protected void setupStreams(ITestResult result, boolean printMethodName) { String test_name = result.getTestClass().getName(); File dir = new File(output_dir + File.separator + test_name); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); File _tests = new File(dir, TESTS), _stdout = new File(dir, STDOUT), _stderr = new File(dir, STDERR); try { Class<?> clazz = result.getTestClass().getRealClass(); if (!tests.containsKey(clazz)) { DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_tests, true)); DataOutputStream tmp = tests.putIfAbsent(clazz, output); if (tmp != null) { Util.close(output); output = tmp; } } if (stdout.get() == null) stdout.set(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(_stdout, true))); if (stderr.get() == null) stderr.set(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(_stderr, true))); if (printMethodName) stdout.get().println("\n\n------------- " + getMethodName(result) + " -----------"); } catch (IOException e) { error(e.toString()); } }
@Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) { // System.out.print("\033[31m"); // set red font color System.out.println("F"); System.out.println(tr.getTestClass().getName() + "." + tr.getName() + " FAILED"); // System.out.print("\033[0m"); // reset to normal }
@Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) { logsResults.clear(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String testName = result.getName().toString(); String className = result.getTestClass().getName().toString(); Method testMethod = result.getMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(); builder.append("<table>" + "<h1>Class: <em>" + className + "." + testName + " </em></h1>"); if (testMethod.isAnnotationPresent(RelatedIssue.class)) { String issueID = testMethod.getAnnotation(RelatedIssue.class).issueID(); String jiraUrl = jiraPath + issueID; builder.append( "<tr class=\"step\"><td>Known failure</td><td><h1><em>" + testName + " - " + "<a href=\"" + jiraUrl + "\">" + issueID + "</a> " + testMethod.getAnnotation(RelatedIssue.class).comment() + "</em></h1></td><td> <br/> </td></tr>"); } else { builder.append( "<tr class=\"step\"><td> </td><td><h1><em>" + testName + "</em></h1></td><td> <br/> </td></tr>"); } CommonUtils.appendTextToFile(logPath, builder.toString()); System.out.println(className + " " + testName); }
private void recordResult(ITestResult result, ResultType type, Throwable failure) { // Restore the original stdout/stderr. System.setOut(originalOut); System.setErr(originalErr); // Get the stdout/stderr written during the test as strings. stdOutStream.flush(); stdErrStream.flush(); String stdOut = streamToString(rawStdOutBytes); String stdErr = streamToString(rawStdErrBytes); String className = result.getTestClass().getName(); String methodName = calculateTestMethodName(result); // use exception from suite, if available if (suiteFailureListener.getThrowable() != null) { failure = suiteFailureListener.getThrowable(); stdOut = suiteFailureListener.getStdOut(); stdErr = suiteFailureListener.getStdErr(); } long runTimeMillis = result.getEndMillis() - result.getStartMillis(); results.add( new TestResult(className, methodName, runTimeMillis, type, failure, stdOut, stdErr)); }
private void onTestFinished(ITestResult iTestResult, TestResult.ResultType resultType) { Object testId; TestStartEvent startEvent = null; synchronized (lock) { testId = tests.remove(iTestResult); if (testId == null) { // This can happen when a method fails which this method depends on testId = idGenerator.generateId(); Object parentId = testMethodToSuiteMapping.get(iTestResult.getMethod()); startEvent = new TestStartEvent(iTestResult.getStartMillis(), parentId); } } if (startEvent != null) { // Synthesize a start event resultProcessor.started( new DefaultTestMethodDescriptor( testId, iTestResult.getTestClass().getName(), iTestResult.getName()), startEvent); } if (resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE) { resultProcessor.failure(testId, iTestResult.getThrowable()); } resultProcessor.completed( testId, new TestCompleteEvent(iTestResult.getEndMillis(), resultType)); }
@AfterMethod public void printError(ITestResult result) { if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) { String clsName = result.getTestClass().getName(); clsName = clsName.substring(clsName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); System.out.println("Test " + clsName + "." + result.getName() + " FAILED"); } }
private String getMethodContext(ITestResult result) { // String browser = result.getTestContext().getCurrentXmlTest() // .getParameter("browser"); String testClasss = result.getTestClass().getName(); String name = result.getName(); String rs = testClasss + " | " + name; System.out.println("rs--->" + rs); return rs; }
