // -1 Transaction deleted;+1 helper assertEquals(0, count(account1.getId(), KEY_CATID + "=" + catId)); assertEquals(1, count(account1.getId(), KEY_STATUS + "=" + STATUS_HELPER)); Account resetAccount = Account.getInstanceFromDb(account1.getId()); assertEquals(initialtotalBalance, resetAccount.getTotalBalance()); }
public Transaction toTransaction(Account a) { Transaction t; Money m = new Money(a.currency, amount); if (isSplit()) { t = new SplitTransaction(a.getId(), m); } else if (isTransfer()) { t = new Transfer(a.getId(), m); } else { t = new Transaction(a.getId(), m); } if (date != null) { t.setDate(date); } t.comment = memo; t.crStatus = Transaction.CrStatus.fromQifName(status); t.referenceNumber = number; return t; }
public void testAccount() throws RemoteException, OperationApplicationException { Account account, restored = null; Long openingBalance = (long) 100; account = new Account("TestAccount", openingBalance, "Testing with Junit"); account.setCurrency("EUR"); assertEquals("EUR", account.currency.getCurrencyCode());; assertTrue(account.getId() > 0); restored = Account.getInstanceFromDb(account.getId()); assertEquals(account, restored); Long trAmount = (long) 100; Transaction op1 = Transaction.getNewInstance(account.getId()); op1.setAmount(new Money(account.currency, trAmount)); op1.comment = "test transaction";; assertEquals(account.getTotalBalance().getAmountMinor().longValue(), openingBalance + trAmount); Account.delete(account.getId()); assertNull( "Account deleted, but can still be retrieved", Account.getInstanceFromDb(account.getId())); assertNull( "Account delete should delete transaction, but operation can still be retrieved", Transaction.getInstanceFromDb(op1.getId())); }
private void insertData() { Transaction op; account1 = new Account("Account 1", openingBalance, "Account 1");; account2 = new Account("Account 2", openingBalance, "Account 2");; catId = Category.write(0, TEST_CAT, null); op = Transaction.getNewInstance(account1.getId()); op.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, -expense1)); op.crStatus = CrStatus.CLEARED;; op.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, -expense2)); op.saveAsNew(); op.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, income1)); op.saveAsNew(); op.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, income2)); op.setCatId(catId); op.saveAsNew(); Transfer op1 = Transfer.getNewInstance(account1.getId(), account2.getId()); op1.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, transferP));; op1.setAmount(new Money(account1.currency, -transferN)); op1.saveAsNew(); }
/** * we test if the db calculates the aggregate sums correctly this is rather a test of the cursor * exposed through the content provider but set up is easier through models */ public void testAggregates() { Cursor cursor = getMockContentResolver() .query( TransactionProvider.ACCOUNTS_URI, // the URI for the main data table null, // get all the columns null, // no selection columns, get all the records null, // no selection criteria null // use default the sort order ); // the database setup creates the default account assertEquals(1, cursor.getCount()); insertData(); cursor = getMockContentResolver() .query( TransactionProvider.ACCOUNTS_URI, // the URI for the main data table Account.PROJECTION_FULL, // get all the columns null, // no selection columns, get all the records null, // no selection criteria null // use default the sort order ); assertEquals(3, cursor.getCount()); cursor = getMockContentResolver() .query( TransactionProvider.ACCOUNTS_URI, // the URI for the main data table Account.PROJECTION_FULL, // get all the columns KEY_ROWID + "=" + account1.getId(), null, // no selection criteria null // use default the sort order ); assertTrue(cursor.moveToFirst()); // Since no projection was used, get the column indexes of the returned columns int incomeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_SUM_INCOME); int expensesIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_SUM_EXPENSES); int transferIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_SUM_TRANSFERS); int balanceIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_CURRENT_BALANCE); assertEquals(income1 + income2, cursor.getLong(incomeIndex)); assertEquals(-expense1 - expense2, cursor.getLong(expensesIndex)); assertEquals(transferP - transferN, cursor.getLong(transferIndex)); assertEquals( openingBalance + income1 + income2 - expense1 - expense2 + transferP - transferN, cursor.getLong(balanceIndex)); cursor = getMockContentResolver() .query( TransactionProvider.ACCOUNTS_URI, // the URI for the main data table Account.PROJECTION_FULL, // get all the columns KEY_ROWID + "=" + account2.getId(), null, // no selection criteria null // use default the sort order ); assertTrue(cursor.moveToFirst()); assertEquals(0L, cursor.getLong(incomeIndex)); assertEquals(0L, cursor.getLong(expensesIndex)); assertEquals(transferN - transferP, cursor.getLong(transferIndex)); assertEquals(openingBalance + transferN - transferP, cursor.getLong(balanceIndex)); }
@Override public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle arg1) { CursorLoader cursorLoader = null; String selection; String[] selectionArgs; if (mAccount.getId() < 0) { selection = KEY_ACCOUNTID + " IN " + "(SELECT " + KEY_ROWID + " from " + TABLE_ACCOUNTS + " WHERE " + KEY_CURRENCY + " = ?)"; selectionArgs = new String[] {mAccount.currency.getCurrencyCode()}; } else { selection = KEY_ACCOUNTID + " = ?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {String.valueOf(mAccount.getId())}; } switch (id) { case TRANSACTION_CURSOR: Uri uri = TransactionProvider.TRANSACTIONS_URI .buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("extended", "1") .build(); cursorLoader = new CursorLoader( getActivity(), uri, null, selection + " AND " + KEY_PARENTID + " is null", selectionArgs, null); break; // TODO: probably we can get rid of SUM_CURSOR, if we also aggregate unmapped transactions case SUM_CURSOR: cursorLoader = new CursorLoader( getActivity(), TransactionProvider.TRANSACTIONS_URI, new String[] {MAPPED_CATEGORIES}, selection + " AND " + WHERE_NOT_SPLIT, selectionArgs, null); break; case GROUPING_CURSOR: Builder builder = TransactionProvider.TRANSACTIONS_URI.buildUpon(); builder.appendPath("groups").appendPath(; // the selectionArg is used in a subquery used by the content provider // this will change once filters are implemented if (mAccount.getId() < 0) { builder.appendQueryParameter(KEY_CURRENCY, mAccount.currency.getCurrencyCode()); } else { builder.appendQueryParameter(KEY_ACCOUNTID, String.valueOf(mAccount.getId())); } cursorLoader = new CursorLoader(getActivity(),, null, null, null, null); break; } return cursorLoader; }