public CommandResult process(CommandSource src, String arguments) { if (!(src instanceof Player)) { src.sendMessage(Texts.of("You cannot use these subcommands.")); return CommandResult.success(); } Player player = ((Player) src).getPlayer().get(); if (!player.hasPermission("multiworld.use")) { player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_GRAY, "[", TextColors.BLUE, "MultiWorld", TextColors.DARK_GRAY, "] ", TextColors.RED, "You do not have permission!")); return CommandResult.success(); } String[] args = arguments.toString().split(" "); if (args.length > 5 || args.length == 0) { sendHelp(player); return CommandResult.success(); } player.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.BLUE, "MultiWorld version: " + MultiWorld.getInstance().mwVersion)); return CommandResult.success(); }
/** * Gets the currently loaded warps, paginates them into pages of size WARPS_PER_PAGE, and sends * the warp names in a message to the player * * @param source * @param args * @return * @throws CommandException */ @Override public CommandResult execute(CommandSource source, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { if (this.plugin.getWarpManager().getPayload().isEmpty()) { source.sendMessage(Constants.NO_WARPS_MSG); return CommandResult.success(); } List<Text> warpNames = new ArrayList<Text>(); for (Warp w : this.plugin.getWarpManager().getPayload()) { if (this.plugin.getUtil().hasPermission(source, w)) { warpNames.add(Texts.of(Util.warpText(w), TextColors.WHITE, " - ", Util.deleteWarpText(w))); } } PaginationService paginationService = this.plugin.getGame().getServiceManager().provide(PaginationService.class).get(); paginationService .builder() .contents(warpNames) .title(Texts.of(TextColors.BLUE, "Warps")) .paddingString("-") .sendTo(source); return CommandResult.success(); }
@Override public CommandResult execute(CommandSource source, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { if (!(source instanceof Player)) { source.sendMessage(Constants.MUST_BE_PLAYER_MSG); return CommandResult.empty(); } Player player = (Player) source; Optional<Warp> optWarp = args.getOne("warp"); if (!optWarp.isPresent()) { source.sendMessage(Constants.WARP_NOT_FOUND_MSG); return CommandResult.empty(); } Warp warp = optWarp.get(); if (this.plugin.getUtil().hasPermission(player, warp) == false) { player.sendMessage(Constants.NO_PERMISSION_MSG); return CommandResult.empty(); } this.plugin.getWarpManager().scheduleWarp(player, warp); return CommandResult.success(); }
@Override public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { ConfigurationNode node = plugin.rootNode.getNode( "commands", args.getOne(util.getStringFromKey("")).get().toString()); node.getNode(CommandSetting.MESSAGE.getName()) .setValue(args.getOne(util.getStringFromKey("command.param.message")).get().toString()); node.getNode(CommandSetting.COMMAND.getName()) .setValue( Arrays.asList( args.getOne(util.getStringFromKey("command.param.command")) .get() .toString() .split(" "))); util.saveConfig(); util.registerCommand(node); plugin.commandMap.put(node.getKey().toString(), node); util.updateEditCmd(); util.updateDeleteCmd(); src.sendMessage(util.getTextFromJsonByKey("command.add.success", node.getKey())); return CommandResult.success(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { Player sender = ((Player) src).getPlayer().get(); sender.sendMessage(Texts.of(mysql_getClassAttributes.getEXP(sender.getUniqueId().toString()))); return CommandResult.success(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext ctx) throws CommandException { if (src instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) src; if (Utils.isSpawnInConfig()) { if (!Objects.equals(player.getWorld().getName(), Utils.getSpawnWorldName())) { Vector3d position = new Vector3d( Utils.getSpawn(player).getX(), Utils.getSpawn(player).getY(), Utils.getSpawn(player).getZ()); player.transferToWorld(Utils.getSpawnWorldName(), position); src.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.GREEN, "Success! ", TextColors.YELLOW, "Teleported to Spawn")); return CommandResult.success(); } else { Location<World> spawn = new Location<>( player.getWorld(), Utils.getSpawn(player).getX(), Utils.getSpawn(player).getY(), Utils.getSpawn(player).getZ()); player.setLocation(spawn); } src.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.GREEN, "Success! ", TextColors.YELLOW, "Teleported to Spawn")); } else { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Spawn has not been set yet!")); } } else if (src instanceof ConsoleSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /spawn!")); } else if (src instanceof CommandBlockSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /spawn!")); } return CommandResult.success(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource cS, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { cS.sendMessage(Texts.of("Spongy's config file has been reloaded.")); try {;; Main.access.mConCache = Main.access.mainConfig.load(); Main.access.uConCache = Main.access.userConfig.load(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return CommandResult.empty(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext ctx) throws CommandException { Optional<Player> p = ctx.<Player>getOne("player"); if (src instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) src; if (player.hasPermission("heal.others") && p.isPresent()) { Player recipient = p.get(); recipient.offer(Keys.HEALTH, player.get(Keys.MAX_HEALTH).get()); recipient.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GREEN, "Success: ", TextColors.YELLOW, "You've been healed by " + player.getName())); src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GREEN, "Success: ", TextColors.YELLOW, "You've healed " + recipient.getName())); } else if (p.isPresent()) { player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "You do not have permission to heal other players!")); } else { player.offer(Keys.HEALTH, player.get(Keys.MAX_HEALTH).get()); src.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.GREEN, "Success: ", TextColors.YELLOW, "You've been healed.")); } } else if (src instanceof ConsoleSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /heal!")); } else if (src instanceof CommandBlockSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /heal!")); } return CommandResult.success(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext ctx) throws CommandException { Player p = ctx.