Esempio n. 1
   * Checking that the interfaces are all configured, interfaces with no network are allowed only if
   * network linking is supported.
   * @return true if all VM network interfaces are attached to existing cluster networks, or to no
   *     network (when network linking is supported).
  protected ValidationResult validateInterfacesConfigured(VM vm) {
    for (VmNetworkInterface nic : vm.getInterfaces()) {
      if (nic.getVnicProfileId() == null) {
        return FeatureSupported.networkLinking(vm.getVdsGroupCompatibilityVersion())
            ? ValidationResult.VALID
            : new ValidationResult(

    return ValidationResult.VALID;
Esempio n. 2
   * @param clusterNetworksNames cluster logical networks names
   * @param interfaceNetworkNames VM interface network names
   * @return true if all VM network interfaces are attached to existing cluster networks
  protected ValidationResult validateInterfacesAttachedToClusterNetworks(
      VM vm, final Set<String> clusterNetworkNames, final Set<String> interfaceNetworkNames) {

    Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(interfaceNetworkNames);
    if (FeatureSupported.networkLinking(vm.getVdsGroupCompatibilityVersion())) {

    // If after removing the cluster network names we still have objects, then we have interface on
    // networks that
    // aren't attached to the cluster
    return result.isEmpty()
        ? ValidationResult.VALID
        : new ValidationResult(
            String.format("$networks %1$s", StringUtils.join(result, ",")));