  protected AndroidManifest getAppManifest(Config config) {
    if (config.constants() == Void.class) {
      Logger.error("Field 'constants' not specified in @Config annotation");
      Logger.error("This is required when using RobolectricGradleTestRunner!");
      throw new RuntimeException("No 'constants' field in @Config annotation!");

    final String type = getType(config);
    final String flavor = getFlavor(config);
    final String packageName = getPackageName(config);

    final FileFsFile res;
    final FileFsFile assets;
    final FileFsFile manifest;

    if (FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "data-binding-layout-out").exists()) {
      // Android gradle plugin 1.5.0+ puts the merged layouts in data-binding-layout-out.
      // https://github.com/robolectric/robolectric/issues/2143
      res = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "data-binding-layout-out", flavor, type);
    } else if (FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "res", "merged").exists()) {
      // res/merged added in Android Gradle plugin 1.3-beta1
      res = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "res", "merged", flavor, type);
    } else if (FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "res").exists()) {
      res = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "res", flavor, type);
    } else {
      res = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "bundles", flavor, type, "res");

    if (FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "assets").exists()) {
      assets = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "assets", flavor, type);
    } else {
      assets = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "bundles", flavor, type, "assets");

    if (FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "manifests").exists()) {
      manifest =
          FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "manifests", "full", flavor, type, "AndroidManifest.xml");
    } else {
      manifest = FileFsFile.from(BUILD_OUTPUT, "bundles", flavor, type, "AndroidManifest.xml");

    Logger.debug("Robolectric assets directory: " + assets.getPath());
    Logger.debug("   Robolectric res directory: " + res.getPath());
    Logger.debug("   Robolectric manifest path: " + manifest.getPath());
    Logger.debug("    Robolectric package name: " + packageName);
    return new AndroidManifest(manifest, res, assets, packageName);
  private AndroidManifest createAppManifest(
      FsFile manifestFile, FsFile resDir, FsFile assetDir, String packageName) {
    if (!manifestFile.exists()) {
      System.out.print("WARNING: No manifest file found at " + manifestFile.getPath() + ".");
      System.out.println("Falling back to the Android OS resources only.");
          "To remove this warning, annotate your test class with @Config(manifest=Config.NONE).");
      return createDummyManifest();

    Logger.debug("Robolectric assets directory: " + assetDir.getPath());
    Logger.debug("   Robolectric res directory: " + resDir.getPath());
    Logger.debug("   Robolectric manifest path: " + manifestFile.getPath());
    Logger.debug("    Robolectric package name: " + packageName);
    return new AndroidManifest(manifestFile, resDir, assetDir, packageName);