<Player>getOne("player").get(); String command = ctx.<String>getOne("command").get(); if (src instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) src; CommandService cmdService = game.getCommandDispatcher(); if (!(p.hasPermission("sudo.exempt"))) { cmdService.process(p, command); player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GREEN, "Success! ", TextColors.GOLD, "Forcing " + p.getName() + " to run /" + command)); p.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GOLD, "[Sudo]: ", TextColors.WHITE, player.getName() + " has forced you to run /" + command)); } else { player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "This player is exempt from sudo!")); } } else if (src instanceof ConsoleSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /sudo!")); } else if (src instanceof CommandBlockSource) { src.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.DARK_RED, "Error! ", TextColors.RED, "Must be an in-game player to use /sudo!")); } return CommandResult.success(); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException { String kitName = args.<String>getOne("kit name").get(); boolean oneTime = false; int interval = 0; if (args.<Integer>getOne("kit interval").isPresent()) { interval = args.<Integer>getOne("kit interval").get(); } else if (args.<Boolean>getOne("one-time").isPresent()) { oneTime = true; } // Sets the Interval if (!oneTime) { Utils.setInterval(interval, kitName); } else if (oneTime) { Utils.setInterval(kitName, oneTime); } src.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.GOLD, "Success! ", TextColors.YELLOW, "The interval was changed!")); return CommandResult.success(); }
@Override public CommandResult process(CommandSource sender, String arguments) throws CommandException { String[] args = arguments.split(" "); if (!PermissionsUtils.has(sender, "")) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("You do not have permissions!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } if (arguments.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Usage: ", TextColors.GRAY, "/tp <player> [target]")); return CommandResult.success(); } if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Usage: ", TextColors.GRAY, "/tp <player> [target]")); return CommandResult.success(); } Player player = null; Player target = null; if (args.length == 1) { if (sender instanceof Player == false) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("Cannot be run by the console!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } player = (Player) sender; target = ServerUtils.getPlayer(args[0]); } else if (args.length == 2) { if (!PermissionsUtils.has(sender, "")) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("You do not have permissions to teleport others!") .color(TextColors.RED) .build()); return CommandResult.success(); } player = ServerUtils.getPlayer(args[0]); target = ServerUtils.getPlayer(args[1]); } if (player == null) { sender.sendMessage(Texts.builder("Player not found!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } if (target == null) { sender.sendMessage(Texts.builder("Target not found!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } player.setLocation(target.getLocation()); if (args.length == 1) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.of(TextColors.GRAY, "Teleported to ", TextColors.YELLOW, target.getName())); } else if (args.length == 2) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GRAY, "Teleported ", TextColors.YELLOW, player.getName(), TextColors.GRAY, " to ", TextColors.YELLOW, target.getName())); } return CommandResult.success(); }
@Override public CommandResult process(CommandSource sender, String arguments) throws CommandException { String[] args = arguments.split(" "); if (sender instanceof Player == false) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("Cannot be run by the console!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } if (!PermissionsUtils.has(sender, "core.tpa")) { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("You do not have permissions!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } if (arguments.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { sender.sendMessage(Texts.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Usage: ", TextColors.GRAY, "/tpa <player>")); return CommandResult.success(); } if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 1) { sender.sendMessage(Texts.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Usage: ", TextColors.GRAY, "/tpa <player>")); return CommandResult.success(); } Player s = (Player) sender; String uuid = s.getUniqueId().toString(); Player player = CoreServer.getPlayer(args[0]); if (player == null) { sender.sendMessage(Texts.builder("Player not found!").color(TextColors.RED).build()); return CommandResult.success(); } CorePlayer p = CoreDatabase.getPlayer(player.getUniqueId().toString()); HashMap<String, Double> tpa = p.getTPA(); HashMap<String, Double> tpahere = p.getTPAHere(); double duration = 0; if (tpa.containsKey(uuid)) duration = tpa.get(uuid); if (duration != 0) { if (duration <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { tpa.remove(uuid); p.setTPA(tpa); } else { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("You already requested a teleport from that player!") .color(TextColors.RED) .build()); return CommandResult.success(); } } duration = 0; if (tpahere.containsKey(uuid)) duration = tpahere.get(uuid); if (duration != 0) { if (duration <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { tpahere.remove(uuid); p.setTPAHere(tpahere); } else { sender.sendMessage( Texts.builder("You already requested a teleport from that player!") .color(TextColors.RED) .build()); return CommandResult.success(); } } duration = System.currentTimeMillis() + 30 * 1000; tpa.put(uuid, duration); p.setTPA(tpa); sender.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GRAY, "Teleport request has been sent to ", TextColors.YELLOW, player.getName())); player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.YELLOW, sender.getName(), TextColors.GRAY, " requested to teleport to you.")); player.sendMessage( Texts.of( TextColors.GRAY, "Type ", TextColors.YELLOW, "/tpaccept ", sender.getName(), TextColors.GRAY, " or", TextColors.YELLOW, " /tpdeny ", sender.getName())); player.sendMessage(Texts.of(TextColors.GRAY, "to accept/decline the request.")); return CommandResult.success(); }