Esempio n. 1
  private Class type(final String typeString) throws FrameworkException {

    Class type = null;

    final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
    if (typeString != null) {

      type = config.getNodeEntityClass(typeString);

    if (type == null) {

      throw new FrameworkException(422, "Unknown type '" + typeString + "'");

    return type;
Esempio n. 2
  private void extractAndSetValue(
      final NodeInterface obj,
      final Document doc,
      final String selector,
      final String mappedType,
      final String mappedAttribute,
      final String mappedAttributeFormat,
      final SourcePage subPage)
      throws FrameworkException {

    // If the sub pattern has a mapped attribute, set the extracted value
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mappedAttribute)) {

      // Extract the value for this sub pattern's selector
      final String ex =;

      final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
      final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType), mappedAttribute);

      if (key != null) {

        Object convertedValue = ex;

        final PropertyConverter inputConverter = key.inputConverter(securityContext);

        if (inputConverter != null) {

          final String locale = getProperty(mappedAttributeLocaleProperty);
          DecimalFormat decimalFormat = null;

          if (key instanceof DoubleProperty) {

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(locale)) {

              decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale(locale));

            } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mappedAttributeFormat)) {

              decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(mappedAttributeFormat);

            if (decimalFormat != null) {

              convertedValue = decimalFormat.format(convertedValue);

          } else {

            convertedValue = inputConverter.convert(ex);

        obj.setProperty(key, convertedValue);

      // If the sub pattern has no mapped attribute but a sub page defined, query the patterns of
      // the sub page
    } else if (subPage != null) {

      final String pageUrl = subPage.getProperty(SourcePage.url);
      final URI uri;

      try {
        uri = new URI(pageUrl);
      } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        throw new FrameworkException(422, "Unable to parse sub page url: " + pageUrl);

      // This is the URL of the linked page derived from the enclosing selector
      final String subUrl =
          uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getAuthority() +"href");

      // Extract the content of the linked page
      final String subContent = getContent(subUrl);

      // Parse the content into a document
      final Document subDoc = Jsoup.parse(subContent);

      final List<SourcePattern> subPagePatterns = subPage.getProperty(SourcePage.patterns);

      // Loop through all patterns of the sub page
      for (final SourcePattern subPagePattern : subPagePatterns) {

        final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("document", subDoc);
        params.put("object", obj);


        //				final String subPagePatternSelector =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.selectorProperty);
        //				// Extract
        //				final String subEx =;
        //				final String subPagePatternType =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.mappedTypeProperty);
        //				if (subPagePatternType != null) {
        //					final Elements subParts =;
        //					final Long j = 1L;
        //					for (final Element subPart : subParts) {
        //						final NodeInterface subObj = create(subPagePatternType);
        //						final List<SourcePattern> subPagePatternPatterns =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.subPatternsProperty);
        //						for (final SourcePattern subPageSubPattern : subPagePatternPatterns) {
        //							final String subPagePatternSelector =
        // subPageSubPattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.selectorProperty);
        //							final String subPageSubPatternSelector = subPagePatternSelector + ":nth-child(" + j
        // + ") > " + subPagePatternSelector;
        //							extractAndSetValue(subObj, subDoc, subSelector, mappedType,
        // subPatternMappedAttribute);
        //							final String subSubEx =;
        //							if (subSubEx != null && subSubEx != = '' && subPageSubPattern.mappedAttribute !=
        // null) {
        //							final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType),
        // subPatternMappedAttribute);
        //							if (key != null) {
        //								subObj.setProperty(key, subSubEx);
        //							}
        //						}
        //						final String subPagePatternMappedAttribute =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.mappedAttributeProperty);
        //						final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType),
        // subPagePatternMappedAttribute);
        //						if (key != null) {
        //							obj.setProperty(key, subSubEx);
        //						}
        //					}
        //				} else {
        //					if (subEx != null && subEx != = '' && subPagePattern.mappedAttribute != null) {
        //						obj[subPagePattern.mappedAttribute] = subEx;
        //					}