protected void setAnnotation(String annoName, IValueList annoList) { IList annos = (IList) annoList.asList(); if (this.ownValue == null) { return; } if (annoList != null && this.ownValue.getType().declaresAnnotation(this.typeStore, annoName) && !annos.isEmpty()) { this.ownValue = ((IConstructor) this.ownValue).asAnnotatable().setAnnotation(annoName, annos); } }
public static IList projectByFieldNames(IList rel1, String... fields) { int[] indexes = new int[fields.length]; int i = 0; if (rel1.getType().getFieldTypes().hasFieldNames()) { for (String field : fields) { indexes[i++] = rel1.getType().getFieldTypes().getFieldIndex(field); } return project(rel1, indexes); } throw new IllegalOperationException("select with field names", rel1.getType()); }
public static IList compose(IList rel1, IList rel2) { Type otherTupleType = rel2.getType().getFieldTypes(); if (rel1.getElementType() == voidType) return rel1; if (otherTupleType == voidType) return rel2; if (rel1.getElementType().getArity() != 2 || otherTupleType.getArity() != 2) throw new IllegalOperationException("compose", rel1.getElementType(), otherTupleType); // Relaxed type constraint: if (!rel1.getElementType().getFieldType(1).comparable(otherTupleType.getFieldType(0))) throw new IllegalOperationException("compose", rel1.getElementType(), otherTupleType); Type[] newTupleFieldTypes = new Type[] {rel1.getElementType().getFieldType(0), otherTupleType.getFieldType(1)}; Type tupleType = typeFactory.tupleType(newTupleFieldTypes); IListWriter w = new ListWriter(tupleType); for (IValue v1 : rel1) { ITuple tuple1 = (ITuple) v1; for (IValue t2 : rel2) { ITuple tuple2 = (ITuple) t2; if (tuple1.get(1).isEqual(tuple2.get(0))) { w.append(Tuple.newTuple(tuple1.get(0), tuple2.get(1))); } } } return w.done(); }
private static Result<IValue> call(ICallableValue function, IList args) { try { int nrOfArgs = args.length(); Type[] types = new Type[nrOfArgs]; IValue[] actuals = new IValue[nrOfArgs]; for (int i = nrOfArgs - 1; i >= 0; --i) { IValue arg = args.get(i); types[i] = RascalTypeFactory.getInstance().nonTerminalType((IConstructor) arg); actuals[i] = arg; } return, actuals, null); } catch (MatchFailed e) { return null; } catch (Failure f) { return null; } }
private boolean checkIndent(IList o) { if (indent && o.length() > 1) { for (IValue x : o) { Type type = x.getType(); if (indented(type)) { return true; } } } return false; }
public static IList closureStar(IList rel1) { Type resultType = rel1.getType().closure(); // an exception will have been thrown if the type is not acceptable IListWriter reflex = List.createListWriter(resultType.getElementType()); for (IValue e : carrier(rel1)) { reflex.insert(Tuple.newTuple(new IValue[] {e, e})); } return closure(rel1).concat(reflex.done()); }
public static IList domain(IList rel1) { Type lrelType = rel1.getType(); IListWriter w = List.createListWriter(lrelType.getFieldType(0)); HashSet<IValue> cache = new HashSet<>(); for (IValue elem : rel1) { ITuple tuple = (ITuple) elem; IValue e = tuple.get(0); if (!cache.contains(e)) { cache.add(e); w.append(e); } } return w.done(); }
public static IList carrier(IList rel1) { Type newType = rel1.getType().carrier(); IListWriter w = List.createListWriter(newType.getElementType()); HashSet<IValue> cache = new HashSet<>(); for (IValue v : rel1) { ITuple t = (ITuple) v; for (IValue e : t) { if (!cache.contains(e)) { cache.add(e); w.append(e); } } } return w.done(); }
@Override public boolean isSubtypeOfNonTerminal(RascalType other) { if (other == this) { return true; } IConstructor otherSym = ((NonTerminalType) other).symbol; if ((SymbolAdapter.isIterPlus(symbol) && (SymbolAdapter.isIterStar(otherSym) || SymbolAdapter.isIterPlus(otherSym))) || (SymbolAdapter.isIterStar(symbol) && SymbolAdapter.isIterStar(otherSym))) { RascalType nt1 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(symbol)); RascalType nt2 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(otherSym)); return nt1.isSubtypeOfNonTerminal(nt2); } else if ((SymbolAdapter.isIterPlusSeps(symbol) && (SymbolAdapter.isIterStarSeps(otherSym) || SymbolAdapter.isIterPlusSeps(otherSym))) || (SymbolAdapter.isIterStarSeps(symbol) && SymbolAdapter.isIterStarSeps(otherSym))) { RascalType nt1 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(symbol)); RascalType nt2 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(otherSym)); if (nt1.isSubtypeOfNonTerminal(nt2)) { IList seps1 = SymbolAdapter.getSeparators(symbol); IList seps2 = SymbolAdapter.getSeparators(otherSym); // this works around broken regular prods in the RVM which have the wrong or missing layout // symbols: int sep1index = seps1.length() == 3 ? 1 : 0; int sep2index = seps2.length() == 3 ? 1 : 0; nt1 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType((IConstructor) seps1.get(sep1index)); nt2 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType((IConstructor) seps2.get(sep2index)); return nt1.isSubtypeOfNonTerminal(nt2); } return false; } else if (SymbolAdapter.isOpt(symbol) && SymbolAdapter.isOpt(otherSym)) { RascalType nt1 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(symbol)); RascalType nt2 = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType(SymbolAdapter.getSymbol(otherSym)); return nt1.isSubtypeOfNonTerminal(nt2); } // else if (SymbolAdapter.isSequence(symbol) && SymbolAdapter.isSeq(otherSym)) { // TODO pairwise issubtype // } if (SymbolAdapter.isParameter(otherSym)) { RascalType bound = (RascalType) RTF.nonTerminalType((IConstructor) otherSym.get("bound")); return isSubtypeOf(bound); } // TODO co-variance for the other structured symbols (sequence, opt, list) return SymbolAdapter.isEqual(otherSym, symbol); }
public IValue visitList(IList o) throws IOException { append('['); boolean indent = checkIndent(o); Iterator<IValue> listIterator = o.iterator(); tab(); indent(indent); if (listIterator.hasNext()) {; while (listIterator.hasNext()) { append(','); if (indent) indent();; } } untab(); indent(indent); append(']'); return o; }
public static IList closure(IList rel1) { Type resultType = rel1.getType().closure(); // will throw exception if not binary and reflexive IList tmp = rel1; int prevCount = 0; ShareableValuesHashSet addedTuples = new ShareableValuesHashSet(); while (prevCount != tmp.length()) { prevCount = tmp.length(); IList tcomp = compose(tmp, tmp); IListWriter w = List.createListWriter(resultType.getElementType()); for (IValue t1 : tcomp) { if (!tmp.contains(t1)) { if (!addedTuples.contains(t1)) { addedTuples.add(t1); w.append(t1); } } } tmp = tmp.concat(w.done()); addedTuples.clear(); } return tmp; }
public static int arity(IList rel) { return rel.getElementType().getArity(); }