@Override public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult iTestResult) { super.onConfigurationFailure(iTestResult); String testName = iTestResult.getTestClass().getName(); String configurationName = iTestResult.getMethod().toString().split("\\(|\\)")[0]; if (!enableLogstash && isAfter(iTestResult)) { DumpUtils.copyBeforeConfigurationsLogToTestDir(testName, suiteName); testName = testMethodName; } if (suiteName == null) { // this is in case the suite has a @BeforeSuite method. which is invoked before // the onStart is. suiteName = System.getProperty("iTests.suiteName", "sgtest"); } LogUtils.log("Configuration Failed: " + configurationName, iTestResult.getThrowable()); if (enableLogstash && iTestResult.getMethod().isBeforeClassConfiguration()) { initLogstash2(iTestResult); } String newmanTestFolder = System.getProperty("newman.test.path"); if (newmanTestFolder != null) { File testFolder = new File(newmanTestFolder); ZipUtils.unzipArchive(testFolder); try { copyAllFilesToLogDir(testFolder, testFolder); } catch (IOException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed to copy all log files"); } } else { ZipUtils.unzipArchive(testMethodName, suiteName); } if (enableLogstash && isAfter(iTestResult) && !iTestResult.getMethod().isAfterClassConfiguration() && !iTestResult.getMethod().isAfterSuiteConfiguration()) { testName = testMethodName; } File testFolder = DumpUtils.createTestFolder(testName, suiteName); write2LogFile(iTestResult, testFolder); write2ErrorTxtFile(iTestResult, testFolder); if (isAfter(iTestResult)) { if (enableLogstash) { if (process != null) { killLogstashAgent(1, logstashLogPath); } if (process2 != null && iTestResult.getMethod().isAfterClassConfiguration()) { killLogstashAgent(2, logstashLogPath2); } } } }
private void logEndOfTest(ITestResult result, String outcome) { String.format( "Testing going to end for: %s.%s(%s) %s", result.getTestClass().getName(), result.getName(), Arrays.toString(result.getParameters()), outcome)); NDC.pop(); logLine(); }
@Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) { logLine(); String.format( "Testing going to start for: %s.%s %s", result.getTestClass().getName(), result.getName(), Arrays.toString(result.getParameters()))); NDC.push(result.getName()); }
private void log(ITestResult tr, String RESULT) { System.out.print( String.format( "\t%s.%s %s (%dms)\n", tr.getTestClass().getName(), tr.getName(), RESULT, tr.getEndMillis() - tr.getStartMillis())); if (++m_count % 40 == 0) { System.out.println(""); } }
public void onTestStart(ITestResult iTestResult) { "Running the test method --- " + iTestResult.getTestClass().getName() + "." + iTestResult.getMethod().getMethodName() + " ----"); try { TestNGExtensionExecutor.executeExtensible( ExtensionConstants.TEST_LISTENER, ExtensionConstants.TEST_LISTENER_ON_TEST_START, false); } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Error while running tests", e); } }
private void injectIntoField( Field matchingField, Object testInstance, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBaseForMethod, ITestResult result) { matchingField.setAccessible(true); try { matchingField.set(testInstance, knowledgeBaseForMethod); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new TestFluxException( "Error injecting KnowledgeBase into " + result.getTestClass().getName() + "." + matchingField.getName()); } }
@Override public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr) { success++; String location = tr.getTestClass().getRealClass().getSimpleName() + '#' + tr.getMethod().getMethodName(); try { Method realTestMethod = tr.getMethod().getMethod(); Test specAssert = realTestMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class); if (specAssert != null && specAssert.description() != null && !specAssert.description().isEmpty()) { log("[SUCCESS] " + specAssert.description() + "(" + location + ")"); } else { log("[SUCCESS] " + location); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("IO Error", e); } }
public void onTestStart(ITestResult iTestResult) { TestDescriptorInternal testInternal; Object parentId; synchronized (lock) { testInternal = new DefaultTestMethodDescriptor( idGenerator.generateId(), iTestResult.getTestClass().getName(), iTestResult.getName()); Object oldTestId = tests.put(iTestResult, testInternal.getId()); assert oldTestId == null : "Apparently some other test has started but it hasn't finished. " + "Expect the resultProcessor to break. " + "Don't expect to see this assertion stack trace due to the current architecture"; parentId = testMethodToSuiteMapping.get(iTestResult.getMethod()); assert parentId != null; } resultProcessor.started( testInternal, new TestStartEvent(iTestResult.getStartMillis(), parentId)); }
private void printTestResults(ITestResult result) { Reporter.log("TestName = " + method, true); Reporter.log("Test Method resides in " + result.getTestClass().getName(), true); if (result.getParameters().length != 0) { String params = null; for (Object parameter : result.getParameters()) { params += parameter.toString() + ","; } Reporter.log("Test Method had the following parameters : " + params, true); } String status = null; switch (result.getStatus()) { case ITestResult.SUCCESS: status = "Pass"; break; case ITestResult.FAILURE: status = "Failed"; break; case ITestResult.SKIP: status = "Skipped"; } Reporter.log("Test Status: " + status, true); }
@Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) { failed++; count++; String location = tr.getTestClass().getRealClass().getSimpleName() + '#' + tr.getMethod().getMethodName(); try { Method realTestMethod = tr.getMethod().getMethod(); Test testAnnot = realTestMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class); if (testAnnot != null && testAnnot.description() != null && !testAnnot.description().isEmpty()) { if (tr.getThrowable() != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(sw); tr.getThrowable().printStackTrace(w); w.flush(); log("[FAILED] " + testAnnot.description() + "(" + location + "):\n" + sw.toString()); } else { log("[FAILED] " + testAnnot.description() + "(" + location + ")"); } } else { if (tr.getThrowable() != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(sw); tr.getThrowable().printStackTrace(w); w.flush(); log("[FAILED] " + location + ":\n" + sw.toString()); } else { log("[FAILED] " + location); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("IO Error", e); } }
@Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) { logEndOfTest(result, "FAILED"); if (BaseUITestClass.getDRIVER() != null) { byte[] scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) BaseUITestClass.getDRIVER()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); try { String filename = OSUtil.getPath( "target", "surefire-reports", "screenshots", String.format( "%s.%s.png", result.getTestClass().getRealClass().getSimpleName(), result.getName())); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File(filename), scrFile); } catch (IOException e) {"Saving screenshot FAILED: " + e.getCause()); } }; logLine(); }
protected void onTestCompleted(ITestResult tr, String message, PrintStream out) { Class<?> real_class = tr.getTestClass().getRealClass(); addTest(real_class, tr); print(out, message, real_class.getName(), getMethodName(tr)); closeStreams(); }
private String getTestDesc(ITestResult res) { return res.getMethod().getMethodName() + "(" + res.getTestClass().getName() + ")"; }
private void initLogstash2(ITestResult tr) { initLogstashHost(); String simpleClassName = tr.getTestClass().getRealClass().getSimpleName(); String pathToLogstash = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir().replace("\\", "/") + "/src/main/resources/logstash"; String confFilePath2 = pathToLogstash + "/logstash-shipper-client-2.conf"; String backupFilePath2 = pathToLogstash + "/logstash-shipper-client-2-" + simpleClassName + ".conf"; File backupFile2 = new File(backupFilePath2); LogUtils.log( "trying to start logstash agent number 2. simple class name is " + simpleClassName); if (backupFile2.exists()) { LogUtils.log("the file " + backupFilePath2 + " already exists. not starting logstash"); } if (!isAfter(tr) && !backupFile2.exists()) { try { // backupFilePath2 = IOUtils.backupFile(confFilePath2); LogUtils.log("copying file " + confFilePath2 + " to " + backupFilePath2); IOUtils.copyFile(confFilePath2, backupFilePath2); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<path_to_build>", SGTestHelper.getBuildDir()); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile( backupFilePath2, "<suite_number>", "suite_" + System.getProperty("iTests.suiteId", "0")); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile( backupFilePath2, "<path_to_test_class_folder>", SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir().replace("\\", "/") + "/../" + suiteName + "/" + tr.getTestClass().getName()); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<suite_name>", suiteName); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<test_name>", simpleClassName); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<build_number>", buildNumber); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<version>", version); IOUtils.replaceTextInFile(backupFilePath2, "<host>", logstashHost); String logstashJarPath = DeploymentUtils.getLocalRepository() + "net/logstash/1.2.2/logstash-1.2.2.jar"; logstashLogPath2 = pathToLogstash + "/logstash-" + simpleClassName + "-2.txt"; String cmdLine = "java -jar " + logstashJarPath + " agent -f " + backupFilePath2 + " -l " + logstashLogPath2; final String[] parts = cmdLine.split(" "); final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(parts); LogUtils.log("Executing Command line: " + cmdLine); process2 = pb.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
// returns an ID for each test result private int getTestId(ITestResult result) { int id = result.getTestClass().getName().hashCode(); id = 31 * id + result.getMethod().getMethodName().hashCode(); id = 31 * id + (result.getParameters() != null ? Arrays.hashCode(result.getParameters()) : 0); return id; }
public void onTestStart(ITestResult res) {"Starting test " + getTestDesc(res)); addOomLoggingSupport(); threadTestClass.set(res.getTestClass()); }
private Class<?> obtainJavaTestClass(ITestResult result) { return result.getTestClass().getRealClass(); }
private ClassInfo getClassInfo(ITestResult result) { return info.get(result.getTestClass().getName()); }
/** * Get last containing package name from ITestResult * * @param result from the fine-grained listener's method such as onTestFailure(ITestResult) * @return the package name in current context */ public static String getContainingPackageName(ITestResult result) { Package dPackage = result.getTestClass().getRealClass().getPackage(); return dPackage.getName().replaceFirst("^.*\\.", ""); }
/** * Get class name from ITestResult * * @param result from the fine-grained listener's method such as onTestFailure(ITestResult) * @return the class name in current context */ public static String getClassName(ITestResult result) { Class<?> dClass = result.getTestClass().getRealClass(); return dClass.getSimpleName(); }