private void validate(ValueRange valueRangeAnnotation) { if (!valueRangeAnnotation.solutionProperty().equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The planningEntityClass (" + variableDescriptor.getPlanningEntityDescriptor().getPlanningEntityClass() + ") has a PlanningVariable annotated property (" + variableDescriptor.getVariableName() + ") of type (" + valueRangeAnnotation.type() + ") with a non-empty solutionProperty (" + valueRangeAnnotation.solutionProperty() + ")."); } if (valueRangeAnnotation.planningEntityProperty().equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The planningEntityClass (" + variableDescriptor.getPlanningEntityDescriptor().getPlanningEntityClass() + ") has a PlanningVariable annotated property (" + variableDescriptor.getVariableName() + ") of type (" + valueRangeAnnotation.type() + ") with an empty planningEntityProperty (" + valueRangeAnnotation.planningEntityProperty() + ")."); } }
private void processPlanningEntityProperty(ValueRange valueRangeAnnotation) { String planningEntityProperty = valueRangeAnnotation.planningEntityProperty(); PlanningEntityDescriptor planningEntityDescriptor = variableDescriptor.getPlanningEntityDescriptor(); rangePropertyAccessor = new ReflectionPropertyAccessor( planningEntityDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptor(planningEntityProperty)); if (rangePropertyAccessor == null) { String exceptionMessage = "The planningEntityClass (" + planningEntityDescriptor.getPlanningEntityClass() + ") has a PlanningVariable annotated property (" + variableDescriptor.getVariableName() + ") that refers to a planningEntityProperty (" + planningEntityProperty + ") that does not exist."; if (planningEntityProperty.length() >= 2 && Character.isUpperCase(planningEntityProperty.charAt(1))) { String correctedPlanningEntityProperty = planningEntityProperty.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + planningEntityProperty.substring(1); exceptionMessage += " But it probably needs to be correctedPlanningEntityProperty (" + correctedPlanningEntityProperty + ") instead because the JavaBeans spec states" + " the first letter should be a upper case if the second is upper case."; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(exceptionMessage); } if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rangePropertyAccessor.getPropertyType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The planningEntityClass (" + planningEntityDescriptor.getPlanningEntityClass() + ") has a PlanningVariable annotated property (" + variableDescriptor.getVariableName() + ") that refers to a planningEntityProperty (" + planningEntityProperty + ") that does not return a Collection."); } }