public void smokeProductTab() throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath(productTabsMenu)); String productTab = input[11]; if (isElementPresent(xpath(userOriginatorDetails))) { click(xpath(productTab)); } Thread.sleep(3000); }
public void smokeAddProduct() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(35000); resultcount = 0; testCase = "RP Property Hub Add to cart: " + input[0]; String addToCart = input[14]; waitForElementPresent(xpath(addToCart)); try { Assert.assertEquals("Add to cart", getValue(xpath(addToCart))); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Add to cart"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } click(xpath(addToCart)); if (resultcount != 0) { fail(testCase); } else { pass(testCase); } Thread.sleep(6000); }
public void smokeNotAvailableProduct() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(3000); resultcount = 0; testCase = "RP Property Hub Product Not Available: " + input[0]; waitForElementPresent(xpath(input[14])); try { Assert.assertFalse(isElementPresent(xpath(input[14]))); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Purchase button"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } if (resultcount != 0) { fail(testCase); } else { pass(testCase); } }