// @Test public void testGetSchemasTypes() throws XmlException { Iterator<Schema> itSchema = desc.getTypes().getSchemas().iterator(); while (itSchema.hasNext()) { Schema schemas = itSchema.next(); Iterator<Type> itType = schemas.getTypes().iterator(); while (itType.hasNext()) { Type type = itType.next(); System.out.println("Types :" + type.getQName()); System.out.println("Element :"); schemas.getElement(type.getQName()); } } }
private void testFullLoop( Description desc, QName bindingQName, QName interfaceQName, QName operationQName) throws XmlException { List<SoapParameterBean> parameters = new ArrayList<SoapParameterBean>(); String operationName = operationQName.getLocalPart(); String soapVersion = desc.getBinding(bindingQName).getVersion(); String soapAction = desc.getBinding(bindingQName).getBindingOperation(operationName).getSoapAction(); System.out.println("wsld url : " + desc.getDocumentBaseURI()); System.out.println("Interface QName : " + interfaceQName); System.out.println("Operation QName : " + operationQName); System.out.println("Operation Name : " + operationName); System.out.println("Soap Vesion : " + soapVersion); System.out.println("Soap Action : " + soapAction); // get Element correspond that Operation and Interface Input input = desc.getInterface(interfaceQName).getOperation(operationQName).getInput(); Iterator<Part> itoratorParts = input.getParts().iterator(); while (itoratorParts.hasNext()) { Part part = itoratorParts.next(); System.out.println("Element : " + part.getElement()); System.out.println("Part QName : " + part.getPartQName()); System.out.println("Type : " + part.getType()); System.out.println("Other Attributes : " + part.getOtherAttributes()); System.out.println("Other Elements : " + part.getOtherElements()); System.out.println("Schema Size : " + desc.getTypes().getSchemas().size() + " Scheamas"); Element element = null; Type type = null; QName inputPartQName = part.getType().getQName(); System.out.println("Input Part QName : " + inputPartQName); System.out.println("Schema Size : " + desc.getTypes().getSchemas().size() + " Scheamas"); // find elements reponsible with Input of opration Iterator<Schema> itSchemas = desc.getTypes().getSchemas().iterator(); while (itSchemas.hasNext()) { Schema schema = itSchemas.next(); System.out.println("Schema Elements : " + schema.getElements()); System.out.println("Schema Types : " + schema.getTypes()); element = schema.getElement(inputPartQName); type = schema.getType(inputPartQName); Type paramType = null; if (element != null) { System.out.println("Input Element QName for Input : " + element.getQName()); System.out.println("Input Element Min for Input : " + element.getMinOccurs()); System.out.println("Input Element Max for Input : " + element.getMaxOccurs()); System.out.println("Input Element Form for Input : " + element.getForm()); System.out.println("Input Element Ref for Input : " + element.getRef()); System.out.println( "Input Element getOtherAttributes for Input : " + element.getOtherAttributes()); System.out.println("***************************************************"); System.out.println("Element Type : " + element.getType()); System.out.println("***************************************************"); paramType = element.getType(); } if (type != null) { System.out.println("Type QName: " + type.getQName()); paramType = type; } if (paramType instanceof ComplexType) { final ComplexType elementComplexType = (ComplexType) paramType; final All elementALL = elementComplexType.getAll(); final Choice elementChoice = elementComplexType.getChoice(); final Sequence elementSeq = elementComplexType.getSequence(); final List<Attribute> attributes = elementComplexType.getAttributes(); System.out.println("******: " + "ComplexType ************** "); System.out.println("Complex Type :" + elementComplexType); System.out.println("All Type :" + elementALL); System.out.println("Choice Type :" + elementChoice); System.out.println("Sequence :" + elementSeq); if (elementSeq instanceof Sequence) { final List<Element> elementSeqList = elementSeq.getElements(); System.out.println("***********Element Sequence ************** "); System.out.println("Amount of Element :" + elementSeqList.size()); Iterator<Element> iTElemnt = elementSeqList.iterator(); while (iTElemnt.hasNext()) { Element e = iTElemnt.next(); int minOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MIN_OCCURE; String defaultValue = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_VALUE; String maxOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MAX_OCCURE; String seqType = ""; String name = ""; String paraNamespaceURI = ""; String paralocalPart = ""; String paraPrefix = ""; Type eType = e.getType(); if (e.getType() != null && e.getQName() != null) { if (eType instanceof SimpleType) { System.out.println("**************************" + "Simple Type ************** "); minOccure = e.getMinOccurs(); maxOccure = e.getMaxOccurs(); seqType = e.getType().getQName().getLocalPart(); name = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraNamespaceURI = e.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); paralocalPart = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraPrefix = e.getQName().getPrefix(); } if (eType instanceof ComplexType) { System.out.println("**************************" + "Complex Type ************** "); final ComplexType subElementComplexType = (ComplexType) eType; final Sequence subElementSequence = subElementComplexType.getSequence(); Iterator<Element> it = subElementSequence.getElements().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element et = it.next(); minOccure = et.getMinOccurs(); maxOccure = et.getMaxOccurs(); seqType = et.getType().getQName().getLocalPart(); name = et.