/** super(args) -> SuperType.call(this, args) */ private JS callToSuperConstructor( WriterVisitor<JS> visitor, MethodInvocationTree tree, GenerationContext<JS> context) { Element methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) methodElement.getEnclosingElement(); String methodName = MethodInvocationWriter.buildMethodName(tree); // avoid useless call to super() when the super class is Object if (GeneratorConstants.SUPER.equals(methodName) && JavaNodes.sameRawType(typeElement.asType(), Object.class)) { return null; } // avoid call to super for synthetic types if (GeneratorConstants.SUPER.equals(methodName) && context.getCurrentWrapper().getEnclosingType().isSyntheticType()) { return null; } // transform it into superType.[prototype.method].call(this, args..); String typeName = context.getNames().getTypeName(context, typeElement, DependencyType.STATIC); JS superType = context .js() .name( GeneratorConstants.SUPER.equals(methodName) ? typeName : typeName + ".prototype." + methodName); List<JS> arguments = MethodInvocationWriter.buildArguments(visitor, tree, context); arguments.add(0, context.js().keyword(Keyword.THIS)); return context.js().functionCall(context.js().property(superType, "call"), arguments); }
private boolean isCallToSuperConstructor(MethodInvocationTree tree) { if (!TreeUtils.isSuperCall(tree)) { return false; } Element methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); if (JavaNodes.isStatic(methodElement)) { // this is a call of type super.staticMethod(args) -> it should be handled as a simple call to // staticMethod return false; } return true; }