Esempio n. 1
  private void setTileClipping(
      QueryParameters queryParameters, long mCurrentRow, long mCurrentCol) {
    long numRows = queryParameters.toBlockY - queryParameters.fromBlockY;
    long numCols = queryParameters.toBlockX - queryParameters.fromBlockX;

    // log.debug(numCols + "/" + numRows + " " + mCurrentCol + " " + mCurrentRow);
    xmin = -16;
    ymin = -16;
    xmax = Tile.SIZE + 16;
    ymax = Tile.SIZE + 16;

    if (numRows > 0) {
      int w = (int) (Tile.SIZE / (numCols + 1));
      int h = (int) (Tile.SIZE / (numRows + 1));

      if (mCurrentCol > 0) xmin = (int) (mCurrentCol * w);

      if (mCurrentCol < numCols) xmax = (int) (mCurrentCol * w + w);

      if (mCurrentRow > 0) ymin = (int) (mCurrentRow * h);

      if (mCurrentRow < numRows) ymax = (int) (mCurrentRow * h + h);
    mTileClipper.setRect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
Esempio n. 2
   * Processes the given number of ways.
   * @param queryParameters the parameters of the current query.
   * @param mapDataSink the callback which handles the extracted ways.
   * @param numberOfWays how many ways should be processed.
   * @return true if the ways could be processed successfully, false otherwise.
  private boolean processWays(
      QueryParameters queryParameters, ITileDataSink mapDataSink, int numberOfWays) {

    Tag[] wayTags = mTileSource.fileInfo.wayTags;
    MapElement e = mElem;

    int numTags = 0;

    int wayDataBlocks;

    // skip string block
    int stringsSize = 0;
    stringOffset = 0;

    if (mTileSource.experimental) {
      stringsSize = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();
      stringOffset = mReadBuffer.getBufferPosition();

    // setTileClipping(queryParameters);

    for (int elementCounter = numberOfWays; elementCounter != 0; --elementCounter) {
      if (mDebugFile) {
        // get and check the way signature
        mSignatureWay = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedString(SIGNATURE_LENGTH_WAY);
        if (!mSignatureWay.startsWith("---WayStart")) {
          log.warn("invalid way signature: " + mSignatureWay);
          log.warn(DEBUG_SIGNATURE_BLOCK + mSignatureBlock);
          return false;

      if (queryParameters.useTileBitmask) {
        elementCounter = mReadBuffer.skipWays(queryParameters.queryTileBitmask, elementCounter);

        if (elementCounter == 0) return true;

        if (elementCounter < 0) return false;

        if (mTileSource.experimental && mReadBuffer.lastTagPosition > 0) {
          int pos = mReadBuffer.getBufferPosition();

          byte numberOfTags = (byte) (mReadBuffer.readByte() & WAY_NUMBER_OF_TAGS_BITMASK);
          if (!mReadBuffer.readTags(e.tags, wayTags, numberOfTags)) return false;

          numTags = numberOfTags;

      } else {
        int wayDataSize = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();
        if (wayDataSize < 0) {
          log.warn("invalid way data size: " + wayDataSize);
          if (mDebugFile) {
            log.warn(DEBUG_SIGNATURE_BLOCK + mSignatureBlock);
          log.error("BUG way 2");
          return false;

        /* ignore the way tile bitmask (2 bytes) */

      /* get the special byte which encodes multiple flags */
      byte specialByte = mReadBuffer.readByte();

      /* bit 1-4 represent the layer */
      byte layer = (byte) ((specialByte & WAY_LAYER_BITMASK) >>> WAY_LAYER_SHIFT);
      /* bit 5-8 represent the number of tag IDs */
      byte numberOfTags = (byte) (specialByte & WAY_NUMBER_OF_TAGS_BITMASK);

      if (numberOfTags != 0) {

        if (!mReadBuffer.readTags(e.tags, wayTags, numberOfTags)) return false;

        numTags = numberOfTags;

      /* get the feature bitmask (1 byte) */
      byte featureByte = mReadBuffer.readByte();

      /* bit 1-6 enable optional features */
      boolean featureWayDoubleDeltaEncoding =
          (featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_DOUBLE_DELTA_ENCODING) != 0;

      boolean hasName = (featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_NAME) != 0;
      boolean hasHouseNr = (featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_HOUSE_NUMBER) != 0;
      boolean hasRef = (featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_REF) != 0;

      e.tags.numTags = numTags;

      if (mTileSource.experimental) {
        if (hasName) {
          int textPos = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedStringAt(stringOffset + textPos);
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_NAME, str, false));
        if (hasHouseNr) {
          int textPos = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedStringAt(stringOffset + textPos);
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_HOUSE_NUMBER, str, false));
        if (hasRef) {
          int textPos = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedStringAt(stringOffset + textPos);
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_REF, str, false));
      } else {
        if (hasName) {
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedString();
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_NAME, str, false));
        if (hasHouseNr) {
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedString();
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_HOUSE_NUMBER, str, false));
        if (hasRef) {
          String str = mReadBuffer.readUTF8EncodedString();
          e.tags.add(new Tag(Tag.KEY_REF, str, false));
      if ((featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_LABEL_POSITION) != 0)
        // labelPosition =

      if ((featureByte & WAY_FEATURE_DATA_BLOCKS_BYTE) != 0) {
        wayDataBlocks = mReadBuffer.readUnsignedInt();

        if (wayDataBlocks < 1) {
          log.warn("invalid number of way data blocks: " + wayDataBlocks);
          return false;
      } else {
        wayDataBlocks = 1;

      /* some guessing if feature is a line or a polygon */
      boolean linearFeature =
              || e.tags.containsKey("boundary")
              || e.tags.containsKey("railway");
      if (linearFeature) {
        Tag areaTag = e.tags.get("area");
        if (areaTag != null && areaTag.value == Tag.VALUE_YES) linearFeature = false;

      for (int wayDataBlock = 0; wayDataBlock < wayDataBlocks; wayDataBlock++) {

        if (!processWayDataBlock(e, featureWayDoubleDeltaEncoding, linearFeature)) return false;

        /* drop invalid outer ring */
        if (e.isPoly() && e.index[0] < 6) {


        if (!e.tags.containsKey("building"))
          if (!mTileClipper.clip(e)) {
        e.simplify(1, true);


    return true;