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraNamespaceURI = et.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); paralocalPart = et.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraPrefix = et.getQName().getPrefix(); } } } System.out.println(" ************************************************"); System.out.println(" Element Name :" + name); System.out.println(" Element Type :" + seqType + ""); System.out.println(" Element localPart :" + paralocalPart); System.out.println(" Element Prefix :" + paraPrefix); System.out.println(" Element Min Occure :" + minOccure); System.out.println(" Element Max Occure :" + maxOccure); System.out.println(" Element DefaultValue :" + defaultValue); System.out.println(" Element paraNamespaceURI :" + paraNamespaceURI); System.out.println(" Element Other Attributes :" + e.getOtherAttributes()); QName paraQName = new QName(paraNamespaceURI, paralocalPart, paraPrefix); SoapParameterBean p1 = new SoapParameterBean( name, seqType, minOccure, maxOccure, paraQName, defaultValue); parameters.add(p1); } } if (elementALL instanceof All) { final List<Element> elementAllList = elementALL.getElements(); System.out.println("*********** " + "Element ALL ************** "); System.out.println("Amount of Element :" + elementAllList.size()); Iterator<Element> iTElemnt = elementAllList.iterator(); while (iTElemnt.hasNext()) { Element e = iTElemnt.next(); int minOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MIN_OCCURE; String defaultValue = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_VALUE; String maxOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MAX_OCCURE; String allType = ""; String name = ""; String paraNamespaceURI = ""; String paralocalPart = ""; String paraPrefix = ""; Type eType = e.getType(); if (e.getType() != null && e.getQName() != null) { if (eType instanceof SimpleType) { System.out.println("**************************" + "SimpleType ************** "); minOccure = e.getMinOccurs(); maxOccure = e.getMaxOccurs(); allType = e.getType().getQName().getLocalPart(); name = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraNamespaceURI = e.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); paralocalPart = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraPrefix = e.getQName().getPrefix(); } } System.out.println(" ************************************************"); System.out.println(" Element Name :" + name); System.out.println(" Element Type :" + type + ""); System.out.println(" Element localPart :" + paralocalPart); System.out.println(" Element Prefix :" + paraPrefix); System.out.println(" Element Min Occure :" + minOccure); System.out.println(" Element Max Occure :" + maxOccure); System.out.println(" Element DefaultValue :" + defaultValue); System.out.println(" Element paraNamespaceURI :" + paraNamespaceURI); System.out.println(" Element Other Attributes :" + e.getOtherAttributes()); QName paraQName = new QName(paraNamespaceURI, paralocalPart, paraPrefix); SoapParameterBean param = new SoapParameterBean( name, allType, minOccure, maxOccure, paraQName, defaultValue); parameters.add(param); } } if (elementChoice instanceof Choice) { final List<Element> elementChoiceList = elementChoice.getElements(); System.out.println("*********** " + "Element Choice ************** "); System.out.println("Amount of Element :" + elementChoiceList.size()); Iterator<Element> iTElemnt = elementChoiceList.iterator(); while (iTElemnt.hasNext()) { Element e = iTElemnt.next(); int minOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MIN_OCCURE; String defaultValue = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_VALUE; String maxOccure = SoapConstants.PARA_DEFAULT_MAX_OCCURE; String choiceType = ""; String name = ""; String paraNamespaceURI = ""; String paralocalPart = ""; String paraPrefix = ""; Type eType = e.getType(); if (e.getType() != null && e.getQName() != null) { if (eType instanceof SimpleType) { System.out.println("**************************" + "SimpleType ************** "); minOccure = e.getMinOccurs(); maxOccure = e.getMaxOccurs(); choiceType = e.getType().getQName().getLocalPart(); name = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraNamespaceURI = e.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); paralocalPart = e.getQName().getLocalPart(); paraPrefix = e.getQName().getPrefix(); } } System.out.println(" ************************************************"); System.out.println(" Element Name :" + name); System.out.println(" Element Type :" + type + ""); System.out.println(" Element localPart :" + paralocalPart); System.out.println(" Element Prefix :" + paraPrefix); System.out.println(" Element Min Occure :" + minOccure); System.out.println(" Element Max Occure :" + maxOccure); System.out.println(" Element DefaultValue :" + defaultValue); System.out.println(" Element paraNamespaceURI :" + paraNamespaceURI); System.out.println(" Element Other Attributes :" + e.getOtherAttributes()); QName paraQName = new QName(paraNamespaceURI, paralocalPart, paraPrefix); SoapParameterBean param = new SoapParameterBean( name, choiceType, minOccure, maxOccure, paraQName, defaultValue); parameters.add(param); } } } else if (paramType instanceof SimpleType) { final SimpleType simpleType = (SimpleType) paramType; final Restriction res = simpleType.getRestriction(); System.out.println("***********: " + "Simple Type ************** "); System.out.println("SimpleType Element :" + simpleType); System.out.println("Restriction Element :" + res.getBase()); System.out.println("Restriction Element :" + res.getEnumerations()); } } // end loop Messages } // end loop parts }